Методическая разработка "Sleeping Beauty"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8, 9 класс) на тему

Разработка театральной постановки "Sleeping Beauty" для учащихся 8-9 классов


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Методическая разработка

«Театральная постановка на английском языке

 «Sleeping Beauty»»

ACT 1.


Author: Once upon a time there was a king and queen. They lived in a big castle and had no children. They wanted a child very much. Many years went by. And one day, a baby girl arrived.

King and queen with a newborn child on her hands. The train is around the royalty. A cheering crowd is behind.

King: This is the happiest day of my life! We will have a big christening and we will invite all the fairies! The servant!

Servant: Yes, Your Majesty!  

 King: Invite Yellow Fairy, Red Fairy and Little White Fairy.

He gives the invitations to the servant.

Servant: Yes, Your Majesty!

The servant gives invitations for every fairy personally.

It is for you, Yellow Fairy. Welcome to the royal christening party!

Yellow Fairy: Thank you very much! (She disappears).

Servant: It is for you, Red Fairy. Welcome to the royal christening party!

Red Fairy: Thank you very much! (She disappears).

Servant: It is for you, Little White Fairy. Welcome to the royal christening party!

Little White Fairy: Thank you very much! (She disappears).

Only the Black Fairy, old Carabosse stayed, but servant does not have invitation for her.

Servant: Oh! I am very sorry! But I have no invitation for you, Lady Carabosse.

Carabosse: But why didn't the king and the queen invite me to the party?

Servant: I don't know, your Highness. Maybe they forgot to write an invitation only.

Carabosse: Forgot?! About me?! I am very angry! (She dissapears).

Author: So, all Fairies received special invitations. But not bad old Black Fairy Carabosse (the author tears a black card).Of course, Carabosse decided to check whether the royal family had forgotten to write the invitation only or had not wanted to invite her at all.


The royal table is set. Everybody has gold cups and gold plates. The king and queen are at the table. The cradle is near.

 Queen: Dear Yellow Fairy! Come and sit with us! There is golden cups and golden plate for you to celebrate the christening of our baby.

Yellow Fairy: Thank you very much, Your Majesty!

Queen: Dear Red Fairy! Come and sit with us! There is golden cup and golden plate for you to celebrate the christening of our baby.

Red Fairy: Thank you very much, Your Majesty!

Queen: Dear Little Small Fairy! Come and sit with us! There is golden cup and golden plate for you to celebrate the christening of our baby.

Little Small Fairy: Thank you very much, Your Majesty!

Everybody sat and the merriest party began.

Carabosse (she appears suddenly when everyone is on his seat): But what about me?!  

Queen (to the king): Oh dear! Why didn't we invite her to the christening? (Smiling to Carabosse) I am very sorry. We wanted to invite you. We only forgot to send the invitation for you. Please sit down with us now and have dinner.

The Carabosse is staying, because there is no chair.

King: The servant!

Servant: Yes, Your Majesty!

King: Bring another chair, another gold cup and another gold plate.

Servant: Yes, Your Majesty! (He goes out and returns with the chair and the silver cup and plate. He helps the Carabosse to sit and then put silver things before her.)

Carabosse (angrily to the servant): Why are they not golden?!

Servant: (to Carabosse) Your Highness! (to the king) Your Majesty! I am very sorry! But we have no more golden cup and golden plate.

Carabosse: What?! No gold for me?! I will show you! (She goes out).

Author: The party continued a long, long time. It was the happiest one and to the end of it everybody except Little White Fairy forgot about the old Carabosse.  After the party, the fairies would give their magic presents to the baby princess. But Little White decided to wait. Maybe would Carabasse return and make something nasty? Then to make the evil spell smaller somebody would have to say a good conjuration afterwards.  

Yellow Fairy (touching the cradle with her magic stick): The Princess will be happy and kind and she will have many friends!

Red Fairy (touching the cradle with her magic stick): The Princess will be beautiful and strong!

Carabosse appears suddenly. All are scared. The silence is total.

   Carabosse (touching the cradle with her magic stick): One day, this little princess will prick her finger on a spindle … and she will die!

King (to Carabosse): No! Don't say that!

