Sample Test 5
тест по английскому языку (5, 6, 7 класс) на тему

Катуркина Татьяна Владиславовна

тестовые задания


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test Sample 2 (5form)


  1. Write sentences using Past Indefinite and Past Continuous.

1) The boys (ride) a bike at 5 o’clock yesterday.

2) His parents (have) dinner, when Tom (arrive).

3) Mike (phone) me, when I (spoke) to David.

4) While Kate (clean) the carpet, Pete (wash) the window.

5) We (not, write) a dictation at 10 o’clock yesterday.

  1. Open the brackets

1) Nick (used to) live on the farm in summer, but now he doesn’t.

2) The children (not, used to) watch the sunset.

3) He (used to) travel a lot?

4) It often (snow) in February.

5) It (snow) now.

6) It (snow) yesterday.

7) I think it (snow) tomorrow.

  1. Change the meaning of the sentences using “neither…nor”

1) We need both sugar and sweets.

2) I will go to both Canada and Australia.

3) Both Al and Tim are interested in learning new languages.

4) Ann and Tim both are fond of honey.

5) The group has explored both the land and the ocean.

  1. Write the sentences in Passive Voice

1) The table (make) of wood.

2) Those newspapers (not, sell) there.

3) We (invite) to a concert last Sunday.

4) Russian (speak) in Russia.

5) Breakfast (cook) in the morning?

Предварительный просмотр:

Test Sample 1

  1. Open the brackets
  1. I (ride) a bicycle for 3 hours. I (ride) 30 km.
  2. Last week I (not can) do the exercises because I (loose) my book.
  3. When we (come) to the beach, it (rain).
  4. When you (go) skating last week?
  5. I (go) shopping, if I (get) some pocket money.

  1. Open the brackets using active voice or passive voice.
  1. Walt Disney (make) a lot of cartoons.
  2. The cartoons (love) by many people.
  3. Sweets (make) from sugar.

  1. Change the sentences into Indirect Speech.
  1. “Are you drawing a picture, children?” said Mrs.Green.
  2. “Don’t make me angry,” said Mary to us.
  3. Mike asked, “Did you like the channels in Venice?”
  4. He asked, “Do you have any old newspapers at home?”
  5. The teacher said, “Some snakes can be kept as pets.”

  1. Translate the sentences using Complex Object
  1. Я бы хотела, чтобы вы выучили эти слова.
  2. Детям разрешили не кататься на лыжах.
  3. Никто не ожидал, что компания закроется.
  4. Учителя заставляют нас пересказывать тексты.
  5. Мальчика заставили мыть пол.
  6. Я никогда не видел, как Билл катается на лошади.

Предварительный просмотр:

Sample Test 7 form, December (2)

  1. Open the brackets. Use Past Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect.
  1. Don’t come to me after eight o’clock. I ______________ (go) to work by then.
  2. I ______________ (read) a book all evening but I ______________ (not/finish) it yet.
  3. I know why you’re having a stomachach. You ______________ (eat) too much chocolate recently.
  4. He ______________ (sing) since 9 o’clock this afternoon. He just ______________ (stop).
  5. Sandy ______________ (draw) in the garden for three hours. She ______________ (draw) lots of beautiful flowers.
  6. She ______________ (become) furious when she heard that.
  7. He knows a lot about different countries. He ______________ (study) Geography for quite a long time.
  8. When we ______________ (arrive) to the stadium, the game already ______________ (start).
  9. The dinner is delicious. She ______________ (cook) the whole evening.
  10. The torch didn’t work, because its battery  ______________ (die).

  1. Put a, the or — where necessary.
  1. _______ biggest waterfall is in the USA. It is _______ most beautifull attraction in the area. We like going to _______ waterfall.
  2. He was sent to _______ hospital for six months because of _______ broken leg.
  3. What’s _______ time?
  4. John went to _______ cafe for  _______ lunch.
  5. _______ village he lived in, is very far from here.
  6. Come and see me today! I’ve bought _______ new picture. _______ picture is very beautiful.

  1. Phrasal Verb TURN
  1. As it has turned _______, there was no need to hurry.
  2. Looking for the keys Belly turned _______ her pockets.
  3. Mike is turning _______ a good sportsman.
  4. Bob turned _______ and saw Dan coming up to him.
  5. The car turned _______ three times after the crash.
  6. If you turn the box _______, the vase will fall out and break.

  1. Make up ten questions to each sentence.
  1. They have been preparing for the test.
  2. His new car made her jelous.

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