Вводный тест по английскому языку для 5 класса
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

 Кристина Николаевна Тупикова

Тестовы задания, составленые на основе учебников "Starlight"


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Предварительный просмотр:

5th form. Test.  


Listen to the tape and write Yes/No.

  1. Billy bought a new guitar.                           _______
  2. Tina’s cousin came to her party.                 _______
  3. There were 100 people at the school party. _______
  4. Tom went to the museum last weekend.       _______
  5. Helen cooked fish for dinner.                        _______


Fill in the words.

strongest              guitar               mechanic           half          tortoise              pepper

  1. It isn’t tasty. There is a lot of ________________.
  2. My father fixes cars. He is a ___________ .
  3. Tom is the  _______________ boy in our class.
  4. He can play the  ______________ very well.
  5. We usually get up at  ______________ past six every day.
  6. A  __________ is a very slow animal.


Choose the correct answer.

  1. He usually … in summer.
  1. swims     b) swam     c) is swimming
  1. … your friends at school yesterday?
  1. Did     b) Were    c) Are
  1. My mother … a book in the living room now.
  1. reads      b) is reading     c) read
  1. They … tennis every Sunday.
  1. play      b) played     c) is playing
  1. She … a very good picture last week.
  1. draw     b) drew     c) is drawing
  1. Look! A hare … .
  1. jumps      b) jumped    c) is jumping
  1. He never … to bed late.
  1. goes     b) went     c) is going
  1. … Mike at the party yesterday?
  1. Did     b) Was    c) Is
  1. Jane … a film with her friends now.
  1. watches      b) is watching     c) watched
  1. We always … football twice a week.
  1. play      b) played     c) is playing
  1. She … the race last month.
  1. win     b) won     c) are winning
  1. Look! Marry … .
  1. dances      b) danced    c) is dancing
  1. … oranges are there in the fridge?
  1. How many      b) How much    c) How a lot of
  1. My mother is … than your mother.
  1. beautiful       b) beautifuller         c) more beautiful
  1. Jake is the … boy in our class.
  1. loud     b) loudest    c) louder
  1. My roller blades is … than his.
  1. bad       b) badder    c) worse
  1. … milk is there in the bottle?
  1. How many      b) How much    c) How a lot of
  1. This book … for my friend.
  1. am       b) is         c) are
  1. Anna and I  … the best friends.
  1. am     b) is    c) are
  1. My car is … than his.
  1. good       b) better    c) gooder


Read the text.

I have got a lot of friends, boys and girls. But Pete is my best friend. He is a very kind boy and he helps all his friends. He likes to study. His favourite subjects are Geography, History and he likes English too. During the breaks he plays games with me and other pupils.

Pete loves music and he takes piano lessons from his music teacher three times a week. He can play the piano very well. He won the first place in music competition (конкурс) in our school last year.

Pete is also good at sports and he is the captain of our football team.

Pete is a real friend. He always helps me to do my homework. When the day is sunny we go to the park, ride our bikes or walk with our dogs.

If the weather is rainy we stay at home and play games or listen to music.

I like my friend very much.

  1. Choose the best title to the story.
  1. My class.                 b) My best friend.     c) My day.

  1. Write YES/NO.
  1. Pete is a friendly boy.                                                     ____
  2. Pete plays the guitar very well.                                       ____
  3. Pete can play football.                                                     ____
  4. They like to ride their bikes when the weather is good.   ____
  5. Pete doesn’t like listen to music.                                     ____

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