Queen (to Carabosse): Please! She is our only child!

Everyone asks Carabosse not to do this. Carabosse lauphs loudly and disappears.  

Little White Fairy: Don't be afraid. The Princess will not die. She will only sleep. She will sleep for a hundred years. Then a prince will come and find her, and she will open her eyes again and be happy.

King: No! It is not true. The princess will not prick her finger on a spindle, because there will not be any spindles. The servant!

Servant: Yes, Your Majesty!

King:  All spinning wheels in my kingdom must be burned! Do it as once!

Servant: Yes, Your Majesty!    

Servant (writes quickly an edict; then reads it accompanied with pipe sounds): Servants of the king! Go and find all the spinning wheels in the country. Look in every house. Bring them here and burn!

The servant bows to the king. Everybody goes out.

Author: so the people of the king went to every house of the  country and brought all the spinning wheels to the castle square then they made a big fire and burned them.

 The people bring the spinning wheels and put them in a pile and goes out. The author burns the spinning wheels (A magnesium or candle bonfire). Everybody sets fire to magnesium rods (or candles).


The curtain.

The end of the first act.

ACT 2.


The old tower is in the corner of the castle. There is the only unfound spinning wheel at the upper room of it. The old lady is sitting and spinning.

Author: Time went by. At last, the princess was sixteen years old. She was a beautiful girl - happy, strong, good and kind. Everybody loved her. One day she was alone, so she began to look around the castle. It was a very big castle and the Princess went into many different rooms. She came to an old tower and saw some strange little stairs. There was the last unfound spinning wheel at the upper room of it. And nobody in the whole kingdom knew about it.    

Princess: What is up there? I must know.

She goes upstairs and enters the room.

Princess: Hello. May I come in?

Old Woman: Of course, dear. You are welcome. Please come in and be my guest. I have not seen anybody for many, many years.

Princess: Thank you. What are you doing? What is that strange wheel?

Old Woman: It is a spinning wheel. Would you like to see it? Come closer and look. Here. Sit on my chair.

Princess: Thank you. You are very kind.

The Princess sits down and looks at the spinning wheel. Then she touches the spindle.

Princess: Oh! It pricked me! It pricked my finger!

Old Woman: Oh dear! Are you all right?

The Princess does not answer. She only fells from her chair onto the floor quietly.

Oh dear! Oh dear! What's wrong? I must go and get help.

She runs down the stairs. Outside there are the king, the queen and their trains. They do not know about this trouble.

Old Woman: Your, Majesty! The princess pricked her finger with the needle and I think… I think…I don’t know, why… But I think… She died. 

King: I don’t understand. I said: “Burn all the spinning wheels!”

Old Woman: No one told me. My little room is in an old tower, far away from everybody.

Queen: We must find the little white fairy. She will help us.

The Little White Fairy appears from behind the train.  

Little White Fairy: I am here, your Highness. Let’s look. Maybe I can help.

She runs to the small room at the top of the tower. Everybody is standing and waiting down. The Little White Fairy are watching the sleeping Princess

Little White Fairy: Do not cry and do not be afraid. The Princess is only sleeping. She will sleep quietly for a hundred years.

The Fairy moves her magic stick and everybody in the castle falls asleep.

Little White Fairy: You must all sleep for a hundred years. And no one will be able to see you but only magic rocks instead. Then the Princess will not be alone.

Once more the Fairy moves her magic stick and the people and animals were transformed into magic rocks (sheets or something else cover them). The fairy walks through the sleeping castle and goes out.

        Author: When the Little White Fairy said her spell everyone in the castle fell asleep: the king and the queen, the lords and ladies and all the servants. Even the king's horses and the king's dogs. All of them became a magic rocks. Then the years went by. And tall trees and grass  came up all around the castle, so no one could see it.

The tall trees and thick grass cover the castle (several rows of decorations in the front part of the scene)


The curtain.

The end of the second act.


ACT 3.


Author: A hundred years went by. During this time nobody could   visit and even find this magic place. At that time a young and very handsome prince was lost at that magic forest. He lost his train and wandered desperately among the huge trees and enormous stones for three days. He could not even understand where he was. The place was absolutely new and strange for him. But suddenly he went out the wilderness and saw the strange old castle. He was very hungry and tired and entered it. But it was very strange inside, too. There was nobody there, only strange stones everywhere.  

