тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Лысенко Надежда Серегеевна

КИМ (УМК М.З. Биболетовой, Н.Н. Трубаневой “Enjoy English – 4”)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Промежуточная  аттестация по английскому языку в 7а классе

(УМК М.З. Биболетовой, Н.Н. Трубаневой “Enjoy English – 4”)

Пояснительная записка

Экзаменационная работа составлена в соответствии с государственным образовательным стандартом.

Объектом контроля являются элементы языка (лексика, грамматика) и речевая деятельность(чтение). Контрольная работа состоит из трёх частей.

Часть первая. Базовый уровень.

Понимание общего содержания текста. Тип задания  –  установление соответствия; каждый заголовок соответствует только одному тексту, при этом один заголовок лишний.

Часть вторая. Повышенный уровень.

Умение находить запрашиваемую информацию. Тип задания  –  установление соответствия между утверждениями и содержанием текстов, причем одно утверждение лишнее. Наречие.

Часть третья. Уровень ниже среднего.

 Тип задания  –  чтение текста,  времена группы Simple, перевод слов или словосочетаний.

Данная работа предназначена для учащихся 7 класса, которые занимаются по УМК М.З. Биболетовой, Н.Н. Трубаневой “Enjoy English –  4”. Работа проводится в конце учебного года. Продолжительность работы  60  минут

Билет №1

1. Read the text and answer the questions.

The Rich Man and the Gold

There was once a very rich man. He had three cars and two houses and many other things.

One day he said, «I am getting old. I’m going to sell everything and buy a big piece of gold. »

He sold his houses and his cars and everything and he bought a very big piece of gold1. He dug2 a hole near a tree, and he put the piece of gold into the hole. «No one will find my gold here», he said.

Every day he went back and dug up the gold. He looked at it and said, «Good! My gold is there». Then he put the gold back into the hole and put the earth back on top of it.

But one day there was a man behind the tree. He was a thief3 and he was asleep. The rich man didn’t see the thief. He dug up the gold and looked at it. «Good! » he said, «My gold is there». The thief woke up and looked round the tree. «What is the man putting into the hole? » he thought. «I’m going to find out». The rich man put the gold back into the hole and went away. Then the thief went to the hole and dug up the gold. «A big piece of gold! » he said. «It’s my gold now. I am a rich man. » He ran off with the gold and never came back.

The next day the first man came back and began to dig. He dug and he dug but he did not find the gold. «My gold is not here», he said. «I am not a rich man now. I have no gold! » and he began to cry. Then he went home and told one of his friends. His friend said, «Don’t cry. Here is a big stone. Take it and put it in the hole. Then every day you can go and dig it up and look at it».  A piece of gold in a hole is no better than a stone.

piece of gold1  кусок  - слиток золота

 to dig (dug, dug)2– копать

a thief3 - вор

Choose the correct answer.

  1. At the beginning of the story the rich man had.......

a)  two cars,

b) a bicycle,

c)a horse,

d)two houses,

e) three cars,

f) a boat

  1. The rich man decided to sell.....
  1.  nothing,
  2. everything,
  3. only a cow,
  4. only a horse
  1. The man bought a big piece of gold and put it into........
  1. his desk,
  2. his pocket,
  3. the hole in the ground ,
  4. his suitcase
  1. One day the rich man became poor because......
  1.  he lost his gold,
  2. the thief took his gold
  3.  his friends took his gold and sold it
  1. One of his friends told him......
  1. to put a big stone in the hole and look at it,
  2. to buy another piece of gold and put it in another place,
  3.  to cry all day,
  4. to ask other people for help

2 . Find the words with the opposite meaning. Wright down the pairs/

angry, healthy, lucky, nice, independent, ill, dependent, unlucky, cold, ugly, warm, kind

 Ex: young – old, . . .

3. Use the verbs in the past or future simple.

1. This summer I lived at my granny’s in the country. Every morning I  ________( get up)

and (run) to the river.

2.  Next summer I will go to the sport camp. I_________(join) their football team and ________( take part) in all sport competitions in the camp.

3.  I _______(feed) my puppy yesterday and _______(to help) my grandmother in the garden.

Билет №2

1. Read the text and answer the questions.


Catherine was five years old. She often went to the shops with her mother. She liked toys very much, and she often stopped and looked at them in the shops, but her mother usually said, « Don’t stop and look at the toys today, Catherine. It’s late».

