Презентация. Food Idioms
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Вострикова Татьяна Алексеевна

Презентация + quiz по теме "Food Idioms"


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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

to eat one’s words to publicly admit that something you said was wrong . I told my boss that I would soon quit my job but later I had to eat my words and tell him that I wanted to stay.

Слайд 3

briefly, in a few words We went to the meeting and they told us in a nutshell about the plans for our company.

Слайд 4

to salt away to save or gather money or some other item I am salting away much money from my new job.

Слайд 5

to spill the beans to reveal the truth or a secret On Monday, I'm going to spill the beans about my travel plans.

Слайд 6

to chew the fat to chat with someone We stayed up late last night chewing the fat about our university days.

Слайд 7

to use one’s noodle to use one’s brain You're going to have to really use your noodle on this crossword puzzle. It's an extra difficult one.

Слайд 8

a very intelligent person Your daughter is one smart cookie . She reads much higher than her grade level. one smart cookie

Слайд 9

milk someone for something to pressure someone into giving information or money The man was trying to milk the elderly lady for much of her money.

Слайд 10

to wine and dine to treat someone to an expensive meal, to entertain someone in a lavish manner My uncle often has to wine and dine his important business clients .

Слайд 11

to eat one's heart out to be envious of someone or something I ate my heart out when I saw my friend's new bicycle.

Слайд 12

To cut the mustard to succeed, to do adequately what needs to be done Example: The young man was not able to cut the mustard and he had to leave the army after only a year.

Слайд 13

To hit the sauce to drink alcohol regularly Example: I think that my neighbor began to hit the sauce after her husband lost his job.

Слайд 14

To be souped up to be made more powerful or stylish Example: The car was souped up with shiny rims and a loud stereo.

Слайд 15

Pie in the sky an idea or plan that you think will never happen Example: My cousin’s plans are usually pie in the sky and will never happen.

Слайд 16

To have a bun in the oven to be pregnant Example: I don’t think Jan will come to the bar because she has a bun in the oven.

Слайд 17

To egg someone on to urge someone to do something Example: The two boys kept throwing stones because the other children were egging them on.

Слайд 18

To be full of beans to have a lot of energy and enthusiasm Example: I’ve never met anyone so full of beans before breakfast.

Слайд 19

Peach fuzz a small amount of hair growth Example: Mike wants to learn how to shave because he grew some peach fuzz on his chin.

Слайд 20

To eat crow to admit that one is mistaken or defeated, to take back a mistaken statement Example: I was forced to eat crow and apologize for the things that I said about my coworker.

Слайд 21

To cook someone’s goose to damage or ruin something Example: I think that I cooked my goose when I made a mistake at work today.

Слайд 22


Слайд 23

Please do not (tell anyone) about my plans to get married next year. hit the sauce get egg on your face spill the beans eat humble pie

Слайд 24

I stopped to (chat) with an old friend on my way to work this morning. chew the fat eat my words cut the mustard cry over spilt milk

Слайд 25

Our boss told everyone that they could have a holiday next week but he later had to (retract what he had said) and cancel it. make his mouth water eat his words polish the apple take it with a grain of salt

Слайд 26

I explained (briefly) what my friend needed to know but he still was not satisified. in a nutshell out of the frying pan and into the fire in the soup as cool as a cucumber

Слайд 27

I worked all summer and was able to (save) a lot of money to go back to school. butter up egg on take with a grain of salt salt away

Слайд 28

Quiz The kids were … … … (very energetic) after the circus .

Слайд 29

Quiz Except for a bit of … … the baby came out bald .

Слайд 30

Quiz We had to … our friends on before they would come swimming with us.

Слайд 31

Quiz I just found out Anne has a … … … … . I wonder if it’s a boy or a girl.

Слайд 32

Quiz Our neighbor has a lot of stress and recently she has begun to … … … .

Слайд 33

Quiz My friend was told he was not able to … … … and could not join the football team again this year.

Слайд 34

Links http://www.idiomconnection.com/food.html#A12 http://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/idioms-food.htm#quiz http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com

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