Технологии подготовки к ГИА (ЕГЭ, ОГЭ) Writing. Informal Letters
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс) на тему

Наталия Родионова

Упражнения, направленные на совершенствование навыков написания письма личного характера.


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Informal letters- LANGUAGE

Linking words

Complete the letter with the words from the list

as      on the other hand      as a result         because        although       what’s more



    30 May 2016

Dear Betty,

I’m glad to get your letter. Sorry, I couldn’t answer at once (1) __________

I was busy with my English project.

In your letter you ask me about my parents and our relations. (2)__________ there are occasional disagreements, mostly we get on quite well.  (3)___________,  we usually discuss different things. (4) ___________ , we like spending  time together. We sometimes have arguments about my clothes (5) __________ I always wear jeans and a T-shirt. (6)______________   , I explain my viewpoint and they try to understand me.

Well, what do you want to do in summer? Are you going to travel? Would you like to go to the seaside?

That’s about all my news. Sorry, I must go to the library.

Write back soon!

Best wishes,










As a result

What’s more


On the other hand

Informal letters-MISTAKES

  1. Can you find mistakes in the letter?

Dear Judith!

Thank you very much for your latter. It was great to listen from your hobbys. You want know what I like doing in my vacant time. Well, I love going out with a friends. I don’t enjoy stay at home. On saturdays, we often go to the city centre and look around the chops. Then we go to the park where there’s really good café. On the evening we sometimes go clubbing.

I’d better stop now as I’m running out of room. Please write back soon.



Dear Judith, (p)

Thank you very much for your letter.(sp) It was great to hear (lex) about (gr) your hobbies.(sp) You want to (gr) know what I like doing in my free (lex) time. Well, I love going out with a (gr) friends. I don’t enjoy staying (gr) at home. On Saturdays, (p) we often go to the city centre and look around the shops.(sp) Then we go to the park where there’s a (gr) really good café. In (gr) the evening we sometimes go clubbing.

I’d better stop now as I’m running out of room. Please write back soon.



Informal letters-WORD ORDER

Put the words in the right order to make sensible sentences.

  1. great/it’s/about/your/letter/to/receive/and/learn/news/your!
  2. extreme/asked/my/about/me/towards/attitude/you/sports
  3. technologies/you/modern/interested/are/in?
  4. who/to/go/did/with/you/Spain?
  5. care/now/bye/and/for/take
  6. festival/people/of/there/a/were/the/lot/at?
  7. of/public/buses/as/town/for/plenty/in/are/my/there/transport


  1. It’s great to receive your letter and learn about your news!
  2. You asked me about my attitude towards extreme sports.
  3. Are you interested in modern technologies?
  4. Who did you go to Spain with?
  5. Bye for now and take care.
  6. Were there a lot of people at the festival?
  7. As for public transport in my town, there are plenty of buses.

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