Тестовые задания к тексту № 7 The pig
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Талантова Елена Алексеевна

Материал содержит тестовые задания к тексту № 7, которые можно использовать на уроке частично или полностью, в качестве домашнего задания или в разделе "Внеклассное чтение".


Файл testovoe_zadanie_k_tekstu_no7.docx16 КБ
Файл testovoe_zadanie_k_tekstu_no7.docx16 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Turn direct speech into indirect (reported) speech:
  1. “He is a very fine pig”, said I.
  2. “You called him disgusting last night”, said Rufe.
  3. “I will not take $250 for this animal”, said he.
  4. “I will not sell this pig”, said he.
  5. “I’ve got him”, said I.
  6. “Is there anything wrong with the world famous Beppo?” asked the manager.
  7. “Do you remember”, I asked the advertising man, “what the man like who put in this advertisement?”
  8. “I am going to send him to my old mamma”, he said.
  9. “Make it $800,” said Rufe.
  10. “Are you a manager?” I asked.
  11. “He was very tall and had red hair,” he answered.
  12. “Madam! Please, keep your baby quiet,” said I.
  13. “Don’t be angry with me, Jeff!” said Rufe.
  14. “Good morning, all!” said I.
  15. I asked: “Give me, please, the five thousand dollars in large bills.”
  1. Translate into English:

Деловой партнер; не слишком умный;  покорный помощник; отдаленная деревня; покорный слуга; долгий поиск; рыжие волосы; помощник; цирк; невинная игра в карты; обманывать толпу; быть дома; успокойте своего ребенка; не сердись на меня; противный (отвратительный); местная газета; знаменитый обученный поросенок; я вырос на ферме; я вынул кошелек; это обман (подделка); помещать объявление; обыграл меня; он оказался лучшим артистом; попрощался; случайные прохожие; напрасно; успокойте ребенка; честные люди; в изумлении; отбрасывать; мчаться; человек, принимающий объявления;

  1. Fill in prepositions:
  1. We arrived …… a little town.
  2. A circus had come ……. that town ……. our arrival.
  3. I began a game ……. cards ……. the entrance ……. the circus tent and some people crowded ……. me.
  4. Rufe did not come, and I waited ……. him …. vain.
  5. I was very angry ……. my partner.
  6. I went ……. Rufe’s room and found Rufe pouring some milk ……. a plate ……. the floor ……. a small white pig.
  7. “Pig stealing is a habit ……. me”, said Rufe.
  8. “I was brought up ……. a farm and I am very fond ……. pigs”, said Jeff.
  1. Continue the sentences not watching the text:
  1. After a long search I found a partner in …….. .
  2. We arrived at ……. .
  3. I set up my little table at the entrance and began ……. .
  4. Rufe had to come and help me ……. .
  5. When I came home, I went straight to bed for ……. .
  6.  Rufe was chiefly famous for ……. .
  7. He was pouring some milk into a plate on the floor for ……. .
  8. The next morning I got up early and asked the maid in the hotel to ……. .
  9. The first thing I saw in the paper was ……. .
  10. I took out my purse and ……. .
  11. I found a short fat man standing at ……. .
  12. We entered the tent and I saw …….. .
  13. I pulled out the newspaper and showed ……. .
  14. Do you remember what the man was like who ……. .
  15. Thus Rufe had proved ……. .
  1. Answer the questions and don’t look at the text:
  1. What did Jeff want?
  2. What was his partner to do?
  3. Did he soon find such a fellow?
  4. Where did he find him?
  5. What was his name?
  6. What was Rufe famous for?
  7. What did Rufe look like?
  8. Where did they arrive at?
  9. Where did Jeff set up his table?
  10. What were  Rufe and Jeff to do there?
  11. Why was Jeff angry with Rufe?
  12. Was Rufe in when Jeff came home?
  13. What sound woke Jeff?
  14. What was Rufe doing when Jeff came in?
  15. Had Rufe bought a pig?
  16. What reward was offered in the newspaper?
  17. Did Jeff show the advertisement to Rufe? Why?
  18. For how many dollars did Rufe sell his pig to Jeff?
  19. Was the famous pig Beppo stolen?
  20. Who put in the advertisement?
  21. What did Jeff understand then?
  22. What did Jeff call all this?
  23. On what principles does Wall Street run?
  1. Translate into English:
  1.  Мне нужен был деловой партнер.
  2.  Я нашел такого парня в отдаленной деревне.
  3. Он был знаменит кражей свиней.
  4. Руф должен был придти и помочь мне обманывать толпу.
  5. Я вырос на ферме и очень люблю свиней.
  6. Я вынул кошелек и отсчитал ему 800 долларов.
  7. Я вынул газету и показал объявление.
  8. Вы помните, как выглядел человек, который поместил это объявление?
  9. Итак, Руф обыграл меня в мою собственную игру.
  1. Retell the story:
  1. as Jeff;
  2. as Rufe.

