Интерактивные формы обучения английскому языку
план-конспект по английскому языку на тему

Разработка тренинга для учителей английского языка


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Программа    «Тренер – преподаватель по английскому языку»



на тему

«Interactive forms of teaching»


Мирских Ольга Владимировна                                              ______________              

           ФИО                                                                                     (подпись)


Евдаш Валерия Михайловна                                                                             

зав. отд. англ.яз. РИМС ТюмГУ                                                                                  

Салехард – Тюмень 2015

Training plan

  1. Target teacher group:
  • 4 English teachers of Noviy Port boarding – school;
  • all teachers graduated pedagogical institutes or universities the foreign  

     Languagesۥ faculties;  

  • some of them have Upper-Intermediate level and some Advanced Level;
  • teachers’  work experience on the average is 10 years.
  1. Topic: interactive forms of teaching.
  2. Aims:
  • extend  the participants’ knowledge about modern methods and techniques teaching English;
  • learn the trainees some interactive forms of teaching English for using them in their practice;
  • develop the participants’ language skills;
  1. Learning outcomes:

        By the end of the workshop the trainees will be able to:

  • describe some methods and techniques for teaching English;
  • use the presented interactive  methods and techniques in their teaching practice;
  • reflect on learning from the workshop.

     5.  Materials: sheets of papers size A4, felt-tip pens, dictation text, cards, stickers, the text for reading.

6. Audio-visual aids: a computer presentation.


Trainer procedures

Teacher actions


Interaction form

1. Warming- up  

(8 minutes)

1.Says hello to the participants  

 Gives the sheets of papers.  Offers write the names on the sheets, draw their own eyes.

Offers to hang out their portraits on the wall or blackboard.

(during this activity the trainer manages the time)

1. Move in circle and draw only one detail of the face of each participant. Every participant takes part in drawing in each portrait.  

Comment of their own portraits (what character’s traits they show, what like or don’t like).

Appendix 1

Sheets of papers size A4,  felt-tip pens

Method “The portrait gallery”

Groups work

2. Introduction

(2 minute)

(3 minutes)

1. Gives the group cards with the words. Proposes the participants make up the sentence with these words for identifying the topic of the workshop.

2. Gives each participant the chart “K-W-L” Offers to fill in the chart as they think about what they know and what they want to find out about this topic.

After making up the sentence the group finds out the topic of the training.

Fill in the chart as they think about what they know and what they want to find out about this topic. The participants fill in only the first and the second columns.

Appendix 2

Cards with the words:

of, forms, inter, teaching, active, English

Appendix 3

The chart


Groups work


3. The theoretical


(10 minutes)

4. The practical part

(25 minutes)

Tells about interactive forms of teaching

I. Mastering English through reading. (Jigsaw reading)

(10 min.)

Offers each participant of the group for one passage of the text. Gives them the direction read their passages and retells their parts of the text to recover the logical sequence of all text.

II. Shadow dictation.

(10 minutes)

Pairs trainees.

Dictates the text

 (The description of this technique can use as a text for dictation)

III. Teaching speaking.

(10 minutes)

 Offers to do speaking task. Offers to choose the 'secretary' who marks a tick on a piece of paper representing each sentence.

Manages the time.

Listen, make notes

The participants read their passages and tell one another about the contents of their passage to recover the logical sequence of all text.

One of each pair should sit behind a desk and be ready to write; the other should sit in front, facing you with her back to her partner, and be ready to listen carefully.

The listeners only listen, the writers have to write.

When the dictation has finished the students who have not written should check the text of those who have.

They choose the 'secretary'.

Group has a picture which all its members can see. They have two minutes to say as many sentences as they can that describe it; a 'secretary' marks a tick on a piece of paper representing each sentence. At the end of the two minutes, groups report how many ticks they have. They then repeat the exercise with the second picture, trying to get more ticks than the first time.

Appendix 4

Appendix 5


Appendix 6 Text of dictation

Appendix 7


Group work

Pairs work

Group work

  1. Reflection

(5 minutes)

1. Offers to take the chart “K-W-L” and fill in what trainees learned that didn’t know before. The part “What We Learned”

2. Offers to read their charts.

The participants fill in the ‘L’ part of the chart.

The participants read their charts.