Catherine’s mother did not usually go to the shops on Saturdays, because she always had a lot of work at home on that day, but last Friday evening her husband said, «Some of my friends are going to visit us on Sunday», and she didn’t have much food in the house.

She took Catherine at 10 o’clock on Saturday morning, and they went to the shops together. Catherine’s mother said to her, «Stay near me, Catherine, and don’t stop and look at the toys today».

Catherine said, «Yes, Mummy, » and she held 1 her mother’s hand. But then her mother had a lot of parcels2, and Catherine stopped holding her hand.

They came to the best shop in the town. There were quite a lot of men in front of it. There was a beautiful toy bear in one of the windows, and Catherine stopped for a few seconds and looked at it. Then she looked for her mother, but she was not there. There were only men round Catherine, and they were all much taller than she was.

Catherine was very young, but she was a clever girl. She did not cry. There was a policeman in the middle of the street near the shop. Catherine waited at the side of the road for a minute, and then the policeman stopped the cars and the buses. Catherine went to him and said, «Good morning. Have you seen any ladies in this street this morning? »

«Yes, I have», the policeman said. «A lot of ladies have passed 3me this morning».

«And has one passed you without a small girl? » Catherine said.

«Yes, » the policeman said.

Catherine said happily, «I’m the small girl. Where’s the lady? »

To hold ( held, held) 1 – держать

parcels2 – пакеты, сумки

 to pass3 – проходить

Choose the correct answer.

1. Catherine usually goes shopping with. . . . .

  1.  her mother on Saturdays.
  2. Her father on Saturday
  3. Grandmother on Monday
  4. alone

2. Catherine went shopping in the . . . .

a) morning

b)  evening after school

c) during lessons

d) evening during lessons

3. She entered the shop because she decided . . . .

  1. to buy a newspaper
  2. to have a snack
  3. to buy bear

4. Catherine came up

  1. stranger
  2.  to the policeman
  3. a teacher
  4. lady

5. Suddenly Catherine saw her mother. . .

  1. in the street
  2. having dinner
  3. looking at the window
  4.  buying a beautiful toy for her.

2. Find the words with the opposite meaning. Wright down the pairs

polite, industrious, unfriendly, intelligent, unlucky, friendly, lazy, kind, lucky,

silly, cruel, rude.

 Ex :  Sociable – Shy, . . .

3.  Use the verbs in the past or future simple

1. last summer  I_________(swim) in any weather and then _____(go back) for breakfast.

2. Next Sunday I________(eat) delicious cakes and _______(drink) some warm milk.

3. I think we _________(have) lots of concerts, parties and other entertainments there. _____you_____(go) to this camp with me.

Билет № 3

1. Расставив буквы в правильном порядке, получите название предмета, который изучаете в школе.

1. h, e, g, l, s, i, n – gives you a chance to make friends in many parts of the world.

2. t, o, r, h, y, s, i – makes you a participant of lots of events which happened long ago.

3. e, y, h, p, g, o, a, r, g – you can visit different countries without leaving your own city.

2. Соотнесите слова с их переводом:


to get a  good marks at school


быть довольно строгим


to be out of luck


становиться умнее


to be more independent


быть в депрессии


to argue with parents


заводить новых друзей


to become smarter


изучать несколько иностранных языков


to be depressed


носить школьную форму


to make  new friends


быть более независимым


to be quite strict


быть неудачником


to be easy-going


спорить с родителями


to wear school uniform


получать хорошие отметки в школе


to study several languages


быть легким в общении

3   Запишите  словосочетания  в 2 колонки. 

  Eating  fruit and vegetables,  walking with a dog,    smoking ,  going to bed  after  11 p.m .,           getting  up   at   noon,   jogging in a park,    eating hamburger s  and  "hot   dogs ,"          Sleeping  not less than   eight  hour s a   day,  doing some  gymnastics in the   morning , eating too many sweets  cakes and   chips,    doing lessons late at   night , having the  latest meal not   later  than 7 p.m .

                         good   for   keeping   fit                                          

bad   for   keeping   fit


Билет №4

1)Прочти предложения 1- 6. Выбери правильную форму глагола под буквами a), b), с).

