Present Simple Август 2017
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему

Данный материал поможет в закрепление темы Настоящее Простое время. Упражнения направлены на тренировку образования утвердительных, впоросительных и отрицательных предложений. Материал может быть интересен как для начинающих (первого курса), так и для продолжающих обучение (второй,третий,четвертый курсы). 


Предварительный просмотр:

Учимся строить утвердительные предложения в Present Simple

Упражнение 1. Замените местоимение I на местоимения he или she по образцу.

Образец: I go to the office every day. — He goes to the office every day.

1. I write many letters every day. 2. I read books from the library. 3. I study grammar rules by heart 4. I usually go to work by bus. 5. I often meet my friends on the way to work. 6. I work in an office. 7. I come home very late. 8. I have dinner (supper) at 9 o’clock. 9. I go to bed at 12 o’clock. 10. I sleep very badly. 11. I often send emails in the evening. 12. I play the guitar every day.

Упражнение 2. Допишите окончания глаголов (-s или -es) там, где это нужно.

1. Не go … to school by bus. 2. She like … milk. 3. My father watch … TV in the evening. 4. I play … tennis on Sundays. 5. My brother play … football quite well. 6. My sister sing … very well. 7. She wash … her face and hands in the morning and in the evening. 8. I usually drink … tea for breakfast. 9. Jane do … her English exercises after school. 10. Peter drive… a car.

Упражнение 3. Выберите из скобок нужную форму глагола.

1. She (swim/swims) very well. 2. Luc (live/lives) in London. 3. Jack (came/comes) from the USA. 4. Betty (dance/dances) a little. 5. He (have/has) three brothers. 6. My granny (speak/speaks) French. 7. My cat (sleep/sleeps) on a mat. 8. I often (see/sees) Jane. 9. Ted (like/likes) music. 10. Chris (cook/cooks) cakes quite well.

 * * *

Учимся строить отрицательные предложения в Present Simple

Упражнение 4. Переделайте данные предложения в отрицательные. Используйте глаголы don’t и doesn’t.

1. Mary takes the dog for a walk in the evenings. 2. Peter buys a morning newspaper every day. 3. I come to every lesson. 4. We go to the seaside every summer. 5. You go shopping on Saturday mornings. 6. Peter plays the piano very well. 7. The sun rises in the west. 8. My big brother knows everything. 9. Dogs like cats. 10. Some children like chocolate. 11. It rains very often in summer.

Упражнение 5. Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными.

  1. Bess helps her mother. 2. My friend plays the piano. 3. We listen to music. 4. You make a lot of mistakes. 5. The farmer works in the field. 6. The small boy rides a bike. 7. He looks at the pictures in the book. 8. The workman paints the house. 9. Richard and Henry swim in the river in summer. 10. John goes to school by tram. 11. She gets up at eight o’clock. 12. He has tea for breakfast. 13. She usually has dinner at two o’clock. 14. Peter lives in London.

Учимся строить вопросительные предложения в Present Simple

Упражнение 6. Заполните пропуски, используя do или does.

1. … you want cream and sugar in your coffee? 2. … the children go to bed very early? 3. … that girl come from South America? 4. … you know that Italian student? 5. … Miss Stewart prefer coffee or tea? 6. … your English lessons seem very difficult? 7. … those two women understand that lesson?

Упражнение 7. Переделайте данные предложения в вопросительные. Задайте общие вопросы, используя глаголы do и does.

1. Mary takes the dog for a walk in the evenings. 2. Peter buys a morning newspaper every day. 3. I come to every lesson. 4. We go to the seaside every summer. 5. You go shopping on Saturday mornings. 6. Peter plays the piano very well. 7. The sun rises in the east. 8. My big brother knows everything. 9. Dogs don’t like cats. 10. All children like chocolate. 11. It rains very often in autumn.

Упражнение 8.Вспомните, как строить краткий ответ в Present Simple. Ответьте на вопросы.

Do you watch TV in the evening? 2. Do you go to bed late? 3. Do you sleep well? 4. Do you have breakfast at home? 5. Does your friend often visit you? 6. Does your friend read books? 7. Does it often rain in winter? 8. Does it often rain in autumn? 9. Does the sun rise in the west? 10. Does the sun rise in the east?

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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