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Кочетков Виктор Иванович



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Слайд 1

The United States of America The full name - the United States of America Form of government - Federal republic Capital - Washington The area, km - 2 9 372 610 ~ 6 % from the area of all land The population, - the people 302 000 000 ~ 5 % from the population of the Earth Population density, - the people/km2 32 Official languages - English Currency - US dollar

Слайд 2

Geographical position . The USA occupy over 1/3 territories of continent of the North America. On the territory area (9, 4 million км2) are on the fourth place in the world (after the Russian Federation, Canada, China)

Слайд 6

The capital USA- Washington Washington — the capital USA located within separate Federal district of Columbia. In Washington there are central state structures of the USA (the president, the Congress, the Supreme court), headquarters of the international organisations (the World Bank, the International currency fund, the Organization of the American states, the Interamerican Bank of development, etc.). The area: 177 km ² (from them of 18 km ² — the water area area) The population: 591.9 thousand people (2008)

Слайд 7


Слайд 8

S ight of USA - Rocky Cordilleras and Great

Слайд 11

Города америки New York Los Angeles Chicago Houston Philadelphia Phoenix San Antonio Los Angeles San Francisco (California) and Boston (Массачусеттс). ChicagoHouston Philadelphia Phoenix San Antonio San Paolo (Brazil) Rio de Janeiro Buenos Aires Caracas Lima Austin (Texas)