Prince (walks around the magic stones): Hello! Is anybody here? No one in the whole castle! Even no dogs or cats! What a strange place! Why did I never hear about this? Where am I? I have lost my friends, I have lost my horse with the riffle and food. I am very tired. I must sleep a little.

  The young prince falls asleep. Little White Fairy came to him in his dream. They are speaking in this dream.

Little White Fairy: Hello, dear Prince.

Prince (continues to sleep.): Who are you?

Little White Fairy: Don't be afraid. I am Little White Fairy. That was my work that you lost your train. And that was my work that you are here now. No one could visit and even find this place during a hundred years because of my magic spell. But now time is over and I have something for you. This is a small job. It will not be difficult to do it but it will be very helpful for many kind people. Would you like to help me?

Prince: Of course I would.

Little White Fairy: I knew that, my dear. Then listen! These stones and rocks are not real but magic. A hundred years ago a young very kind and very beautiful princess pricked her finger with the spindle and fell asleep for a hundred years. That was a result of bad old Black Fairy Carabosse's spell. Everybody in the whole kingdom was very sad. And then I made my spell and all alive creatures even dogs and horses fell asleep. I transformed them in magic stones and rocks that nobody and nothing could harm those. But now the time of the bad spell ended. And you can wake up all of them. Look. This is a magic stick. Take it and go into the old tower. Go to the top of it. You will find a beautiful stone there. Touch it with this magic stick and say: "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" And everybody will be transformed from magic stone into real former creature.      

 The Little White Fairy disappears. Soon the prince wakes up.

Prince (stretching): What a strange dream was this night. Not real. (Suddenly he sees a magic stick before him). But what is it? Magic stick?! I can't believe in it! But what if this dream was right? I must check it!

He goes into the old tower and up of it.    

Prince (wondering): This is the same place as I saw in my dream. Let's check the rest of it. (He touches the stone). WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!

The bad spell is broken and this stone disappears. The princess wakes up. The prince and the princess see each other and immediately fall in love.

Princess: Who are you?

Prince: I am a prince of the Kingdom of the Orange Sea. And I came to wake you up after your old, old dream. And I fell in love as soon as I saw you.

Princess: And me too. I feel that I have waited you for all my life. And I have never seen so kind and handsome young men.

Prince: Would you marry me?

Princess: Oh yes!

While they are speaking one by one every stone is transforming back into real people, dogs, horses et cetera.

Princess (looks down): Father! Mother! You are alive!

King: Oh, dear, come to us!

Queen: Oh, my daughter!

The princess and prince run downstairs. The princess hugs with her parents. Everybody hugs each other. All are happy. The prince stands near.  

Princess: Father! Mother! Let me introduce the prince of the Kingdom of the Orange Sea. He broke the spell and woke us up!

Prince: Not me. I only did what Little White Fairy said.

The king and queen bow.      

King: You saved us. How can I thank you? Ask what you want!

Prince: Your Majesty, since then as I saw your daughter I immediately fell in love. I can not live without her.

Princess (comes up and stands near the prince): I love him too. And I can not live without him.

Prince: (bows to the king) Your Majesty! (bows to the queen)  Your Highness! May I and your daughter get married?

King: Do you really love each other?

Princess: Yes, Your Majesty!

Prince: Yes, Your Majesty!

Queen: And can you not live without each other really?

Princess: Yes, Your Highness!

Prince: Yes, Your Highness!

King: Then we agree of course!

Queen: We are very happy! What a wonderful day! Instead one child we have got two!

King: And we bless you!

Little White Fairy (appears suddenly. She stands near the king and queen): And I bless you too.

Train bows. People shout with glee. Everyone is happy.


The curtain.

Author (the music gets lower. The author stands in front the curtain): And so the years went by. The prince and princess had two children: a little girl with gold hair, like her mother, and a little boy with dark hair, like his father.

And they all lived happily ever after.

Music gets louder. The author bows and goes away. One by one everyone bows and goes away. Then all together go ahead, bow and go away once more.

The end of the third act.



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