Make vs Do
материал по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Валента Яна Владимировна

Practice using verbs "Mak"e and "Do". Fill in the verbs in the correct form.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Complete the sentences with do or make in the correct form.

I met Mike last year and we quickly __________friends. He is a wonderful person, the one who'd always __________ you a good turn and never ________you any harm.

Some time ago I was looking for a new job.  One of the big companies invited my to the interview.  I was so excited because the position was absolutely fantastic and I could __________ a fortune there.  I decided to come well-prepared, so I __________ an appointment at my hairdresser's.  When I arrived for my appointment it turned out that the receptionist ____________a mistake.  They were expecting me a week later! I couldn't wait for so long – my job interview was in less than three hours. So I ___________ a decision to call Mike and ask him to ___________me a favour. Mike was ready to ____________his best, but there was a small problem: he_____never _________ anyone's hair before.  

I _____________a promise that I wouldn't _________a war  if I didn't like the result. We ________some space in my room and Mike started. He ______________progress very quickly and after about 20 minutes he was done. I looked in the mirror and  almost burst into tears. I realised I ______ a mistake when I'd asked Mike for help.  But my interview was about to start so I ___________certain that I locked the door and ran away.

On my way I saw people ____________fun of my hairstyle.  I was close to committing a suicide.

You won't believe but I did get that job. It turned out that it was a fashion company and everyone thought I was really trendy.

I've been working in this company for about a month now and I absolutely love it.  Oh, and I____________the washing up for Mike since the day of the interview to show my appreciation :)

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