Разработка материала по теме "Past Simple"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс) по теме

Марьина Любовь Николаевна

Данный урок направлен на закрепление знаний по теме «Past Simple». С помощью видеоматериала и заданий к нему у учеников формируются основные навыки - аудирование, письмо, чтение и говорение. Кроме того, данная разработка помогает расширить вокабуляр учащихся. В качестве видеоматериала была использована сказка "Me and My Cat?", которую читает Э. Вуд. Задания доступны для учеников с уровнем знания языка от уровня Pre-Intermediate и выше.

P.S. В предварительном просмотре неверно отображено Приложение 3 ввиду присутствия в файле картинок.


Microsoft Office document icon me_and_my_cat.doc596.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

СПб ГБПОУ «Колледж кулинарного мастерства»

Утверждено на методической комиссии

«________» _______________ 2016

Разработка материала для урока по теме «Past Simple»

Разработала:                    Марьина Любовь Николаевна, преподаватель иностранного языка




Цель: закрепление материала по теме «Past Simple».

Задачи:  - Активизировать и закрепить имеющиеся знания по теме.  

               - Формирование речевых навыков на иностранном языке.

               - Формирование творческих и логических навыков.

               - Формирование навыков письма.

               - Практика аудирования.

Оснащение: видеоматериал
                     музыкальное сопровождение

                      мультимедийный проектор


                      наглядный и раздаточный материал

Познавательный аспект: Обучающиеся знакомятся с писателями и произведениями стран изучаемого зыка.

Развивающий аспект: Развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи, чтения, аудирования, интеллектуальных качеств, умения выделять главное и второстепенное.

Учебный аспект: Формирование основ разносторонних знаний, умение обобщать изучаемые факты.  

Воспитательный аспект: Повышение интереса к изучению иностранного языка, уважительного отношения друг к другу, работать в команде, аккуратность при выполнении заданий.


В начале урока учащимся сообщается, что на уроке будет закрепление материала по теме «Past Simple» путем просмотра короткого видео. Перед просмотром учащимся предлагается ряд заданий.

Задание 1. Ответить на вопросы:

  1. Have you watched “The Lord of the Rings”?
  2. Do you remember the main character?
  3. Do you remember the name of the actor who acted Frodo?

После вопросов сообщаем, что видео – это сказка, которую будет читать Э. Вуд, сыгравший Фродо во «Властелине колец».  

Задание 2. Учащимся предлагаются девять картинок – скриншотов из видео (см. Приложение 2). Задача – расположить картинки в порядке, в котором они будут появляться в видео, по мнению учащихся.

Задание 3. Преподаватель раздает раздаточный материал (см. Приложение 3). Ученики в парах работают с заданием 1, учитель подходит к каждой из пар и слушает ответы на вопросы, по необходимости помогая и делая пометки.

После диалога в парах учащимся предлагается выполнить задание 2.


Задание 4. Ученики смотрят видео два раза. Первый раз – определяют последовательность картинок-скриншотов, второй раз – проверяют ответы в задании 2 раздаточного материала.

Задание 5. Ученикам задаются вопросы на понимание просмотренного видео:

  1. Who were the main characters?
  2. Who was the old lady in a pointed hat?
  3. What happened to the main characters?
  4. Did mom see something was wrong? What did she do?
  5. What happened in the end of the story?

Задание 6. Ученикам предлагается домашнее задание – задание 4 в раздаточном материале. Необходимо написать сочинение по теме просмотренного видео, используя пройденное время Past Simple. В качестве опоры предлагается текст и слова из текста, которые могут помочь при написании сочинения.

Приложение 1. Текст рассказа

Me and My Cat? read by Elijah Wood

Hello, I'm Elijah Wood. Welcome to the SAG Foundation Storyline. I'll be reading a story today called "Me and My Cat," by Satoshi Kitamura, both illustrated and written by, so let’s get into it.

Late one night an old lady in a pointed hat came in through my bedroom window. She brandished her broom at me and fired out some words. Then she left without saying goodbye. . .

"Nicholas, wake up! You'll be late for school."

It must be mom. It must be morning again.

Mom dragged me to the bathroom and made me wash and dress. Downstairs she interrupted my breakfast. She was furious. She carried me off to catch the school bus. I had gone. . . but I was still here . . .

"How strange," I thought to myself, pulling my whiskers.


I rushed to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Leonardo, my cat, was starring back at me. But it wasn't him inside. It was me, Nicholas! I couldn't believe my eyes. I had turned into a cat!

"Don't panic," I told myself. I sat in the armchair to consider the situation carefully. . .

I fell asleep. When I woke up, I felt a little better. Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing to be a cat. I didn't have to go to school, did I?

I hopped onto the table, and from there to the top of the shelves. What fun! I could never do this before.

I decided to leap toward the cupboard on the other side of the room. Ready, set. . . OOPS! Mom threw me out of the house.

While I was rambling in the garden, Gioconda, the next-door-neighbor cat, came up and licked me all over my face. Yuck!

"Time to go for a walk," I thought.