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Turn direct speech into indirect (reported) speech:
  1. “He is a very fine pig”, said I.
  2. “You called him disgusting last night”, said Rufe.
  3. “I will not take $250 for this animal”, said he.
  4. “I will not sell this pig”, said he.
  5. “I’ve got him”, said I.
  6. “Is there anything wrong with the world famous Beppo?” asked the manager.
  7. “Do you remember”, I asked the advertising man, “what the man like who put in this advertisement?”
  8. “I am going to send him to my old mamma”, he said.
  9. “Make it $800,” said Rufe.
  10. “Are you a manager?” I asked.
  11. “He was very tall and had red hair,” he answered.
  12. “Madam! Please, keep your baby quiet,” said I.
  13. “Don’t be angry with me, Jeff!” said Rufe.
  14. “Good morning, all!” said I.
  15. I asked: “Give me, please, the five thousand dollars in large bills.”
  1. Translate into English:

Деловой партнер; не слишком умный;  покорный помощник; отдаленная деревня; покорный слуга; долгий поиск; рыжие волосы; помощник; цирк; невинная игра в карты; обманывать толпу; быть дома; успокойте своего ребенка; не сердись на меня; противный (отвратительный); местная газета; знаменитый обученный поросенок; я вырос на ферме; я вынул кошелек; это обман (подделка); помещать объявление; обыграл меня; он оказался лучшим артистом; попрощался; случайные прохожие; напрасно; успокойте ребенка; честные люди; в изумлении; отбрасывать; мчаться; человек, принимающий объявления;

  1. Fill in prepositions:
  1. We arrived …… a little town.
  2. A circus had come ……. that town ……. our arrival.
  3. I began a game ……. cards ……. the entrance ……. the circus tent and some people crowded ……. me.
  4. Rufe did not come, and I waited ……. him …. vain.
  5. I was very angry ……. my partner.
  6. I went ……. Rufe’s room and found Rufe pouring some milk ……. a plate ……. the floor ……. a small white pig.
  7. “Pig stealing is a habit ……. me”, said Rufe.
  8. “I was brought up ……. a farm and I am very fond ……. pigs”, said Jeff.
  1. Continue the sentences not watching the text:
  1. After a long search I found a partner in …….. .
  2. We arrived at ……. .
  3. I set up my little table at the entrance and began ……. .
  4. Rufe had to come and help me ……. .
  5. When I came home, I went straight to bed for ……. .
  6.  Rufe was chiefly famous for ……. .
  7. He was pouring some milk into a plate on the floor for ……. .
  8. The next morning I got up early and asked the maid in the hotel to ……. .
  9. The first thing I saw in the paper was ……. .
  10. I took out my purse and ……. .
  11. I found a short fat man standing at ……. .
  12. We entered the tent and I saw …….. .
  13. I pulled out the newspaper and showed ……. .
  14. Do you remember what the man was like who ……. .
  15. Thus Rufe had proved ……. .
  1. Answer the questions and don’t look at the text:
  1. What did Jeff want?
  2. What was his partner to do?
  3. Did he soon find such a fellow?
  4. Where did he find him?
  5. What was his name?
  6. What was Rufe famous for?
  7. What did Rufe look like?
  8. Where did they arrive at?
  9. Where did Jeff set up his table?
  10. What were  Rufe and Jeff to do there?
  11. Why was Jeff angry with Rufe?
  12. Was Rufe in when Jeff came home?
  13. What sound woke Jeff?
  14. What was Rufe doing when Jeff came in?
  15. Had Rufe bought a pig?
  16. What reward was offered in the newspaper?
  17. Did Jeff show the advertisement to Rufe? Why?
  18. For how many dollars did Rufe sell his pig to Jeff?
  19. Was the famous pig Beppo stolen?
  20. Who put in the advertisement?
  21. What did Jeff understand then?
  22. What did Jeff call all this?
  23. On what principles does Wall Street run?
  1. Translate into English:
  1.  Мне нужен был деловой партнер.
  2.  Я нашел такого парня в отдаленной деревне.
  3. Он был знаменит кражей свиней.
  4. Руф должен был придти и помочь мне обманывать толпу.
  5. Я вырос на ферме и очень люблю свиней.
  6. Я вынул кошелек и отсчитал ему 800 долларов.
  7. Я вынул газету и показал объявление.
  8. Вы помните, как выглядел человек, который поместил это объявление?
  9. Итак, Руф обыграл меня в мою собственную игру.
  1. Retell the story:
  1. as Jeff;
  2. as Rufe.

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