План урока в 8 классе по теме "Успешные люди"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Шатурная Наталья Дмитриевна

Урок чтения с целью подготовки учащихся с ОГЭ


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тип урока: урок изучения и первичного закрепления нового.

Цели урока:

  • Образовательная: расширение информационного поля учащихся в области лингво-страноведческих знаний;
  • Практическая: развитие критического мышления через чтение и письмо;
  • Развивающая: Развитие коммуникативных навыков на основе прочитанного материала;
  • Воспитательная: Воспитывать у учащихся морально-этические качества, способствующие достижению намеченной цели;


  1. создать условия для усвоения новых лингвострановедческих знаний по теме «Успешные люди», их осмысление и осознание через организацию самостоятельной работы в группах;
  2. развивать познавательный интерес учащихся к культуре страны изучаемого языка посредством английского языка;
  3. создать условия для восприятия учащимися нового учебного материала и первичного осознания этой информации;
  4. Научить учащихся кратко высказываться о прочитанном материале с помощью Понимание мира. Страны и языки. Развитие навыков чтения и говорения плана;

Формы деятельности учащихся на уроке: групповая, парная и индивидуальная.

Методы обучения:

  • по источнику приобретения знаний - практические;
  • по степени самостоятельности: частично-поисковый.

Использованная технология – технология критического мышления через чтение и письмо.


Учебник М.З.Биболетовой “Enjoy English”, приложения с текстом для чтения, таблицей, текстами заданий, листом самооценки, презентация, компьютер

Ход урока

I. Warming upСлайд №2

А. Today we are going to speak and read  about  successful people and different ways to achieve success. Look at the first slide. Read the quotation and try to comment it: ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, BUT NOT EVERYBODY SUCCEEDS…

II. Eliciting (Актуализация имеющихся знаний).

Учащиеся комментируют высказывание, соглашаясь или опровергая его.

Предложение на доске: We believe that a successful person should be.....

Today during our lesson you should fill in your assessment lists and mark your score for different exercises. At the end of the lesson you will count your total score. Good luck to all of you! (приложение №1) 

Self-assessment List

The name:________________________

The  type  of  exercise

Max. score

My score

1.Divide the words into 2 groups


2 Speaking about famous people


3.  Listening about ......


4. Choose the title for the texts


5. Match: True/False


6. Speaking :the information about this outstanding person


7. Speaking “How to be successful”


The results.

  1. Excellent                 -  44 - 40 points
  2. Good                       -  39 – 32 points;
  3. Satisfactory             - 31 – 24 points;

And now let’s start.

What people can reach success?

What traits of character are the most important for being successful?

Now I’ll ask you to work with these words, which you can see on the list in front of you. Divide them into 2 columns. (приложение №2) Приложение №2

Key-words for a successful or unsuccessful person:

a)Hardworking, b) talented, c) lazy, d) shy, e) independent, f) well-educated, g) risky, h) full of ideas, i) weak, j) creative, k) friendly, l) impolite, m)intolerant, n) rude, o) selfish.  



Max. score - 15

(учащиеся работают, подразделяя все предложенные слова по признаку: успешный или неуспешный человек)

Слайд №3

Now check up your answers.

Слайд №4

Good for you. Well will you try to put these words in order according to their importance for reaching success?

(учащиеся на 4 слайде делают ранжирование слов по степени важности для достижения успеха) или говорят, что самое важное

Last week we read about some famous and successful persons. They are from different countries from different families and so on.

Слайд №5

So we all agree that everybody wants to be successful. Look at the photos of famous people. Discuss, please, in pairs

  • if you know them;
  • who they are by nationality;
  • what their professions are;
  • if they are famous and why;

Монологические высказывания

 «Motivation» интереса к получению новой информации.

And now I’d like you to listen to the text about one  of the most outstanding man in the UK and all over the world.

He  was born on February the 7 , in 1812, in Portsmonth, on the southern cost of England. When he was just 12 years old, the family's financial situation got worse. His father John , had a dangerous habit of spending more money, than he earned. This man had to forget about education and to go to work at a factory. At the age of 16 he got himself a job a reporter and joined the staff of The Mirror of Parliament, a newspaper that reported on the decisions of Parliament. In 1836-1837 he wrote a humorous   series of sketches : The Pickwick Papers" which became very popular. Within a few years he was considered to be one of the most successful authors of his time.

