Викторина по английскому языку по теме "Лондон"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Сухарева Наталья Владимировна

Викторина по английскому языку по теме «Лондон»

Цели викторины:

- актуализация и систематизация знаний по теме «Лондон»


- развивать интерес обучающихся к изучению иностранного языка;

- расширять кругозор обучающихся;

-  воспитывать толерантное отношение к культуре, традициям и обычаям стран изучаемого языка;

- развивать умения и навыки работы в команде с целью достижения общего результата;

- развивать коммуникационные навыки обучающихся.

Правила викторины:

Участвует 3 команды, вопросы задаёт ведущий (вопросы на экране), за каждый правильный ответ команда получает 1 балл. Побеждает команда, набравшая максимальное количество баллов. Предусмотрены музыкальные паузы после  конкурсов для того, чтобы у жюри было время для подсчёта количества баллов команд.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Викторина по английскому языку по теме «Лондон»

Цели викторины:

- актуализация и систематизация знаний по теме «Лондон»


- развивать интерес обучающихся к изучению иностранного языка;

- расширять кругозор обучающихся;

-  воспитывать толерантное отношение к культуре, традициям и обычаям стран изучаемого языка;

- развивать умения и навыки работы в команде с целью достижения общего результата;

- развивать коммуникационные навыки обучающихся.

Правила викторины:

Участвует 3 команды, вопросы задаёт ведущий (вопросы на экране), за каждый правильный ответ команда получает 1 балл. Побеждает команда, набравшая максимальное количество баллов. Предусмотрены музыкальные паузы после  конкурсов для того, чтобы у жюри было время для подсчёта количества баллов команд.

Presenter 1:

- Dear participants, welcome to our quiz show. Today, we’re going to check your knowledge about one of the most wonderful cities in the world.

Presenter 2:

-London is one of the world’s most visited cities.

Presenter 1:

-London has something for everyone: from history and culture to fine food and good times.

Presenter 2:

-London is a city of ideas & the imagination.

Watching a short film «Portrait of London»

Presenter 1:

-Now we’re ready to start.

Contest  1

Choose the right answer.

1.What’s London’s most famous department store?

a) Picadilly

b) Harrods

c) The Barbican Centre

2. What street has a long tradition as home of printing?

a) Sloane Street

b) Oxford Street

c) Fleet Street

3. What are the famous guards of The Tower of London called?

a) Beefeaters

b) The Guards

c) Knights

4. What commemorates Napoleon’s defeat at sea in 1805?

a) Oliver’s Column

b) Duke of York’s Column

c) Nelson’s Column

5. What line runs through Greenwich?

a) Nine Elms Lane

b) The Prime Meridian

c) Long Lane

6. Where’s the home of the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer?

a) Downing Street 10 and 11

b) Regent Street 10 and 11

c) Browning Street 10 and 11

7. What made Carnaby Street famous?

a) food

b) flowers

c) fashion

8. What did Madame Tussaud start in 1835?

a) a famous bakery

b) famous waxworks

c) a famous needle-point

9. Who wrote famous books in 48 Doughty Street?

a) R.L. Stine

b) Charles Dickens

c) Agatha Christie

10. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the

a) biggest

b) second biggest

c) third biggest

 dome in the world

Key: 1b, 2c, 3a, 4c, 5b, 6a, 7c, 8b, 9b, 10b

Contest 2 “Which team is the quickest?”

The questions are read by the presenters. An answer must be given by the team that is ready quicker than others.




1.What is the official name of Great Britain?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland

2.Where’s the United Kingdom situated?

On the British Isles

3.What parts does the United Kingdom consist of?

England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

4.What is the capital of Britain?


5.What is the oldest part of London?

The City

6. What is the mostly working-class part of London?

The East End

7.What part of London is the symbol of wealth and culture?

The West End

8.What is the official part of London?


9.What river is the British capital situated on?

On the Thames

10.What is the capital of Scotland?


11.What is the capital of Wales?


12.What is the capital of Northern Ireland?


13.What is the symbol of England?

The red rose

14.What is the symbol of Scotland?

The thistle

15.What is the symbol of Wales?

The daffodil

16.What is the symbol of Northern Ireland?

The red hand and the shamrock

17.What is the national costume of Scotland?

The kilt

18.What is the national instrument of Scots?

The bagpipe

19.When do British people celebrate Christmas?

On the 25th of December

20.What is the traditional Christmas meal in Britain?

Roast Turkey and pudding

Contest 3 “Chosen at random”

Each team chooses the number of a question on the screen and  tries to give the right answer.


















1.Where do the British Isles lie?

To the west of the continent of Europe

2.What is the western coast of the British Isles washed by?

By the Atlantic Ocean & the Irish sea

3.What is the eastern coast of the British Isles washed by?

By the North sea

4.What channel lies between Britain and the continent of  Europe?

The English Channel

5.What are the largest islands of the British Isles?

Great Britain and Ireland

6.What is the highest mountain peak in Wales?


7.What is the highest mountain peak in Britain?

Ben Nevis

8.What is the northern part of Scotland called?

The Highlands

9.What is the southern part of Scotland called?

The Lowlands

10.What is the longest river in Britain?

The Severn

11.What is the most famous forest in England?

Sherwood Forest

12.Why is it never too hot or too cold in Britain?

It is because of the sea

13.What is the best and the driest season in Britain?


14.What is Loch Ness famous for?

For its legend about the monster

15.Why do the British people often talk about the weather?

It’s changeable

Contest  4 “Matching the questions and the answers”.

The teams are given cards with questions and answers. They have to match them.





Where did most of the English Kings and Queens have their coronation ceremonies?

In Westminster Abbey


What is the London home of the Queen?

Buckingham Palace


What is the official name of the parliament building?

Westminster Palace


What was the Tower of  Londson in the past?

It was a fortress, a palace, a prison


What birds live in the Tower of London?



When was St. Paul’s Cathedral built?

In the late 17th and early 18th century


What is Hyde Park famous for?

For its Speaker’s Corner


What is there in the centre of Trafalgar Square?

Nelson’s Column


What is Big Ben?

The bell of the clock on the Houses of Parliament


What is Covent Garden in London?

The name of the Royal Opera house


What is Whitehall famous for?

For its government offices


What park is London Zoo in?

In Regent’s Park


What is Piccadilly Circus famous for?

For its theatres and cinemas


What is Scotland Yard?

The name of the police force in London


Where does the Prime Minister of Great Britain live?

At 10, Downing Street


Where are famous people of Great Britain buried?

In Westminster Abbey

Contest 5  “Guess London sights”

Each team has the cards with the names of London sights. They have to look at a picture on the screen and show the right card.

City Hall

London Eye

Madame Tussauds

The Houses of Parliament

The 02 Arena

The Shard

Victoria Memorial

Westminster Bridge

White Hall

Buckingham Palace

Clock Tower


Nelson’s Column

Picadilly Circus

St Paul’s Cathedral

The Tower of London

Tower Bridge

Westminster Abbey

Summing up the results of the quiz

Award Ceremony

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