Teст 6 кл.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

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Unit 6

Variant I

  1. Complete the sentences. Use the modal verbs can, may, must (not) or  should (not), shall.
  1. You are lazy my boy. I think, you … work more.
  2. If you are too tired to go home, you … stay here for the night.
  3. … I read again, Miss?
  4. You … go out. It is raining heavily.
  5. The Harry Potter books are interesting. You … read them.
  1. Complete the sentences.
  1. Your clothes (is/are) always nice. Who buys (it/them) for you?
  2. I like (this/these) green and white socks. May I have (it/them)?
  3. Where (is/are) your pink blouse, Liz? I’m going to wash (it/them) together with my clothes.
  4. My black sweater (is/are) too small for me now. I’m so sorry!
  1. Translate into Russian.
  1. The job was uneasy and we finished it only late in the  evening.
  2. The house was old and unclean. I didn’t like it.
  3. Why are you unhappy today?
  4. The day was unpleasant-wet and cold.
  5. Your animals are usually playful.
  1. Complete the disjunctive questions.
  1. White socks are out of fashion, … ?
  2. Tim is rather brave, …?
  3. I am your friend, …?
  4. We haven’t got any time to go shopping today, …?
  5. Matilda bought nothing in this shop yesterday,…?
  1.  Translate into English
  1. Мне нравится зелёный свитер, потому что он тёплый.
  2. Мистер Питер- полный высокий мужчина с круглым лицом.
  3. Майк- довольно ленивый.


Unit 6

Variant II

  1. Complete the sentences. Use the modal verbs can, may, must (not) or  should (not), shall.
  1. … I use your mobile, please?
  2. Granny is ill, I think you … visit her.
  3. It’s very hot. You …stay in the sun too long.
  4. Bob has a high temperature. He … go to school.
  5. Children… eat more fruit and vegetables.
  1. Complete the sentences.
  1. Alice’s purple shorts (was/were) too good for the beach.
  2. (Is/are) your new jeans dark or light? Mine (is/are) very dark blue.
  3. His warm jacket (was/were) on the hook in the hall. He went there and took (it/them).
  4. My new red pajamas (is/are) very warm and cosy.
  1. Translate into Russian.
  1. If you are unwell, go to see your doctor.
  2. The children were uninterested in their mother’s story.
  3. The meeting was unofficial but a lot of people came to it.
  4. Jane wanted to go to university but was  unsuccessful.
  5. The streets in autumn are really colorful.
  1. Complete the disjunctive questions.
  1. You are not afraid, child, …?
  2. Jim was a good- looking man,…?
  3. They have got a lot of warm clothes, …?
  4. You must wear clean and neat clothes, children,…?
  5. Jane never visits fashion shows,…?
  1. Translate into English
  1. Мне нравится белая блузка, потому что она красивая.
  2. Мистер Джеймс- пожилой мужчина с седыми волосами.
  3. Джейн- довольно эгоистична.