The brick wall was warm under my paws. As I got close to Miss Thomson's garden, a funny thought occurred to me. Miss Thomson had given me Leonardo when he was a kitten. Leonardo was Heloise's son. Did that mean Heloise was now my mother?

"Miaow, Miam (Hello, Mom)," I called tentatively. She ignored me completely.

Farther along, I came across three mean-looking cats.

"Excuse me. May I go through?" I said.

"No, go away! It's our wall," replied one.

"I think the wall belongs to every-But before I could finish my sentence they were all over me. We punched and kicked and scratched one another until we fell off the wall, entangled.

"Bowwowowowowowowow!" A dog came running toward us, barking furiously. The cats ran away in all directions. It was Bernard, Mr. Stone's dog. He's a sweet dog, my favorite in the neighborhood.

"Thanks, Bernard. You came just in time. . ." But he chased me out of the garden. Of course! He couldn't recognize me.

So this was the world that Leonardo lived in. Life was as tough and complicated as it was for humans.

When I got home, I went into the house. Then I heard a scratching noise coming from the front door. It was "me" back from school, trying to get in through the cat flap. But was he me, "Nicholas"? Or was he poor little Leonardo inside my body?

Once indoors, he continued to behave strangely. He scratched himself earnestly, and when that was done, he challenged his shoes until they surrendered. He licked his sweater clean, then spent a long time sharpening his nails. He found the goldfish particularly fascinating. He tried to sort the washing, and then the yarn. . . but at last he gave up. He found the radiator and the litter box irresistible. But he didn't seem to like me at all.

At last, Mom saw something was wrong with her son. She became so worried that she called the doctor and asked him to come at once.

"Nothing to worry about," said Dr. Wire. "He's just a little overtired. Send him to bed early and he'll be fine in the morning."

Mom was still very upset. She held him tight in her arms all evening. I felt sorry for them both.

I climbed on Leonardo-in-my-shape and stroked his cheek. He purred. Then Mom stroked me gently. I purred.

Later that night, the old lady in the pointed hat came in through my bedroom window.

"Sorry, love. I got the wrong address," she said.

She brandished her broom and blurted out some words. Then she left without saying good night.

"Nicholas, wake up! You'll be late for school," I heard Mom shouting. Everything was back to normal.

At school Mr. McGough sat on the table. He scratched himself, licked his shirt, and fell asleep for the rest of the lesson.

Well, that's the end of our story. It's been very enjoyable to sit here and read to you. If you'd like to rent this book from a library, then go to your local library and get this book and maybe you can read along with me. You can click on me and I'll read you the story and you can read the book with me. It should be quite enjoyable. Thank you very much.

Приложение 2. Worksheet


Me and My Cat?

I. Work in pairs / groups of four. Ask your partner(s) the following questions:

1. Do you like animals?

2. What domestic animals do you know?

3. Do you have any pets? If yes, describe it.

4. What pets would you like to have?

II. Complete the sentences with the verbs provided below.

1. Late one night an old lady in a pointed hat _______ in through my bedroom window.

2. Mom _______ me to the bathroom and _______ me wash and dress.

3. I _______ in the armchair to consider the situation carefully.

4. The brick wall _______ warm under my paws.

5. When I _______ home, I _______ into the house.

6. Then she _______ without saying good night.

7. At school Mr. McGough _______ on the table.

III. Now watch the segment and check your answers.

IV. Now imagine that you became a cat for one day. Write how you spent a day as a cat.

Приложение 3. Текст «Halloween». Ключи

E Halloween is celebrated on October the 31st every year. It originated from a pagan holiday 

Приложение 3. Кадры из видео

1) D:\Users\user\Desktop\план занятий\short stories\Me and My Cat\Still 8.jpg   2) D:\Users\user\Desktop\план занятий\short stories\Me and My Cat\Still 5.jpg                           3) D:\Users\user\Desktop\план занятий\short stories\Me and My Cat\Still 7.jpg    4)    5)D:\Users\user\Desktop\план занятий\short stories\Me and My Cat\Still 9.jpg     6)D:\Users\user\Desktop\план занятий\short stories\Me and My Cat\still 1.jpg

7) D:\Users\user\Desktop\план занятий\short stories\Me and My Cat\Still 3.jpg    8) D:\Users\user\Desktop\план занятий\short stories\Me and My Cat\Still 6.jpg                          9) D:\Users\user\Desktop\план занятий\short stories\Me and My Cat\Still 4.jpg 

Приложение 4. Ответы


Me and My Cat?

I. The order of stills: 6 – 4- 7 – 9 – 2 – 8 – 3 – 1 – 5

II. Complete the sentences with the verbs provided below.

1. Late one night an old lady in a pointed hat CAME in through my bedroom window.

2. Mom DRAGGED me to the bathroom and MADE me wash and dress.

3. I SAT in the armchair to consider the situation carefully.

4. The brick wall WAS warm under my paws.

5. When I GOT home, I CAME into the house.

6. Then she LEFT without saying good night.

7. At school Mr. McGough SAT on the table.

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