Презентация 8 класс Keep Fit
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Здоровьесбережение, закрепление лексики по теме


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Theme « Keep fit »

Слайд 2

Match the beginnings and the endings of the proverbs. An apple a day / is above wealth Good health / makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Early to bed and early to rise / keeps the doctor away.

Слайд 3

Listen and repeat these words 1. a sore throat 2. a cold 3. a headache 4. stomachache 5.a backache 6. an earache 7. a toothache

Слайд 4

a sore throat

Слайд 5

a cold

Слайд 6

a headache

Слайд 7


Слайд 8

a backache

Слайд 9

an earache

Слайд 10

a toothache

Слайд 11

Match the pictures and the words 1. a sore throat 2. a cold 3. a headache 4. stomachache 5.a backache 6. an earache 7. a toothache a b c d e f g

Слайд 12

Report the sentences into Indirect Speech Ann’s mother told her, “You will stay in bed till tomorrow.” “Your temperature isn’t very high today.” “We shall go to the doctor in three days.” “The doctor prescribed a very good medicine for you. It will definitely help.” “Don’t worry. You will recover soon.”

Слайд 13

Listen and answer : What’ s the matter with Mike, Jane , Max ?

Слайд 14

Listen and r epeat eat-ate- eaten break-broke- broken catch-caught- caught hurt-hurt- hurt cut-cut- cut

Слайд 15

Look and find the 3 rd form verb eat-ate break-broke catch-caught hurt-hurt cut-cut broken eaten cut caught hurt

Слайд 16

Present Perfect Tense Example : Mike (hurt) his leg.-Mike has hurt his leg. 1. Jane … a lot of sweets. (eat) 2. Max … a cold. (catch) 3. Henry … his arm. (break) 4. Mary … her hand. (cut) 5. John … his finger. (hurt)

Слайд 17

Present Perfect Tense Example : Mike (hurt) his leg.-Mike has hurt his leg. 1. Jane has eaten a lot of sweets. 2. Max has caught a cold. 3. Henry has broken his arm. 4. Mary has cut her hand. 5. John has hurt his finger .

Слайд 18

HEALTH Eating low fat food Exercising Dieting Eating whole meal bread Eating high fibro food

Слайд 19

BAD HABITS smoking drinking alcohol eating sweets Physical inactivity environmental influence

Слайд 20

Which is your favorite food ?

Слайд 21

Write the words on list in two columns. Food : apples, cabbage, cake, carrots, cheese, chocolate, cola, crisps, eggs, hamburgers, hot dog, fish, nuts, pizza, popcorn, salad, sweets, yogurt. A. healthy food : B. unhealthy food :

Слайд 22

Food A. healthy food : apples cabbage carrots cheese eggs fish nuts salad yogurt B. unhealthy food : cake chocolate crisps cola hamburgers hot dog pizza popcorn sweets

Слайд 23

How to Keep Fit Take a lot of exercise. Physical activity is good for all of us at any age. Begin your day with morning exercises. They give you enough energy for the day. Be sporty. Join a sports club or go to the gym and work out. Take enough sleep. Most people need eight hours of sleep to feel well. Leave some time for relaxing after a hard working day. Spend some time out of doors every day. Fresh air does us a lot of good. Limit the time you spend in front of your television or computer to an hour — an hour and a half. Keep to a healthy balanced diet. Don't over eat. Don't eat junk food. Some kinds of food are harmful. Don't smoke or drink alcohol. Never use drugs.

Слайд 24

Solve these riddles about vitamins : -When you are ill, you usually drink tea with lemon and it helps you to get much better. -I’m vitamin in a carrot, in butter and other products. -And my place is in rye-bread. It’s very useful food.

Слайд 25

Match 1. Здоровье дороже богатства. 2. Обжорство убивает быстрее, чем меч. 3. Голод - лучшая приправа. 4. Болезнь легче предупредить, чем лечить. A. Hunger is the best sauce. B. Health is better than wealth. C. Gluttory kills more than the sword. D. Prevention is better than cure.

