Раздаточный материал: Past Simple.
картотека по английскому языку (5, 6 класс) по теме

Самойлова Наталья Владимировна

Задание нацелено не только на распознание временной формы глагола, но и на преобразование предложений  в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Past simple

1.Kate bought a new dress two days ago.

2.My parents were busy yesterday.

3. Our teacher asked us a lot of questions last lesson.

4.They met Alice at the concert last night.

5.My classmates went to the park last Sunday.

6.Mum cooked tasty pies an hour ago.

7.Rita and Kate were late for classes yesterday.

8.The students had a difficult exam the day before yesterday.

Past simple

1.Kate bought a new dress two days ago.

2.My parents were busy yesterday.

3. Our teacher asked us a lot of questions last lesson.

4.They met Alice at the concert last night.

5.My classmates went to the park last Sunday.

6.Mum cooked tasty pies an hour ago.

7.Rita and Kate were late for classes yesterday.

8. The students had a difficult exam the day before yesterday.

Past simple

1.Kate bought a new dress two days ago.

2.My parents were busy yesterday.

3. Our teacher asked us a lot of questions last lesson.

4.They met Alice at the concert last night.

5.My classmates went to the park last Sunday.

6.Mum cooked tasty pies an hour ago.

7.Rita and Kate were late for classes yesterday.

8. The students had a difficult exam the day before yesterday.

Past simple

1.Kate bought a new dress two days ago.

2.My parents were busy yesterday.

3. Our teacher asked us a lot of questions last lesson.

4.They met Alice at the concert last night.

5.My classmates went to the park last Sunday.

6.Mum cooked tasty pies an hour ago.

7.Rita and Kate were late for classes yesterday.

8. The students had a difficult exam the day before yesterday.

Past simple

1.Kate bought a new dress two days ago.

2.My parents were busy yesterday.

3. Our teacher asked us a lot of questions last lesson.

4.They met Alice at the concert last night.

5.My classmates went to the park last Sunday.

6.Mum cooked tasty pies an hour ago.

7.Rita and Kate were late for classes yesterday.

8. The students had a difficult exam the day before yesterday.

Past simple

1.Kate bought a new dress two days ago.

2.My parents were busy yesterday.

3. Our teacher asked us a lot of questions last lesson.

4.They met Alice at the concert last night.

5.My classmates went to the park last Sunday.

6.Mum cooked tasty pies an hour ago.

7.Rita and Kate were late for classes yesterday.

8. The students had a difficult exam the day before yesterday.

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