Тесты к УМК Spotlight 2
план-конспект по английскому языку на тему

Тесты предназначены для проведения итогового контроля к модулям к УМК Spotlight 2


Предварительный просмотр:


Name:                                                                    Date:

1.Вставь слова в предложения:

This is my __________________

This is my __________________

This is my ___________________

This is my ___________________

This is my ___________________

This is my ___________________

2. Раскрась картинки:

blue ship

black cat

yellow lamp

red umbrella

green vest

Image result for cat coloring pages Image result for lamp coloring pages Image result for umbrella coloring pages Image result for vest coloring pages Image result for ship coloring pages

3. Подпиши картинки:

Stand up!            Open your books!              Close your books!              Sit down!


______________                    _______________             _________________           __________________

4. * Вставь слова по смыслу в предложения:

1. The sun is …. .

2. The sky is ….  .

3. The grass is … .

4. The flower is …. .

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

TEST “My favourite food”

Name:                                               Date:

  1. Fill in the letters:







  1. Write the plural form:

an apple (7) – seven apples

an orange (10) - ___________________________________

an egg  (5) - ______________________________________

a banana (3) - _____________________________________

a sandwich (8) - ___________________________________

a cake (2) - _______________________________________

  1. Complete the sentences:

I like _____________________________________________________

I don’t  like ________________________________________________

My favourite food is ________________________________________

  1. Complete the sentences:  I am, she is, he is…
  1. How old is Tom? ______________________seven.
  2. How old is Larry? ______________________six.
  3. How old is Lulu? __________________eight.
  4. How old is Maya? ____________________nine.
  5. How old are you? ___________________.

  1. Put the words in the right order:
  1. like / I / too / pizza/ - ____________________________________________________
  2. you/ are/ old/ How/? - _____________________________________________________________
  3. is / chips/ food / My / favourite / - _____________________________________________________________
  4. birthday/ you! / to / Happy / - _____________________________________________________________
  5. cheese / like/ don’t/ I / - _____________________________________________________________


Предварительный просмотр:

TEST “My Home”

Name:                                               Date:

  1. Answer the questions:
  1. What’s this?  It’s a ____________________(aichr)
  2. What’s this?  It’s a ____________________(edb)
  3. What’s this?  It’s a ____________________(dirao)
  4. What’s this?  It’s a ____________________(mlap)
  5. What’s this?  It’s a ____________________(atbh)
  6. What’s this?  It’s a ____________________(bleta)

  1. Where is Chuckles?
  1. Chuckles is in the ____________________ . Image result for kitchen coloring pages
  2. Chuckles is in the ____________________ . Image result for bathroom coloring pages
  3. Chuckles is in the ____________________ . Image result for living room coloring pages
  4. Chuckles is in the ____________________ . Image result for garden coloring pages
  5. Chuckles is in the ____________________ . Image result for bedroom coloring pages

  1. Answer the questions:

1.        Is she in the garden? – No,_______________

2.        Is he in the tree-house? – Yes,____________

3.        Is she in the bathroom? – Yes,____________

4.        Is Mummy in the bedroom? – No,_________

5.        Is Larry in the living-room? – Yes,__________

  1. Read the text and mark the sentences true (+)  or false(-):

This is my bedroom. It is my yellow bed. It is my blue radio. It is my green table. It is my red chair. Look! My cat is on the chair! Its name is Tim. It is brown and white.

  1. The bed is yellow.____
  2. The table is red.______
  3. The chair is white._____
  4. The cat is on the bed._____
  5. The cat id black.________

  1. * Translate the sentences:

1. Это красный дом. ________________________________________________

2. Это желтая кровать. _____________________________________________

3. Это синий стол. ________________________________________________

4. Это зеленое радио. ______________________________________________

5. Мама в саду. _____________________________________________________

6. Папа в спальне.__________________________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:


Name:                                                  Date:

  1. Вставь пропущенные гласные буквы:

c_t,  d_g, _gg,

b_d, _nt, _nk,

_range, b_x, w_ndow,

fl_g, h_rse, p_n, z_p

  1. Вставь нужные буквосочетания: sh, ch, th, ph

_ _eep

fi_ _

dol_ _in

_ _ick

_ _eese

_ _oto

_ _ip

_ _umb

  1. Напиши слово заглавными буквами:






     4.* Поставь буквы в  слове в правильном порядке:

Rbaitb____________, sknae_______________,

Etre______________, ngarkaoo_________________,

Queen_____________, lassg_____________________.

Предварительный просмотр:

Exit test. 2nd  form. Spotlight 2.

1) Divide the words into 4 columns:

make, Kim, sit, cake, sad, cat, name, like, sing, Jane, kitten, fine





2) Put the words in the right order to make sentences:

1. My, Mike, name, is, …………………………………………………………

2. bedroom This, is, my,………………………………………………………

3. brown, The cat, is, - …………………………………………………………

4. I, apples, like, and, oranges- ………………………………………………..

5. Do, burgers?, you, like, - …………………………………………………….

6. chips, My, favourite, food, is, ……………………………………………...

3) Circle the odd one out:

1. a chair, a bed, a lamp, a dog, a table

2. mummy, daddy, brother, grandpa, house

3. brown, a jug, yellow, orange, blue

4. burgers, juice, pizza, chips

4)Guess the words and write them :

1) mumym___________

2) ndpgraa___________

3) steris_____________

4) adddy____________

5) gadern___________

6)livng romo________

5) Colour the pictures:

а brown dog

а yellow vest

а blue yacht

а red jug

а green umbrella


* 6) Answer the questions:

1. What is your name? - _______________________________________________________________.

2. Do you like ice-cream? - _____________________________________________________________.

3. What’s your favourite food?__________________________________________________________.

4. How are you today?________________________________________________________________.

5. What’s this? http://www.supercoloring.com/sites/default/files/styles/coloring_medium/public/cif/2009/09/Kitchen-coloring-page.jpg________________________________________________________________________________.

6. How old are you?


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