Presentation "Francis Drake"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6, 7, 8 класс) на тему

Мыльникова Дарья Васильевна

Презентация для учащихся 6-8 класса средней общеебразовательной школы


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

FRANCIS DRAKE 1540-1596 The pirate of her magesty

Слайд 2

English navigator, probably the first European to sight the west coast of Canada. Being a teenager he left his family and go to a traiding ship as a sailor. Then he managed to study ship navigation and become a captain by the age of 21 . But he wasn’t satisfied with trading, he dreamed about great success and fortune. So in 1566—1567 Drake began selling slaves, but gave it up and took up robbery of Spanish ships.

Слайд 3

Route map of the voyage by F. Drake in 1577-1580

Слайд 4

Elizabeth I dedicates Francis Drake knighted

Слайд 5

Pirates loot wealth has expanded the Royal Treasury Having rest on the shore Pirates are attacking Spanish fort

Слайд 6

Sir Francis Drake's West Indian Voyage Map, C.1589.

Слайд 7

The Drake passage is a Strait connecting the Atlantic and Pacific ocean, bounded on the North island of Tierra del Fuego and the South Shetland Islands (Antarctica). Is the widest Strait on Earth - 820 kilometers at the narrowest part...

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