Тренировочные упражнения. Лексика и грамматика.
тренажёр по английскому языку по теме

Смирнова Татьяна Аркадьевна

Предварительный просмотр:

Module2                                                                                   Form 9                                                                                                              

" Start travelling now!"                                                                    

Task 1. Match the words in the columns. Use each of them only once.

1) hand               a) policy

2) boarding         b) currency

3) insurance       c) luggage

4) foreign            d) desk

5) check-in          e) pass

Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct reflexive pronouns.

  1. Have you made this dress … ?
  2. Help … to some cake. It's really good.
  3. "I think we can do everything …", said Peter.
  4. She can dress … . She is already 4.
  5. Come in and make … at home.

Task 3. Choose the appropriate modal verb.

  1. Should I return your book now? - No, you needn't/mustn't/couldn't.
  2. You needn't/mustn't/shouldn't stay in the foreign country longer than your visa allows.
  3. We should/ have to/ must visit our granny in the hospital.
  4. At the airport your luggage must/ can / should be lost.
  5. You can't/ mustn't/ needn't talk aloud in the reading-hall.

Task 4.  Fill in the articles when necessary.

1.The most famous Italian river is … Tiber.

2.What is the capital of … NorthernIreland?

3.… USA is situated in … North America.

4.San Marino lies in … Apennine Mountains near … AdriaticSea.

5.… Iceland is a volcanic island.

Task 5.  Translate into  English:

1. объявить вылет

2. мешать работе

3. это очевидно, что

4. забрать багаж на пункте выдачи

5. заполнять декларацию

6. это хорошая мысль

7. официальный язык

8. иметь много границ

Task6.  Fill in the articles where it is necessary.

1)… Amazon river is situated in … SouthAmerica.

2)… Bering Strait divides Russia and America.

3)… Pacific Ocean is the most dangerous because of the great number of storms.

4)… Bermuda Triangle is situated in … AtlanticOcean.

Task 7. Express it in English.

1)Я бы предпочел остаться дома, чем идти в кино.

2)Я бы лучше прочитал эту книгу.

3)Я предпочитаю организованный туризм.

Предварительный просмотр:

Повествовательные предложения

  1. Kate said, “Mary is ill. I want to visit her”.
  2. Pete said to Mike, “I wasn’t fond of reading when I was a little boy”.
  3. Kate said, “Nick has left for Kursk. He won’t be at the party tomorrow.’
  4. The teacher said to the pupils, “This boy is very curious, he always asks a lot of questions.”
  5. The tourist said, “The rainfall continued for the whole week”
  6. Nick said, “I’m curious to know what has happened to her.”
  7. Pete said, “I am sorry about yesterday.”
  8. Tom said to Pete, “Forget it.”
  9. Kate said, “I am sorry. I forgot to phone you last week.”
  10. Bill said, “I have a stomachache.”
  11. Greg said, “I wrote letters very seldom last year.”
  12. Mrs. Brown said, “I am surprised at the news.”
  13. Lucy said to Peter, “I didn’t go to school yesterday.”
  14.  The doctor said, “It’s silly of you to take this medicine for blood pressure.”

Вопросительные предложения с вопросительным словом

  1. “What are you doing in America?” Tom asked.
  2. “When are you going back to Moscow?” Jane asked.
  3. My friend asked me, “When will you come back from the country?”
  4. The teacher asked, “Who is on duty today?”
  5. My aunt asks me, “When will you come to visit us?”
  6. Ann said to Mary, “Why are you so sad? What has happened?”
  7. All my friends ask me, “Where did you spend your vacation?”
  8. My mother asked me, “Where have you been so late?”
  9. Allan asked me, “How long did you stay in the south?”
  10. Robert asked me, “Where will you spend your holidays?”
  11. Donald asked his brother, “When did you send the telegram?”
  12. Nina asked Lucy, “Why didn’t you phone me yesterday?”
  13. “When did you receive this letter?” my friend says to me.
  14. “What does your sister do?” my friend asks.

Вопросительные предложения без вопросительного слова

  1. The American children ask us, “Do you like sports?”
  2. Steve asked Boris, “Have you seen my collection of toy cars?”
  3. My sister often asks me, “Will you take me to the museum?”
  4. “Have you been to the United States before?” Larry asked.
  5. “Do you play baseball?” Catherine asked.
  6. The teacher said to the pupil, “Did you do your sums yesterday
  7. Jane said to Olga, ‘Will you join us tomorrow?’
  8. Jane asked me, “Can you come for 5 o’clock tea tomorrow?”
  9. Pete asked Nick, “Would you like to join us for a football game?”
  10. Jane asked me, “Can you come for 5 o’clock tea tomorrow?”
  11. Dick asked, “Is Lucy married?”
  12. Sam said to Peter, “Do you often visit your parents?”
  13. Bob asked Susan, “Will you come to the meeting?”

Побудительные предложения

  1.  “Go to bed!” His mother said to him.
  2. “Please, warm the supper up, Mary,” Mother said.
  3. “Close the door, please,” said the conductor.
  4. “Help me to lay the table, please!” Grandmother said to Kate.
  5. “Give me your ticket, please,” the conductor said to the passenger.
  6. The boy said, “Bring me some water.”
  7. Jane said, “Wait for me at school entrance.”
  8. The teacher says, “Learn the poem by heart.”
  9. The doctor said to me, “Never smoke to keep feet.”
  10. My mother said, “Clean your teeth every morning.”
  11. Nick asks the librarian, “Give me an interesting book to read, please.”
  12. Jane said, “Help me do my homework, please.”
  13. The boy said to his mother, “Give me a clean shirt, please.”
  14. Father says to Jane: “Show me your exercise-book.”