1.  My elder brother… computer very often.

a)  use b) uses c) is using

2.  The mother… dinner at the moment.

a)  cook b) cooks c) is cooking

3.  Elizabeth’s parents… abroad a week ago.

a)  go b) went c) are going

4.  I hope in 10 years each family in our country … a computer.

a)  will have b) has c) had

5.  … you ever … part in any competition?

a)  Did…take b) Will…take c) Have…taken

6.  English … in many countries of the world.

a)  is spoken b) spoken  c) speaks

2) Прочти предложения 1 - 6 и выбери правильное слово под буквами a), b) или с)

1.  I’m Marina Alekseeva. I’m from… Russian Federation.

a) a b) the c) -

2.  My pen-friend doesn’t know Russian. So we communicate with… in English.

a)  one another b) each other c) other

3.  What is the name of the girl… won the competition two days ago?

a)  who b) which c) what

4.  Here’s my ticket for the train and where is … ?

a)  your b) you c) yours

5.  I prefer travelling by plane because it’s … comfortable and fast.

a)  quite b) quiet  c) quick

6.  It takes …a few minutes to take out the garbage.

a)  his b) he c) him

Билет №5

1) Прочти тексты  1  –  4  с описаниями месяцев. Подбери к ним названия  A,  B,  C,  D или E. Одно название лишнее.

1.  It is the month when birds migrate, when the leaves begin to turn yellow and red,

when apples ripen, and nights are cool. On the 23 rd, day and night are of equal length. You

can still see some summer flowers around. Towards the middle of this month the leaves

begin to change their colour. There are many mushrooms in the forests. Animals are now

preparing for the coming winter. Birds gather in  flocks and get ready for their flight to the


2. It is the month of the last frost, of melting snow, of the first buds and green, of earliest

spring flowers, of the first migratory birds. On the 21st, day and night are of equal length.

Towards the  end of this month you can find first spring flowers. Grey squirrels begin to

build new nests. People celebrate International Women’s Day in this month. The holiday is

celebrated all over the world. Sprigs of mimosa are the best present for women on this d ay.

3.  It is the month of greatest cold, of frozen lakes and ponds, of deep snow. Although

some animals are sleeping, winter is good time to watch many of them.  Grey squirrels are

very active in winter. Rabbits wear white coats. They must always remember  of their

enemy, the red fox, who hunts during the day. When a fox wants to sleep — he lies down in

the snow and uses his tail as a blanket.

4.  It is the month of roses, of tall grass and sweet -smelling hay, of warm nights. 0n the

22nd, we have the longest day and the shortest night. All kinds of grasses bloom at this time.

Near ponds and lakes you can see a bright carpet of flowers. Strawberries are ripe.    The

young birds usually stay in the nest from one to two weeks. During this time their parents

give them food and watch them.  Children have their holidays. It is the beginning of


A – January

B – June

C – March

D – September

E – July

Билет № 6

I. Fill in the blanks with the following words. Use only one word in each space.

be successful            round           foreign languages         by boat         was awarded          is situated

  1. David can speak three ………………… English, French and German.
  2. Japan ……………. in  Asia.
  3. If you work hard, you’ll ………… in your career.
  4. The winners will travel ………… from Australia to New Zealand.
  5. I went on a tour …….. Siberia.
  6. The famous scientist ……… a Nobel Prize in 1999.

II. Put in the if needed.

1. …. Houses of Parliament.

6. …. Netherlands

2. …...Trafalgar Square.

7. ….. Tower of London

3. …. Atlantic Ocean

8. ….. Australia

4. …. Big Ben

9. …..Russian Federation

5. …. Buckingham Palace

10. …. France

IV. Write the words into two columns world combinations and its translations:

1. a skyscraper

a. население

2. the official emblem

b. родной язык

3. the financial and cultural centre

c. небоскрёб

4. the mother tongue

d. континент

5.  to communicate

e. официальная эмблема

6. the continent

f. кленовый лист

7. a leaf of the maple tree

g. финансовый и культурный центр

8. a population

h. сообщать, общаться

V. Write the missing words according to the sense

Curious, sociable, hardworking, silly, talkative, lazy, shy

  1. A person who likes to talk is … .
  2. A person who is nervous in the company of people is … .
  3. A person who doesn’t like to work is…
  4. A person who likes to be with others is … .
  5. A person who works hard is … .
  6. A person who wants to learn is … .
  7. A person who is not very clever is…

Билет №7 (

1. Расставив буквы в правильном порядке, получите название предмета, который изучаете в школе.