Appendix 3



  1.  Feedback

(2 minutes)

Asks to share the ideas about the training.

Write in stickers their impressions beginning with







Appendix 8

Method “GIPT”







 Total time

(over 60 minutes)


  1. David Horner, Peter Strutt. Words at Works.-Cambridge University Press, 1996.
  2. Hirsch Charles, Supple Deborah. 61 Cooperative Learning Activities in ESL.-Walch Education, 1996.
  3. Mustafina F.Sh. Organization of Interactive Activity on Foreign Language Lesson. Scientific and Methodical Review “English Language in School. Everything is for teacher” № 7 (31) June, 2014.
  4. http://education.cu-portland.edu/blog/tech-ed/5-interactive-teaching-styles-2/
  5. http://moi-universitet.ru/motodika/9417.html
  6. http://www.kakprosto.ru/kak-85573-kak-sozdavat-interaktivnye-uroki#ixzz3qbJLCqLs

Appendix 1

The participants write the names on the sheets, draw their own eyes. Move in circle and draw only one detail of the face of each participant. Every participant takes part in drawing in each portrait. After that they hang out their portraits on the wall or blackboard. The participants comment of their own portraits (what character’s traits they show, what like or don’t like). (During this activity the trainer manages the time).

Appendix 2

Make up the sentence with these words for identifying the topic of the workshop.







Appendix 3

Fill in the chart as you think about what you know “K” and what you want

to find out “W” about the topic chosen by your trainer. At the end of the training

fill in you learned that you didn’t know before “L”.


What We Know


What We Want

To Find Out


What We Learned

Appendix 5

  Each participant of group reads one passage of the text. Then he/she tells one another about the contents of his/her passage to recover the logical sequence of all text.


In Japan, where mobiles have been common among the young for some time and offer various services, sociologists see an alarming trend. The use of mobiles is so huge that there is hardly a child between 6 and 15 who does not have one.

     Such a density of mobile ownership has led to a new type of neurosis, say sociologists. Teens have become fanatical about being "always available" and not wanting to lose touch. "Indeed, many teenagers feel uneasy if they can't be in touch with their peers countless times a day, fearing they are becoming socially isolated", writes sociologist Hisao Ishii the author of The Superficial Social Life of Japan s Mobile Phone Addicts. 15-year-old Miki Naxamura backs it up saying: "I'm completely out of touch with the world without my phone and I go into a total panic!"

If this continues, adds Hisao Ishii, two things will probably happen. One is mobile phone addiction, where a person doesn't have the necessary skills to form relationships without the help of the mobiles. The second: superficial communication may kill real conversation. The act of contacting each other may become all that matters, it may affect the quality of relationships. The very fabric of society may be threatened.

The sociologist Maiko Seki has also suggested that "children read books less and less as they are too busy playing with their technological tools".

As well as this, it may be that academic performance is being affected: according to DaCoMo survey, 68 % of children who said that they owned a mobile phone said they got poor marks at school. In addition to this, a recent UK government report mentioned the increased health risk to children under 16 using mobile handsets. So, children shouldn't have unlimited access to mobile phones and they should be used only in emergencies.

Appendix 6

                                              Shadow dictation

   This is a way of organising your students for an otherwise ordinary dictation so that they help each other and do their own correcting.

Pair your students. One of each pair should sit behind a desk and be ready to write; the other should sit in front, facing you with her back to her partner, and be ready to listen carefully. Thus:

This seating arrangement helps the students to separate the activities; the listeners only listen, the writers have to write. Now read your text (any kind of text is suitable for this exercise). Do not let the 'listeners' have any paper or pens. If any of them object, offer them a swap with a student who would rather listen than write.

Maintain eye contact with the students who are not writing — help as necessary with mime, gesture and whisper. Encourage students to consult/help their partners as necessary. There will often be spontaneous consultation as the writers, who have two tasks to contend with, seek assistance from those who only have to listen. Pause as necessary to facilitate this.

When the dictation has finished the students who have not written should check the text of those who have. Don't give a definitive text as this will reduce the value of the correction work, but be available to answer any queries.

Appendix 7

Appendix 8

Write on stickers the ideas about the training what was G-good    I-interesting               P-prevent      T-take.

Method “GIPT”

G-good                 I-interesting               P-prevent             T-take

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