 Слайд №6Чарль Диккенс

Do you know this person? (учащиеся называют фамилию) So before reading the text about this  person read the titles. Choose the best title for the each part of the text you’ve read

Слайд №7 Заголовки к частям текста

  • 1. A hard working child
  • 2.The popularity of novels
  • 3. Source  of inspiration
  • 4. Education
  • 5. Real social benefit
  • 6. Everlasting memory
  • 7. Recognition
  • 8. Family in trouble

Дети читают вслух текст по очереди. Определяем соответствие содержания заголовку, обосновывая ответ. затем проверяем Well, let’s check up you answers. Слайд №8















Слайд №9

III .Reading comprehention

Now read the text and match True/False statements

A. Charles Dickens was treated just like rock stars and movie stars are treated today.

B. He was the only child in the family.

C. Charles had to forget about education.

D. Charles Dickens' described the life of educated people.

E. Charles Dickens' novels were so powerful that Parliament sometimes passed laws to change things for the better

F. If we want to learn more about 19th-century London , we should read Dickens's novels.

G. Dickens's novels are not read nowadays.

Discuss in your pairs information you have read and filled in. Fill in the table.

(учащиеся кратко заполняют таблицу информацией прочитанной из текста.

По парам они делятся информацией.

Слайд №10Well, let’s check up you answers.















Слайд №11

  • Контроль понимания прочитанного текста:

Работа в парах . Задать вопрос  классу.

 Read your parts of the text and  make up the question and let the classmates answer your  question;

  •  5.Послетекстовый этап.
  • What can you say about  Charles Dickens?
  • Do you want to read his novels?
  • What did you learn that you did not know before?
  • Let’s summaries the information about this outstanding person. Sentence by sentence.
  •      (учащиеся по цепочке говорят предложения с опорой на текст)
  • Can you offer the plan that helps to speak or write about famous person?
  •                         Possible answers:                (1. Personal information: name, date and   place of   birth,                                              
  •                                                                    age, profession, appearance
  •                                                                      2. Family and career
  •                                                                      3. Personal achievements)

V. And now, some advice for you to be successful

Слайд № 12


  • Well done. Thank you for your creative work.
    It’s time to discuss the questions on the slide №17.
    (учащиеся делают выводы, как они могут добиться успеха).

Слайд № 13


Let’s draw the conclusion of our lesson.

Слайд № 19VI. Giving home task.

Imagine that you are one of those persons on the pictures. Try to give some other advice to your classmates how to be successful in your future life. This is your home task.


Charles Dickens

A. Charles Dickens can be considered to be the first celebrity author in the world. He had become popular by the age of 25 and he was treated just like rock stars and movie stars are treated today. Everywhere he went, there were crowds of people cheering him, shaking his hand, and asking for his autograph. His fans in the US even cut bits of fur from his coat for souvenirs. He was so famous that when he died at the age of 58 he was buried at Westminster Abbey.

B. Dickens's life was much like that of his many characters a rags-to-riches story. Born in Portsmouth on the 7th of February, 1812, he was the second of eight children. When he was 10 years old his family moved to London. But where were serious money problems and his father went to prison for debt. His family later joined him. It was common in those days for the family of a  debtor to live with him in prison.

C. Charles was taken out of school and sent to work in a blacking factory where he put labels on bottles of shoe polish. He worked long hours for very little money and lived away from his family, alone in London. Charles never forgot this, and many of his novels are about the bad treatment and suffering of children. Even as a famous and successful adult, he carried a deep memory of the grief, humiliation and hopelessness he had felt.

D. British people in the 19th century loved novels. Some educated people, especially women, had lots of time to read. Long novels usually came out as cheap episodes, once a month, and readers couldn't wait for the next episode of their favourite author. Charles Dickens' novels were funny and exciting, but they had a very serious message. He described the hard life of poor people and attacked injustice, hypocrisy and other social ills of Victorian England. Dickens often wrote about real people and real events.

E. When the rich read his books, they began to understand the terrible social problems which existed at that time. His novels were so powerful that Parliament sometimes passed laws to change things for the better. For example, after publishing Nicholas Nickleby, some of the cruel boarding schools in England were closed down. Charles Dickens's most autobiographical novel is David Copperfield. Its hero goes through many of the same experiences as Dickens and eventually becomes a successful writer. Dickens said that David Copperfield as his favourite novel.

F. London was Dickens's muse. Throughout his life, he both loved and hated the city. When he was a boy, it filled him with horror and wonder. As a man, he regularly walked ten to twenty miles across the city, working out his plots. The city always inspired him, and when he was away from it he often found it difficult to work. He called it his "magic lantern", and it never failed to spark his imagination. Dickens's novels tell us more about Victorian London than most history books. He had a wonderful memory for detail. His descriptions of prisons, slums, workhouses, dark narrow streets and fog-covered bridges have given us some of our strongest impressions of 19th-century London.

G. Dickens is read and remembered today for the unique characters he created. When Dickens created his characters, he often ran to the mirror and acted out their movements and facial expressions. Probably that's why they are so memorable. All in all, Dickens created 989 characters during his literary career! Dickens is as popular today as he was during his lifetime. To mark his birthday, there are celebrations all over the English-speaking world-performances, exhibitions, festivals and even parades!

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