Why do we learn English?
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс) на тему


Данный материал представляет собой лексические упражнения, направленные на изучение и закрепление лексики по теме "Изучение английского языка". Может быть использован для подготовки к ОГЭ иЕГЭ.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Why Do We Learn English?

1) Match the two columns.

  1. it is easy
  2. it is difficult
  3. it is a long process
  4. it is important
  5. it is absolutely necessary
  6. for various reasons
  7. for different purposes
  8. for their work
  9. to get further education abroad
  10. for traveling
  11. the most widespread language in the world
  12. it is the best way
  13. the language of international policy, science, business and cultural relations
  14. nowadays
  15. to shut oneself off from other people
  1. наилучший способ
  2. с разной целью
  3. это абсолютно необходимо
  4. это трудно
  5. в наши дни
  6. для путешествия
  7. это долгий процесс
  8. по разным причинам
  9. это легко
  10. это важно
  11. изолировать себя от других людей
  12. получить дальнейшее образование за границей
  13. самый распространенный язык в мире
  14. язык политики, науки, бизнеса и культурных отношений

2) Match the two columns.

  1. native language / first language
  2. a native speaker of English
  3. a tutor
  4. idiomatic expression
  5. to speak English fluently / correctly / properly
  6. colloquial expression
  7. to become accustomed to speaking foreign language
  8. to set a practice routine
  9. to explain the meaning of the word
  10. to make a break in the routine
  1. разговорный язык
  2. составить график занятий
  3. носитель английского языка
  4. объяснить значение слова
  5. привыкнуть говорить на иностранном языке
  6. сделать перерыв в графике занятий
  7. идиоматическое выражение
  8. родной язык
  9. частный учитель, репетитор
  10. говорить по-английски бегло / правильно / должным образом

3) Match the two columns.

  1. advanced level
  2. to learn by heart
  3. to be well-known
  4. self-confident
  5. to make it a rule (to do smth)
  6. to inspire
  7. it’s worth the time / effort
  8. to do one’s best
  1. вдохновлять
  2. как известно
  3. уверенный в себе
  4. стараться изо всех сил
  5. продвинутый
  6. учить наизусть
  7. взять себе за правило
  8. это стоит затраченного времени / труда

4) Complete the sentences using the words and word combinations from the box. Put the verbs in the correct form.

properly; to be easy; a native speaker (2); fluently; to be worth; native speakers; to make a break; a tutor; to explain the meaning; to set a practice routine

  1. It ______ to start speaking English when you live in one of English speaking countries. 2) The answer to my question marked the young man as ______, he spoke English ______ and ______. 3) She was going to reply, but unfortunately didn’t know how to ______ of this word. 4) Nowadays, English ______ your time and effort. 5) To learn English properly she ______ and tried not to ______ in it. 6) As a ______ of English she prefers to practice the language with ______ via the Internet.

5) Complete the sentences using the words and word combinations from the box. Put the verbs in the correct form.

to become accustomed; to consider; a tutor; fluently; nowadays; colloquial language; to explain

  1. Higher education ______ is extremely indispensable. 2) I ______ strict following the practice routine to be very important if you want to succeed in English. 3) He didn’t understand our guests from Great Britain and asked me to  ______ the meanings of some words. 4) To pass successfully the entrance exam in Academy he needs ______ of English and History. 5) He speaks English very ______, I don’t always understand him. 6) He moved to the USA in 1990 and easily ______ to understanding American English. 7) It’s hard to understand Australian ______ without practice.

6)  Speak about your experience in studying English. The questions below will help you.

1. Do you like to study English?

2. Do you study English at school only?

3. Do you read books and newspapers in English?

4. What are your usual class activities during English lessons?

5. Do you participate in out-of-class activities in English?

6. Would you like to study any other foreign language?

7. Will your future career require the knowledge of English? Why?

7) Prepare a report, follow the plan below.

1) Are you interested in studying foreign languages? Why do you choose English? Do you learn English at school only? Do you attend any English speaking clubs or English courses? Do you like it there?

2) Describe your usual English lesson activities. Do you read books, newspapers or magazines in English? Do you watch films in the original? Do you understand English songs? Do you have any out-of-class activities? Do you like participating in them? Why?

3) Do you intend to study English when you finish school? What kind of career do you choose? Does your career require knowledge of English? Why? What are you going to do to master English?

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