План урока для 5 класса по теме "Taj Mahal"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Осьмушникова Дина Александровна

План-конспект урока составлен по методике TKT для 5 класса. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Lesson plan headings

Level and number of learners:

5th form, 10 students

Timetable fit:

On the previous lessons students read a webpage about a typical English house and a dialogue about moving in a new house.

Main aim(s):

By the end of the lesson students will be able to choose the gist of the text and the main details.

Subsidiary aims:

- to learn English words for different materials;

- to check their suppositions while listening to the text;

- to make a plan of the text.

Personal aims:

To learn more historical facts about the Eight Wonders of the Modern World.


To know some of the Eight Wonders of the Modern World.

Anticipated language problems:

Many unknown words in the text.

Possible solutions:

Students may learn the words on the previous lessons.

Teaching aids, material, equipment:

CB, slides with photos of the Eight Wonders of the Modern World, a computer, a projector, audio files, tongue twisters on the board.



Interaction patterns:

Individual, pair, group work, as a whole class, teacher-student, teacher-whole class.


ex.4 p.53(CB) – a project (Draw or paint a picture of a famous building in your own country. Use the Internet to find the information. Present it to the class.)



Subsidiary aims

Aids and materials

Interaction patterns


3 min

Ask students to look at the screen and read a tongue-twister to them. (Robert ran rings around the Roman Ruins).

Translate and drill it together

To get students talking with the teacher and with each other

A tongue-twister on the screen

Teacher-whole class



3 min

Show photos of the Eight Wonders of the Modern World and ask students if they know any of these historical objects.

Try to predict the content of the text from the title.

To broaden students' range of interests;

To develop students' imagination.

Photos of the Eight Wonders of the Modern World;

a picture in CB p.53

Teacher-whole class


Vocabulary (pre-teaching)

5 min

To pre-teach students to read and translate the unknown words from the text (marble, precious stones, dome, wall, to shine, pearl, pool, brick).

To enlarge students' vocabulary;

to train tongues

a list of words on the screen;

ex.1(a)p.53 CB

the recording

Teacher-whole class


Reading and listening

5 min

To listen to and read the text for gist and answer the question (What is the Taj Mahal made of?).

To develop listening skills and attention.

ex.1(b)p.53 CB

Individual work

Reading for details

7 min

Read the text once again to be able to do the exercises.

ex.2p.53 CB;

questions to the text on the screen

Individual then pair work

After reading activities

5 min

Make notes under the concrete headings (name, place, colour/materials, inside, outside)

To develop the skill to work with the text and choose the necessary information.

ex.3p.53 CB

Individual then pair work


7 min

Describe the Taj Mahal to your partner.

ex.3 p.53 CB

Pair work


5 min

To summarize the information and give and explain home task.

To teach students draw conclusions and grade their work.

ex. 4p.53 CB-a project (Use the Internet to find the information about a famous building in your own country. Present it to the class.)

Teacher-whole class


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