“A.S. Pushkin and G.G. Byron”
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Тимохина Оксана Геннадьевна

конспект урока иностранного языка “A.S. Pushkin and G.G. Byron”


Файл konspekt_a.s._pushkin.docx22.96 КБ

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Предмет – Иностранный язык (английский)

Преподаватель – Тимохина О.Г.

Дата проведения:

Группа №:

Тема урока: “A.S. Pushkin and G.G. Byron”

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель урока: к концу урока студенты научатся делать собственные высказывания по аналогии с образцом, извлекать необходимую информацию из текста и использовать НЛЕ в ответах на вопросы по теме «Знаменитые писатели»

Задачи урока:


- расширение кругозора, повышение общей культуры студентов

- расширение филологического кругозора студентов (опора на межпредметные связи литературы и английского языка)

- привитие интереса к чтению русской и английской литературы


- воспитание активности и умения слушать друг друга

- формирование положительного отношения к чужой культуре

- формирование навыков интеллектуального труда


- развитие способности к языковой догадке и воображению

- развитие мышления

Языковой и речевой материал:

- НЛЕ: evidence, ancestors, close ties, served, estate, excited, admitted, lyceum, gentry, graduates, candidate.

Оснащение урока:

- презентация Power Point

- видеоролик о биографии А.С.Пушкина

- стихотворение для аудирования “Wondrous Moment”

- текст для чтения о Д.Г. Байроне

- изображение А.С. Пушкина и Д.Г. Байрона

Ход урока

I.Подготовка студентов к речевой деятельности на иностранном языке

  1. Приветствие

T: Good morning, boys and girls. I'm glad to see you. Who is absent today?

  1. Сообщение задач урока

Т: Now let’s begin our lesson – a competition of two teams. You’ll be “The Fist Team” and you’ll be “The Second Team”. Now, look at the screen. You can see some portraits of famous British people. I hope you know them. Who are they? But our great country is also rich in people (writers, artists, composers, scientists, musicians, sportsmen) well-known all over the world. Today we are going to speak about one of the greatest poets of our country. This man is called “the sun of Russian poetry”.

  1. Речевая зарядка

T: Are you agree that A.S. Pushkin is the sun of Russian poetry?

I think that Pushkin

 is the sun of Russian poetry


his books are read by many people

his poems are learnt by heart

his portrait is known to everyone

his name is well- known all over the world

Т: Reading is not very popular nowadays, and I am sorry about it. But I hope that you can’t live without reading! I’ve prepared some quotations of famous people about reading. But they are mixed. Please, make up sentences.

  • I / cannot /live / without/ reading / (Thomas Jefferson).
  • Words / are/ the voice/ of the/ heart /(Confucius).
  • Read / in order to / live (Gustavo Flaubert)
  • Reading / is / the best / learning (A. Pushkin)

II. Ознакомление студентов с новыми лексическими единицами

Т: I have a small video for you. It is about Pushkin’s biography. But before watching, let’s pay attention to the following words. They will help you to understand the video better.

  1. Систематизация НЛЕ

Путь: рассказ

Способ: беспереводный, переводный

Приемы: наглядность (беспредметная), языковая догадка

  1. Раскрытие значений НЛЕ и их фонетическая отработка

     The earliest documented evidence of Pushkin ancestors suggested that they had close ties with A. Nevskiy.

     Pushkin’s mother was a granddaughter of the famous general Hannibal. He was an officer who served Peter the Great.

     During the summer Pushkin’s family went to the country estate to Zakharovo.

     At the age of 12 he was sent to school in Petersburg. Everything was new, different and excited.

     Pushkin was admitted to the lyceum- a privilege school for the young gentry of aristocratic birth.

     The graduates from the lyceum would be ideal candidate for important government positions.

evidence: (переводный)

ancestors:( переводный)

close ties (беспереводный, контекст)

served: ( беспереводный, контекст)

estate: (беспереводный, толкование на АЯ) an area where houses of a similar type have been built together

excited: (беспереводный, контекст)

admitted: (беспереводный, контекст)

lyceum: (беспереводный, опора на родной язык)

gentry: (переводный)

graduates: (беспереводный, толкование на АЯ) some who has completed a university

candidate: (беспереводный, опора на родной язык)

  1. Первичная автоматизация НЛЕ в условно-речевых упражнениях

- имитационное

T: Imagine that we are in the mountains. Be my echo:

 Evidence, ancestors, close ties, served, estate, exciting, admitted, lyceum, gentry, graduates, candidate.

- подстановочное

T: Put the right word into each gap

  • The earliest documented          of Pushkin           suggested that they had          with A. Nevskiy.
  • During the summer Pushkin’s family went to the country               to Zakharovo.
  • Pushkin was                 to the                  - a privilege school for the young                  of aristocratic birth.

     - трансформационное

      Т: Answer my questions

What was Zakharovo? What was the lyceum? What ties had Pushkin with Nevskiy?

