Spotlight 3 Test
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Дидковский Игорь Александрович



по иностранному языку (английскому языку)

для текущего контроля знаний

начального общего образования


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Предварительный просмотр:



по иностранному языку (английскому языку)

для текущего контроля знаний

начального общего образования

2017 г.


фонда оценочных средств

 по иностранному языку (английскому языку)

_основного общего образования

Контролируемые разделы (темы) дисциплины


оценочного средства


Модуль 1: Школьные дни



Модуль 2



Модуль 3



Модуль 4



Модуль 5



Модуль 6



Модуль 7



Модуль 8


Фонд оценочных средств является приложением к рабочей программе по иностранному языку (английскому языку), утвержденной приказом МБОУ «Краснознаменская  школа от  «30».08.2017  № 343

Контрольно-оценочные средства

по _иностранному языку (английский язык)

для текущего контроля знаний

в 3- А/Б классах



учитель иностранного языка (английский язык)

Дидковский Игорь Александрович

2017 г.


Контролируемый раздел (тема) Модуль 1

Task 1 Look and write. (15 points)

okob qjB4JVDQqvA


Hcloos gba



Task 2 Look and write. (30 points)

1. 20

2. 18

3. 11

4. 14

5. 15

6. 12

Task 3. Read and choose. (20 points)

1. A What your name?            B What's your name?

2. A What's this?                B What this?

3. A This my pet, Jessie          B This is my pet, Jessie,

4 A It a pen.                   B It's a pen, ~

Task 4 Read and answer about yourself. (15 points)

1 What's your name?

2 How old are you?

3 What's your favourite subject?

Task 5 Read and write the names of the school subjects. (20 points) 


My name's Tim. I'm in Year 6 at school.

I like 1) iJEBWUOBL  2) 11[1] 3)iTKM3HBRD  and 4) iPX6C1GNY  , but my favourite subject is 5) music_notes_PNG40[1]

What about you?


Правильные ответы

1 book 2 ruler 3 school bag   5 rubber    4 pencil

2. 1 twenty     3 eleven     5 fifteen 2 eighteen   4 fourteen   6 twelve

3 1 B   2 A   3 B   4 B


1. My name’s …?

2 I’m …?

3 My favourite subject is …?

5 1 Maths 2 Science 3 Art 4 Geography 5 Music

Критерии оценивания

«5» - 90-100 баллов

«4» - 75-89 баллов

«3» - 50 -74 баллов

«2» - менее 50 баллов


Контролируемый раздел (тема) Модуль 2

Task 1 Look, read and complete. (20 points) 

1. rangd thefar

2. sierst

3. ferath

4 . graotherndm

5. thbroer

Task 2 Read and choose. (15 points)

1 This is my fish. Its/Your name is Bubbles.

2 She/Her name is Lulu.

3 This is my father. Her/His name is Roger.

4 Look at its/our friends, Paco and Maya!

5 This is my grandmother. Her/ His name is Anna.

Task 3 Read and complete: is, are. (15 points) 

1 It ... a book.

2 They ... not ducks.

3 ... they rubbers?

4 This ... not my school.

5 Who ... she?

Task 4 Write the plurals. (10 points)

1 ruler 2 pen 3 book 4 rubber 5 pencil

Task 5 Read and match. (20 points) 

1. What's this?

2 Who's she?

3 What are they?

4 Who's he?

5 s it a little chimp?

a My big sister.

b They're books.

c No, it's a teddy.

d My little brother.

e It's a rubber.

Task 6 Look and read. Then write the names in your notebooks. (20 points)

Hello, I'm 1) .... This is my mother and father. Their names are 2) ... and 3) .... 4) ... is my big sister and 5) ... is my little other. We are a happy family!