Слайд 26

I wish you to keep fit and healthy ! Thank you for attention.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Theme « Keep fit »

Слайд 2

Match the beginnings and the endings of the proverbs. An apple a day / is above wealth Good health / makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Early to bed and early to rise / keeps the doctor away.

Слайд 3

Listen and repeat these words 1. a sore throat 2. a cold 3. a headache 4. stomachache 5.a backache 6. an earache 7. a toothache

Слайд 4

a sore throat

Слайд 5

a cold

Слайд 6

a headache

Слайд 7


Слайд 8

a backache

Слайд 9

an earache

Слайд 10

a toothache

Слайд 11

Match the pictures and the words 1. a sore throat 2. a cold 3. a headache 4. stomachache 5.a backache 6. an earache 7. a toothache a b c d e f g

Слайд 12

Report the sentences into Indirect Speech Ann’s mother told her, “You will stay in bed till tomorrow.” “Your temperature isn’t very high today.” “We shall go to the doctor in three days.” “The doctor prescribed a very good medicine for you. It will definitely help.” “Don’t worry. You will recover soon.”

Слайд 13

Listen and answer : What’ s the matter with Mike, Jane , Max ?

Слайд 14

Listen and r epeat eat-ate- eaten break-broke- broken catch-caught- caught hurt-hurt- hurt cut-cut- cut

Слайд 15

Look and find the 3 rd form verb eat-ate break-broke catch-caught hurt-hurt cut-cut broken eaten cut caught hurt

Слайд 16

Present Perfect Tense Example : Mike (hurt) his leg.-Mike has hurt his leg. 1. Jane … a lot of sweets. (eat) 2. Max … a cold. (catch) 3. Henry … his arm. (break) 4. Mary … her hand. (cut) 5. John … his finger. (hurt)

Слайд 17

Present Perfect Tense Example : Mike (hurt) his leg.-Mike has hurt his leg. 1. Jane has eaten a lot of sweets. 2. Max has caught a cold. 3. Henry has broken his arm. 4. Mary has cut her hand. 5. John has hurt his finger .

Слайд 18

HEALTH Eating low fat food Exercising Dieting Eating whole meal bread Eating high fibro food

Слайд 19

BAD HABITS smoking drinking alcohol eating sweets Physical inactivity environmental influence

Слайд 20

Which is your favorite food ?

Слайд 21

Write the words on list in two columns. Food : apples, cabbage, cake, carrots, cheese, chocolate, cola, crisps, eggs, hamburgers, hot dog, fish, nuts, pizza, popcorn, salad, sweets, yogurt. A. healthy food : B. unhealthy food :

Слайд 22

Food A. healthy food : apples cabbage carrots cheese eggs fish nuts salad yogurt B. unhealthy food : cake chocolate crisps cola hamburgers hot dog pizza popcorn sweets

Слайд 23

How to Keep Fit Take a lot of exercise. Physical activity is good for all of us at any age. Begin your day with morning exercises. They give you enough energy for the day. Be sporty. Join a sports club or go to the gym and work out. Take enough sleep. Most people need eight hours of sleep to feel well. Leave some time for relaxing after a hard working day. Spend some time out of doors every day. Fresh air does us a lot of good. Limit the time you spend in front of your television or computer to an hour — an hour and a half. Keep to a healthy balanced diet. Don't over eat. Don't eat junk food. Some kinds of food are harmful. Don't smoke or drink alcohol. Never use drugs.

Слайд 24

Solve these riddles about vitamins : -When you are ill, you usually drink tea with lemon and it helps you to get much better. -I’m vitamin in a carrot, in butter and other products. -And my place is in rye-bread. It’s very useful food.

Слайд 25

Match 1. Здоровье дороже богатства. 2. Обжорство убивает быстрее, чем меч. 3. Голод - лучшая приправа. 4. Болезнь легче предупредить, чем лечить. A. Hunger is the best sauce. B. Health is better than wealth. C. Gluttory kills more than the sword. D. Prevention is better than cure.