1. t, s, h, a, m – helps you to calculate how much money you can ask your parents for.

2. t, e, l, a, e, r, u, t, i, r – helps you to live many lives without your leaving home.

3. y, o, b, i, g, o, l - helps you to know animals and plants better.

2. Соотнесите слова с их переводом:


to have problems with homework


принимать участие в школьных мероприятиях


to be frightened


учить стихотворения наизусть


to get a  bad marks at school


быть напуганным


to be late for classes


посещать школу


to be fed up


иметь чувство юмора


to be lazy during lessons


иметь проблемы с домашним заданием


to be attentive to your friends problems


быть ленивым во время уроков


to have a sense of humor


опаздывать на занятия


to attend the school


быть внимательным к проблемам друзей


to take part in school activities


получать плохие отметки в школе


to learn long poems by heart


быть «сытым по горло»

  1. Переведи слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом.

School years.

Talking about British schools, it's hard to know where to begin because there's so much to say. First of аll, children start school at the age of four or five. After primary school they go to secondary school which is usually from 11 to 16. But of course mаnу pupils stay at school until they are 18.

What British students study at school seems very much the same to mе as what they study in Russian schools. Тhеу study English, and the first modern foreign language is usually French. Thе second foreign language is German or Spanish or sometimes Russian. 

Russian isn't taught in very mаnу schools, I’m sorry to say. I think Russian is а very important language because Russia is а very important world power. And I would like Russian to bе taught more often. Му children, Kathy and Robert, learn Russian at their school in Newcastle.

Some subjects taught in Britain are not the same as those taught at your school. Some of them are Religious Studies, Art and Drama, and Science. For instance, Science is а mixture of Вiology, Chemistry and Physics and is taught in а very practical way.

In fact I never liked аnу of these subjects.

That's why I teach English Literature at Newcastle University now!

Билет № 8

Прочти микротексты и подбери к ним заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.

1. My family is big. I have a mother, a father, a sister, a brother and a grandmother. My parents are doctors. They work at the hospital. My brother is a good sportsman. My sister is a little girl.

2. I go to school 5 times a week. I like going to school. I like my friends and teachers. I like English. At the English lesson we speak, read and write. I like speaking and reading English very much.

3. Kate  likes  animals. She has a cat, a dog, and fishes. Her cat pussy is old. She is 14. She is grey. She likes fish and meat. She doesn’t play. She always sleeps. Kate’s dog Jim is young. He is black. He likes running and jumping. He always plays with Kate.

4. Tom likes Sunday. On Sunday he gets up late. He doesn’t go to school. On Sunday he walks, plays with friends in the yard, read books or watches TV. He plays computer games every Sunday. He loves it very much.

5. I have many friends. They are boys and girls. Their names are Bill, Tom, Sam, Elly and Ann. Tom is a good sportsman. He plays hockey, football and basketball very well. Bill loves reading. He reads books about children and animals. The girls like singing and dancing.

6. We like many sports and games. We like playing football, basketball, volley-ball, tennis, ping-pong, and hockey. We like skating and skiing. We run and jump, swim and drive. We like sports very much.

a. Tom’s Sunday

b. At School

c. My Family

d. Kate’s Pets

e. Sports

f. Books

g. My Friends

Билет № 9


        A wise mother-cat and her two little kittens live in an old grey house. They live upstairs in an old bedroom and sleep on a warm comfortable carpet that is in the middle of the room. Every morning the two kittens get up, brush their tails, wash their faces and go downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast.

         After breakfast they wash their cups, glasses and plates and go to the Cat’s primary school. They take their schoolbags with pens, pencils, rulers, rubbers and books with them. But they don’t like to go to school. They are a bit lazy, though they are rather clever. They don’t like many school subjects but they dislike the foreign languages they are learning most of all.