Правильные ответы

1 grandfather 2 sister 3 father 4 grandmother 5 brother

2 Its   2 Her   3 His 4 our 5 Her

3 is  2  are  3  Are  4  is  5  is

4 1 rulers   2 pens   3 books   4 rub bers   5 pencils

5  1  e  2  a  3  b  4  d  5  c

6  1  Frank 3  Tom   5  Brian 2  Linda  4  Judy

Критерии оценивания

«5» - 90-100 баллов

«4» - 75-89 баллов

«3» - 50 -74 баллов

«2» - менее 50 баллов


Контролируемый раздел (тема) Модуль 3

Task 1  Look, read and match. (20 points)

1 eggs 3cKkuZ8QMjo

2 orange juice

3 cake

4 lemonade

5 chocolate

6 milk

7 sandwiches

8 water

9 ice cream

10 rice

Task 2 Read and choose. (20 points)

1 A We doesn't like milk. B We don't like milk.

2 A Does Sue likes potatoes? B Does Sue like potatoes?

3 A I like chips. B I likes chips.

4 A Peter, does you like rice? B Peter, do you like rice?

Task 3. Read and choose. (20 points)

1 We haven't got some/any eggs.

2 Have you got some / any cheese

3 Can I have some/any meat?

4 I haven't got some/any cake.

5 We've got some/any burgers

Task 4 Read and complete: I do. Yum!, I don't. YukI (20 points)

Do you like biscuits? 1) Yes, ...

Do you like sausages? 3) No, ...

Do you like milk? 2)No, ...

Do you like rice? 4) Yes, ...

Task 5

Look, read and write the names in your notebooks. (20 points)

1 I like chicken and potatoes.

2 I like pasta and vegetables.

3 I like rice and sausages.

4 I like meat and potatoes.

5 I like pizza and salad.

Tina iMVXIKTEO Wendy 500_F_120863796_mTIT6vXp4d7s4elu38bzBdkStduT9pdl[1] Theodepositphotos_10190847-stock-photo-meat-and-potatoes[1] 

Simon iWFAAE4C7   Sam iA99R9V5E

Правильные ответы

1. 1  g  3  k 5  b  7  i 9  c 2  a 4  e 6  d 8  h 10  f

2. 1  B  2  B  3  A  4  B

3. 1 any 3 some   5 some 2 any  4 any

  1. 1 I do. Yum! 2 I don’t. Yuk! 3 I don’t. Yuk! 4 I do. Yum!
  2. 1 Sam 2 Wendy 3 Tina 4 Theo 5 Simon

Критерии оценивания

«5» - 90-100 баллов

«4» - 75-89 баллов

«3» - 50 -74 баллов

«2» - менее 50 баллов


Контролируемый раздел (тема) Модуль 4

Task  Look and match. (30 points) 

1 doll 2 armchair 3 tea set 4 musical box 5 elephant 6 aeroplane 7 computer 8 rocking horse 9 TV 10 desk


Task 2  Look, read and complete: This, These (20 points)

1 ... is my lamp.                       4 ... is my radio.

2 ... are my dolls.                      5 ... are my balls.

3 ... are my chairs.                    

Task 3 Read and complete: a or an. (10 points)

1 ... elephant 2 ... bed 3 ... armchair 4 ... orange 5 ... lamp

Task 4 Read and choose. (20 points)

1 A: What's this? B: a) It's a pencil. b) These are pencils.

2 A: Whose is this doll? B: a) It's Marina. b) It's Marina's.

3 A: What are these? B: a) A pen. b) Pens.

4 A: Whose is this? B: a) Albert's. b) Albert.

Task 5  Look, read and complete. (20 points) brPbDSsOQuc

This is my room! Look at my 1) ... rocking horse. It's very nice. Can you see my tea set? It's 2) .... My chairs are 3) .... And look at my funny radio! It looks like a 4) ... mouse!