Слайд 26

I wish you to keep fit and healthy ! Thank you for attention.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Theme « Keep fit »

Слайд 2

Match the beginnings and the endings of the proverbs. An apple a day / is above wealth Good health / makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Early to bed and early to rise / keeps the doctor away.

Слайд 3

Listen and repeat these words 1. a sore throat 2. a cold 3. a headache 4. stomachache 5.a backache 6. an earache 7. a toothache

Слайд 4

a sore throat

Слайд 5

a cold

Слайд 6

a headache

Слайд 7


Слайд 8

a backache

Слайд 9

an earache

Слайд 10

a toothache

Слайд 11

Match the pictures and the words 1. a sore throat 2. a cold 3. a headache 4. stomachache 5.a backache 6. an earache 7. a toothache a b c d e f g

Слайд 12

Report the sentences into Indirect Speech Ann’s mother told her, “You will stay in bed till tomorrow.” “Your temperature isn’t very high today.” “We shall go to the doctor in three days.” “The doctor prescribed a very good medicine for you. It will definitely help.” “Don’t worry. You will recover soon.”

Слайд 13

Listen and answer : What’ s the matter with Mike, Jane , Max ?

Слайд 14

Listen and r epeat eat-ate- eaten break-broke- broken catch-caught- caught hurt-hurt- hurt cut-cut- cut

Слайд 15

Look and find the 3 rd form verb eat-ate break-broke catch-caught hurt-hurt cut-cut broken eaten cut caught hurt

Слайд 16

Present Perfect Tense Example : Mike (hurt) his leg.-Mike has hurt his leg. 1. Jane … a lot of sweets. (eat) 2. Max … a cold. (catch) 3. Henry … his arm. (break) 4. Mary … her hand. (cut) 5. John … his finger. (hurt)

Слайд 17

Present Perfect Tense Example : Mike (hurt) his leg.-Mike has hurt his leg. 1. Jane has eaten a lot of sweets. 2. Max has caught a cold. 3. Henry has broken his arm. 4. Mary has cut her hand. 5. John has hurt his finger .

Слайд 18

HEALTH Eating low fat food Exercising Dieting Eating whole meal bread Eating high fibro food

Слайд 19

BAD HABITS smoking drinking alcohol eating sweets Physical inactivity environmental influence

Слайд 20

Which is your favorite food ?

Слайд 21

Write the words on list in two columns. Food : apples, cabbage, cake, carrots, cheese, chocolate, cola, crisps, eggs, hamburgers, hot dog, fish, nuts, pizza, popcorn, salad, sweets, yogurt. A. healthy food : B. unhealthy food :

Слайд 22

Food A. healthy food : apples cabbage carrots cheese eggs fish nuts salad yogurt B. unhealthy food : cake chocolate crisps cola hamburgers hot dog pizza popcorn sweets

Слайд 23

How to Keep Fit Take a lot of exercise. Physical activity is good for all of us at any age. Begin your day with morning exercises. They give you enough energy for the day. Be sporty. Join a sports club or go to the gym and work out. Take enough sleep. Most people need eight hours of sleep to feel well. Leave some time for relaxing after a hard working day. Spend some time out of doors every day. Fresh air does us a lot of good. Limit the time you spend in front of your television or computer to an hour — an hour and a half. Keep to a healthy balanced diet. Don't over eat. Don't eat junk food. Some kinds of food are harmful. Don't smoke or drink alcohol. Never use drugs.

Слайд 24

Solve these riddles about vitamins : -When you are ill, you usually drink tea with lemon and it helps you to get much better. -I’m vitamin in a carrot, in butter and other products. -And my place is in rye-bread. It’s very useful food.

Слайд 25

Match 1. Здоровье дороже богатства. 2. Обжорство убивает быстрее, чем меч. 3. Голод - лучшая приправа. 4. Болезнь легче предупредить, чем лечить. A. Hunger is the best sauce. B. Health is better than wealth. C. Gluttory kills more than the sword. D. Prevention is better than cure.

Слайд 26

I wish you to keep fit and healthy ! Thank you for attention.

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