Грамматические упражнения для 3 класса (структура there is/are)
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

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Предварительный просмотр:

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.                  

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.

There ________ some milk in the jar.

There________some milk shake in the glass.

There ________ some bread in the basket.

There ________two sandwiches in the container.

There ________some fish on the plate.

There _______  a lot of sausages in the fridge.

There _______no ice cream in the shop.

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