Правильные ответы

1. 1 h   3 f   5 c  7 e  9 j 2 i 4 g  6 b 8 a 10 d

2. 1 That 2 These 3 Those 4 This 5 These

3. 1 an 2 a 3 an 4 an 5 a

4. 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a

5. 1 brown 2 yellow 3 blue 4 pink

Критерии оценивания

«5» - 90-100 баллов

«4» - 75-89 баллов

«3» - 50 -74 баллов

«2» - менее 50 баллов


Контролируемый раздел (тема) Модуль 5

Task 1 Read and correct. (15 marks)

1 It's got a thin body. iX6U08QWL

2. It's got a short tail. iEWMMQKER

3. It's got a big head.i7FWS3EV6

Task 2 Read and complete. (15 marks)

1. _i_d 2. p_ _r_t 3 __ ah __ s _ 4. tort_is_ 5. ra_ _ it

Task 3 Write the numbers. (16 marks)

1 twenty· five 3 forty·two 2 thirty·six 4 fifty

Task 4 Look and choose. (8 marks)

  1. i4367L8FDman/men 2.iFLYDFENXtooth / teeth
  2. 3. iMOBIOZJC child/ children 4. AibrxKk8T[1]mouse/ mice

Task 5 Look, read and complete: can, can't, has got or hasn't got. (14 marks)

A spider e.g. has got eight legs. It 1) ... a tail. It 2) ... climb, but it 3) ... swim.

A parrot 4) ... a long tail. It 5) ... any teeth. It 6) ... fly, but it 7) ... crawl.

Task 6 Read and answer. (12 marks)

1 How old are you? 2 Can you dance? 3 Can you swim? 4 Do you like fruit? 5 Have you got a pet?

6 What's your favourite animal?

Task 7 Read and complete. (20 marks)

I’ve got a pet rabbit! His name is Ronnie! He's got a fat body, long pink ears and big eyes. Ronnie can run and he can jump! He's very funny!

Name: 1) .. .

Body: 2) ...

Ears: 3) ...

Eyes: 4) .. .

Can: run and 5) ...

Правильные ответы

1. 1 It’s got a fat body. 2 It’s got a long tail. 3 It’s got a small head.

2. 1 bird 3 seahorse 5 rabbit 2 parrot 4 tortoise

3. 1 25 2 36 3 42 4 50

4. 1 men 2 children3 tooth  4 mouse

5. 1 hasn’t got 2 can 3 can’t 4 has got 5 hasn’t got 6 can 7 can’t


1 I’m nine/ten.

2 Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

3 Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

 4 Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

5 No, I haven’t./Yes, I have.

6 The dog/the cat.

7. 1 Ronnie 2 fat 3 long (pink) 4 big 5 jump

Критерии оценивания

«5» - 90-100 баллов

«4» - 75-89 баллов

«3» - 50 -74 баллов

«2» - менее 50 баллов


Контролируемый раздел (тема) Модуль 6

Task 1  Look and complete. (12 marks)

  1. cupbo_ _d
  2. 2. gla_ _
  3. 3. f_ _ dge
  4. 4. c_ _ ker

Task 2 Look, read and choose. (24 marks)  YwlAlgeok1M

1 There is/are a sofa in front of/behind the window.

2 There is/are two cats on/under the sofa.

3 There is/are some books on/next to the sofa.

4 There is/ are some glasses on/in the cupboard.

5 There is/are a ball under/next to the cupboard.

6 There is/ are a lamp behind/in the books.

Task 3 Write the plurals. (24 marks)

1 baby

3 shelf

2 glass

4 box

Task 4 Read and match. (15 marks)

1 What's in the fridge?

2 How many cookers are there?

3 Where's Ian?

a An apple.

b In the bedroom.

c Only one.

Task 5 Read and write yes or no. (25 marks)

Our house is very big! There's a living room, a kitchen, three bathrooms and four bedrooms! Look! There's a blue bath in my bathroom! Our living room is yellow and there are two mirrors and a big sofa in it. Look at all the trees in our garden! Our house is very nice!

1 There are two kitchens.

2 There are four bedrooms.

3 The bath is blue.

4 The living room is yellow.

5 There is one mirror in the living room

Правильные ответы

1. 1 cupboard 2 glass 3 fridge 4 cooker

2. 1 is- in front of 2 are - on 3 are - next to 4 are - in 5 is - under 6 is - behind

3. 1 babies 2 glasses 3 shelves 4 boxes

4. 1 a 2 c 3 b

5. 1 no 2 yes 3yes 4 yes 5 no

Критерии оценивания

«5» - 90-100 баллов

«4» - 75-89 баллов

«3» - 50 -74 баллов

«2» - менее 50 баллов

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