Упражнения по теме "Общие случаи употребления артиклей"
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Упражнения  по теме "Общие случаи употребления артиклей"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Main Cases of the Use of Indefinite and Definite Articles

Задание 1. Вставьте в пропуски неопределенный артикль, если это необходимо.

  1. What about having…. snack?
  2. Have you ever had…lunch at this restaurant?
  3. Any woman would make … fuss in such a situation
  4. Every morning before breakfast has… swim.
  5. There is… new shopping center in the city.
  6. There were…files in the boxes.
  7. Once there lived… fellow called Bill.
  8. There is … cold milk in the jug
  9. Arthur lived … interesting life.
  10. She was… non-stop talker.
  11. It was… quick and clever decision.
  12. Are you… optimist or… pessimist?
  • What is it? – It is… tomato soup.
  1. It is…good start.  You are… very energetic man.
  2. My Granny has sent me… present for Christmas.
  3. The detective got … important information.
  4. He had…dream that seemed real.
  5. She heard… voice calling her.
  6. What … strong coffee!
  7. What… risky situation!
  8. It is such…original idea! We appreciate… new ideas!
  9. Robert gave me such…beautiful engagement rings!
  10. It is such…foggy day! The air is so damp!

Задание 2 Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль

1.Pass me…bread, please. I like rue bread

2. How much is… dictionary? Is it…expensive book?

3. Have you understood … rule, children?

4. Thank you for …invitation, we’ll come.

5. I have … family. …Family is not big, but friendly.

6. This is … wonderful car. … car is my brother’s.

7. They found …cottage in the forest. Not… sound came from…house

8. What… funny little dog! Is…dog yours?

9. Who was … first teacher you had at school?

10. This is… suit John bought in Paris.

11. She has papers everywhere6 on…table, on…floor, in…kitchen and even in bathroom.

12. He was born in… small Siberian village.

13. He usually has dinner in… cheap restaurants.

14.They came to… beach and swam in…sea.

Main Cases of the Use of Indefinite and Definite Articles

Задание 1. Вставьте в пропуски неопределенный артикль, если это необходимо.

  1. What about having…. snack?
  2. Have you ever had…lunch at this restaurant?
  3. Any woman would make … fuss in such a situation
  4. Every morning before breakfast has… swim.
  5. There is… new shopping center in the city.
  6. There were…files in the boxes.
  7. Once there lived… fellow called Bill.
  8. There is … cold milk in the jug
  9. Arthur lived … interesting life.
  10. She was… non-stop talker.
  11. It was… quick and clever decision.
  12. Are you… optimist or… pessimist?
  • What is it? – It is… tomato soup.
  1. It is…good start.  You are… very energetic man.
  2. My Granny has sent me… present for Christmas.
  3. The detective got … important information.
  4. He had…dream that seemed real.
  5. She heard… voice calling her.
  6. What … strong coffee!
  7. What… risky situation!
  8. It is such…original idea! We appreciate… new ideas!
  9. Robert gave me such…beautiful engagement rings!
  10. It is such…foggy day! The air is so damp!

Задание 2 Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль

1.Pass me…bread, please. I like rue bread

2. How much is… dictionary? Is it…expensive book?

3. Have you understood … rule, children?

4. Thank you for …invitation, we’ll come.

5. I have … family. …Family is not big, but friendly.

6. This is … wonderful car. … car is my brother’s.

7. They found …cottage in the forest. Not… sound came from…house

8. What… funny little dog! Is…dog yours?

9. Who was … first teacher you had at school?

10. This is… suit John bought in Paris.

11. She has papers everywhere6 on…table, on…floor, in…kitchen and even in bathroom.

12. He was born in… small Siberian village.

13. He usually has dinner in… cheap restaurants.

14.They came to… beach and swam in…sea.

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