  1. Проверка понимания просмотренного видео

T: Look at the screen and watch the video! Be ready to answer my questions.

  1. What was his father’s name?
  2. What was his mother’s name?
  3. Who had closed ties with A.S. Pushkin by the earliest documented evidence?
  4. Who was Hannibal?
  5. Whose songs and fairytales did Pushkin love to listen to?
  6. When did Pushkin’s family go to Zakharovo?
  7. What was Pushkin sent to the lyceum?
  8. What did the Emperor think about graduates from the lyceum?

III. Отработка ранее введенного языкового материала и овладение видами речевой деятельности

  1. Игра «Своя игра»

T: Systematize all your knowledge about A.S. Pushkin. Let’ play a game! Look at the screen, choose a theme and answer the question.

  1. Современник Пушкина- Байрон

T: Well done! Look at the screen, who is it? It is one of the greatest British poets George Gordon Byron. Many Russian poets and writers were fond of Byron’s works. And Pushkin was not an exception. By the end of 1820s, Pushkin had learned English and read the English text easily. We see English in Pushkin’s works. Chapter I of the novel “Евгений Онегин” begins with the words of the great English poet:

“Fare thee well and if forever
Still forever, fare thee well.”

Epigraph to “Полтава”:

“The power and glory of the war,
Faithless as their vain votaries, men,

Had, passed to triumphant Czar.”

T: So we see that, thanks to Byron, Pushkin learned English and it gave him a chance to study English literature and appreciate it. 

T: And now I want you to look at the screen and fill these quotations from “Евгений Онегин” with missing words.

- Острижен по последней моде;
            лондонский одет -
И наконец увидел свет.
            угрюмый, томный,
В гостиных появлялся он.
- Пред ним
И трюфли, роскошь юных лет...
- ...Затем, что не всегда же мог
                 и страсбургский пирог
Шампанской обливать бутылкой...
- И долго сердцу грустно было.

                      - молвил он уныло.
- Читай: вот Прадт, вот
Не хочешь? Поверяй расход.
- Никто бы в ней найти не мог
Того, что модой самовластной
В высоком лондонском кругу
                . (He могу...
Люблю я очень это слово,
Но не могу перевести;
Оно у нас покамест ново,
И вряд ли быть ему в чести...)

(1.dandy 2.Child-Harold  3.roast-beef  4.Beef-steaks 5.“Poor Yorick” 6.W.Scott  7.Vulgar)

  1. Обучение чтению

- дотекстовый этап

Т: Read the title of the text and say what it is about.

- текстовый этап

T: Read the text for detail and make true/ false sentances.

The great English revolutionary poet. George Gordon Byron was born in London, on January 22, 1788 into an old aristocratic family. His mother came of a rich Scottish family. His father was a poor army officer who very soon died when the boy was three years old. The boy was lame from birth, yet, thanks to his strong will and regular training, he became an excellent rider, a champion's swimmer, a boxer and took part in athletic exercises. Byron spent first ten years of his life in Scotland. His love of natural scenery was reflected many of his poems. The boy went to a Grammar school. He liked history and read a great deal about Rome, Greece, Turkey.

At 17 Byron entered Cambridge University and there his literary career began. In 1809 he left England on a long journey which took two years. Не visited Portugal, Spain, Albania, Greece and Turkey. Byron described his travels in his poem “Childe Harold's Pilgrimage”. The first two parts were published in 1812. They were received with enthusiasm and Byron became one the most popular men in London. “I woke one morning and found myself famous”, wrote the poet about his success.

T: Look at the screen. Are these sentences true or false?

1. His father came of a rich Scottish family.

2. He was an excellent rider and  swimmer.

3. Byron lived  in Scotland when he was a boy.

4. Byron was admitted to the lyceum.

5. Natural scenery was reflected many of Byron’s poems.

6. “Childe Harold's Pilgrimage” is about his travels.

- послетекстовый этап

T: What have you learnt about Pushkin and Byron today? Work in groups, think it over and put down your ideas.


  1. Проверка домашнего задания

T: One person from each group should read the poem “Wondrous Moment” (it was your home task). But first of all let’s listen it performed by the speaker.

T: In conclusion I must say what combines two great names: Pushkin and Byron. I think it's the idea of freedom for peoples, humanism, the idea of patriotism the masses, as a political force. Their works do not grow old with time.

        We should remember that books help us to solve our problems, to discover new things and to escape from routine everyday life.

IV. Заключительный этап

  1. Подведение итогов. Объявление команды- победителя.

Т: My congratulations!

  1. Сообщение и комментирование оценок.
  2. Запись домашнего задания.

Т: Find a poem by Byron and be ready to read it aloud next lesson.

  1. Организационный конец урока

T: Our English lesson is over. Thank you very much. It was a great pleasure to listen to you.

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