Контрольная работа для 9 класса 4 четверть по Forward
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Котрольная работа по Вербицкой М.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                        Test for the 4th term of the 9th form

     Variant 1

  1. Find the “odd one out” in each group.
  1. bat, fly, owl, rat
  2. beetle, cockroach, mosquito, octopus
  3. ostrich, salmon, owl, parrot
  4. scientist, pessimist, zoologist, geologist

  1. Put the verbs in the right form to complete the sentences and translate them in written form.
  1. She loves… (use) modern gadgets.
  2. I avoid… (meet) him.
  3. She would like… (draw) this picture herself.
  4. He hates …(do) such things.
  5. My neighbor has given up …(smoke).

  1. Complete the sentences. Form new words from the words in capital letters and translate the sentences in written form.
  1. … would like to continue their work.                        RESEARCH
  2. Giant pandas are… animals.                                DANGER
  3. It’s an…thing for octopuses to draw pictures.                USUAL
  4. It’s wrong to kill animals for…fur.                        THEY
  5. Zoos still have a …function in the modern world.        USE

  1. Put the words in the right order and translate the sentences in written form.
  1. to, meet, him, I, forgot.
  2. lock, to, the door, remember.
  3. of, the author, the theory, is, a gemologist, not.
  4. she, recognition, was, great, Russian, won, ballerina, a, who, world, the.
  5. like, leaders, change.

  1. Write the personal letter for your friend David. Answer his questions: “If you had a chance of travelling on a time machine what famous person from the past would you like to meet? Why?”

Test for the 4th term of the 9th form

Variant 2

  1. Find the “odd one out” in each group.
  1. penguin, ostrich, bee, owl
  2. cockroach, goldfish, salmon, shark
  3. ape, crocodile, bear, beetle
  4. optimist, scientist, zoologist, biologist

  1. Put the verbs in the right form to complete the sentences and translate them in written form.
  1. She likes…(fish)
  2. I have given up …(study) French.
  3. She  suggested …(go) to the cinema,
  4. He would like …(visit) Spain.
  5. My friend has finished …(do) his homework.

  1. Complete the sentences. Form new words from the words in capital letters and translate the sentences in written form.
  1. It’s cruel they animals are kept for fur have short and… lives.        HAPPY
  2. He couldn’t… these two things together.                        CONNECTION
  3. My sister is very…                                                IMAGE
  4. Poor followers avoid…                                                RESPONSE
  5. …are innovators.                                                        LEAD

  1. Put the words in the right order and translate the sentences in written form.
  1. meeting, him, I, forgot.
  2. some, that, species, animal, endangered, for, are, fur, hunted, are.
  3. a, very, complex, have, octopuses, system, nervous.
  4. longer, water,  than, can, survive, a rat, for, without, a camel.
  5. the others, is, than, type, brain, of, is, no, there, that, better.

  1. Write the personal letter for your friend David. Answer his questions: “If you had a chance of travelling on a time machine what famous person from the past would you like to meet? Why?”

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