       Now the mother-cat and her kittens are walking in the park. Suddenly they see a big dog. The dog is standing in front of them. She looks very dangerous. The kittens are afraid of the dog and cry: “Mew, mew, mew, mew”. The dog looks at them and answers loudly :”Grrrrrr! Grrrrr! Grrrrr!” At this moment the mother-cat opens her mouth and says: ”Grrrrr! Grrrrr!” The dog can hardly believe her ears. “Grrrrr! Grrrr!” she answers and quickly runs away.

      Then the wise old cat turns to hr kittens and says :”Now, I hope you understand how important it is to know a foreign language.”

1. Who lives in an old house?

2. Where do they sleep?

3. What do they do every morning?

4. Where do they go after breakfast?

5. What school do they study at?

6. Why don’t they like school?

7. What subject do they dislike most of all?

8. Whom do they meet in the park one day?

9. Are they afraid of the dog? Why?

10. The dog is very surprised that the mother-cat…a) speaks its language.

                                                                                  b) is not afraid of the dog.

                                                                                  c) is afraid of the dog.

Билет №10

I. Complete each sentence with one of the words below. One word is odd out.

ill              healthy           competition                support             necessary        injury

  mascot              keep fit                   sore                     luck                    practise    

1. Jason should take part in the swimming … .

2. I … my skills every day in the garden or down in the fields.

3. And I feel bad, I’ve got a … throat.

4. Becky always looks really … .She must get lots of exercises.

5. That’s why I try to do my best not to get … - I take vitamins, in spring and autumn especially, and do sports to keep fit.

6. The choice of a … for the 1st World Youth Games in Moscow was a very difficult problem.

7. Vitamin C is … for building bones and teeth.

8. We did our best but lost it. We were out of … .

9. About 20 million people fill the stadiums every year to … their favourite players.

10. People of all ages and types do exercises at home to improve their health and to … .

II. Complete the sentences.

Example: Can she run …? (quick / quickly)                 Can she run quickly?

1. James can speak German quite … (fluent / fluently), and his language is … (correct / correctly).

2. He returned again to his … (day / daily) routine on the farm.

3. “Why are you speaking very … (loud / loudly)?” – “Because how beautiful is here!”

4. When I was 22 years old, I came home from work, put a leash on my dog and went for my … (usual / usually) walk.

5. My mother opened the door … (careful / carefully), and she loaded the laundry into the machine.

6. We stop for a … (quick / quickly) commercial break, and then we come back to the traditional systems.  

III. Complete the sentences.

1. Tim came home very … (late / lately) yesterday. His parents worried about him a lot.

2. They … (hard / hardly) ever make mistakes.

3. In South Korea and Indonesia women own … (near / nearly) half a million firms.

4. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables. It’s … (high / highly) useful for you.

5. You haven’t been to the gym … (late / lately). Are you all right?

Билет №11

I. Complete each sentence with one of the words below. One word is odd out.

injury            supported             health              medicine        necessary        sick

          luck                     train             compete               motto               shape

1. I hate staying in bed and taking … .

2. The … of the 1st World Youth Games was “Moscow, the Wide World of Youth”.

3. Vitamin E is … for skin and body.

4. I … hard twice a week and on Sundays.

5. That’s why I don’t feel depressed when I get …, but try to get well as soon as possible.

6. Ben couldn’t play football for two months because of an … .

7. It was an exciting game and the fans … their teams.

8. I don’t do sports at my college now. And I’m getting out of … .

9. The best athletes … in running.

10. If you care for your …, eat more natural products.

II. Complete the sentences.

Example: Can she run …? (quick / quickly)                 Can she run quickly?

1. It was a bit different from what you … (usual / usually) did.

2. How about fitness? That makes me feel very …(good / well) as a doctor.

3. My … (week / weekly) audience at that time was over 300 thousand people.

4. You can use the buttons Ctrl + J to open the Downloads page … (quick / quickly).

5. Just be … (careful / carefully) when crossing the street.

6. They allowed the game to become … (slow / slowly) and uninteresting, and I decided to move faster.

III. Complete the sentences.

1. He hasn’t been very industrious at school … (late / lately). He … (hard / hardly) does anything at all, to tell you the truth.

2. There is a tennis court … (near / nearly) our school.

3. We specialize in … (high / highly) quality facial animation for video games and films.

4. Speak a bit louder, please. I can … (hard / hardly) hear you.

5. It’s too … (late / lately) to go to the swimming pool. It is already closed.