Cards for speaking
материал по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Бугаева Елена Сергеевна

Карточки для говорения по теме "Stereotyps" 


Файл stereotypes.docx19.46 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Blondes are stupid.
  2. Teachers don’t have lives outside of school
  3. He lives in a horrible neighborhood; he must be a criminal.
  4. Teenagers only care about their lives online

  1. Women are terrible drivers.
  2. White people are racists.
  3. Latinos are all undocumented foreigners.
  4. Women are responsible for raising children

  1. Men do not cook, sew, or do crafts
  2. Kids who are into computers are geeky.
  3. Young kids are noisy.
  4. Poor people are lazy.

  1. Women are better cooks than men.
  2. Everyone believes in God.
  3. Indians live on reservations.
  4. All tall people are good basketball players.

  1. Blondes are stupid.
  2. Teachers don’t have lives outside of school
  3. He lives in a horrible neighborhood; he must be a criminal.
  4. Teenagers only care about their lives online
  1. Women are terrible drivers.
  2. White people are racists.
  3. Latinos are all undocumented foreigners.
  4. Women are responsible for raising children

  1. Men do not cook, sew, or do crafts
  2. Kids who are into computers are geeky.
  3. Young kids are noisy.
  4. Poor people are lazy.

  1. Women are better cooks than men.
  2. Everyone believes in God.
  3. Indians live on reservations.
  4. All tall people are good basketball players.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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