Побудительные предложения в отрицательной форме

  1. My aunt said, “Don’t go there! “
  2. Granny said, “Don’t do any harm to animals, Betty!”
  3. Mother said, “Don’t speak so loudly, Dan!”
  4. Granny said to the boy, “Don’t open the window, please”.
  5. My father said, “Don’t come late”.
  6. “Don’t pull the cat by the tail,” the mother said to her little daughter.
  7. “Don’t drink water from the river,” the old tourist said to us.
  8. “Don’t break the trees for fun,” the forester said to the children.
  9. “Don’t make such a noise,” the teacher said to the boys.
  10. “Help me to lay the table, please!” Grandmother said to Kate.
  11. “Don’t read at mealtime,” she said to the children.
  12. “Don’t eat with a knife, Peter,” said Father.
  13. Jim said to Alec, “Don’t close the window.”

Reported Speech.

  1. Ben said to me: ''I love you''.
  2. She said to Sam:  ''What are you doing?''
  3. She said to me:” Have you seen this film before?”
  4. “Jack, eat your breakfast!” said his grandma.
  5. Mary said to her grandma: «Don't be angry with me!»
  6. Susan said: «My brother works here.»
  7.  The doctor said: «Do you keep a diet?»

Предварительный просмотр:

Лексико – грамматический  тест по английскому языку за курс основной школы
Вариант №1

  1. Выберите правильный вариант множественного числа для слова child

a) childs b) children c) childrens

  1. Подберите нужное относительное  местоимение.

       This is the book ______ I told you about.

       a) which b) who

  1. Подбери равнозначное по смыслу предложение:

Brisbane is the third biggest city in Australia.

  1. Brisbane is Australia third biggest city.
  2. Brisbane is in Australia third biggest city.
  3. Brisbane is Australia`s third biggest city.
  1. Вставьте необходимый предлог.

Passengers got to St Petersburg ___ train.

  1. in
  2. by
  3. on
  1. Вставьте артикль, если необходимо.

There is ___ tall building at the end of the street.
a) a

b) an

c) the

d) -

6. Поставьте апостроф
(`) в правильном месте.

Can I take my fathers watch, please.

  1. Закончите предложение, вставив нужный модальный глагол
    ________ you like to go for a drive this weekend?

        a) should

       b) would

       c) need

      d) might

  1. Выбери правильную форму глагола.

      He _________ at school yesterday.

  1. were
  2. was
  3. has been
  4. have been

  1. Выбери правильную форму глагола.

      I ____________ English words at this moment.

  1. am learning
  2. learn
  3. will learn

10. Выберите нужное сопутствующее слово, чтобы закончить предложение.

    We have _____________________ done this work, you may check it.
         a) tomorrow

          b) already

          c) ago

          d) usually

11. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму пассивного  залога.

           The words “I love Olya” _______ on the tree.

  1. has been cut
  2. have been cut

с) have cut

12. Закончите предложение, употребив инфинитив или герундий.

       I  enjoy _________ children`s faces.

              а)  seeing

  1. to see

13. Выберите подходящие глаголы для III типа условно- придаточного предложения, когда условие полностью нереальное.

    I didn`t see Jack yesterday. If I ______him, I ________ him about the    


  1. saw, would tell
  2. see, will tell
  3.        had seen, would have told

14. Выберите правильный глагол :

By the time I ____40, people will invent good filters for plants and factories.

  1. will be
  2. am
  3.       would be

15. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

I___________ English  for 5 years.

  1. Have  learnt
  2. Have been learning
  3.       learn

16. Напишите предложение, расставив слова в правильном порядке.

do the shopping/I/every Saturday/at the market

17. Употреби правильную конструкцию:

Liverpool is a sea port and has a good football team, so Rod wanted to become___ a sailor ___   a footballer.

  1.        neither, nor
  2.        neither, or
  3. either, or
  4. either, nor

18. Выбери необходимую по смыслу часть речи.

It`s really very ______ to be in Russia.

  1. excitement
  2. exciting

c)  excited

Вариант №2

  1. Выберите правильный вариант множественного числа для слова foot

       a) foots b) feets c) feet

  1. Подберите нужное относительное  местоимение.
    A person _____never lets you down is reliable.

a) which b) who

  1. Подбери равнозначное по смыслу предложение:

Sydney is the largest and oldest city in Australia.

  1. Sydney is Australia largest and oldest city.
  2. Sydney is Australia`s largest and oldest city.
  3.      Sydney is in Australia largest and oldest city.

  1. Вставьте необходимый предлог.

Our flight arrived ___8 o`clock.

  1. on
  2. at
  1. Вставьте артикль,если необходимо.
    Some people enjoy going to ….. theatre very much.

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) -

  1. Поставьте апостроф (`) в правильном месте.

This is my mothers room, it is clean and cosy.

  1. Закончите предложение, вставив нужный модальный глагол .

You …. a dictionary to translate this text into Russian.

a) should

b) would

c) need

d) might

  1. Выбери правильную форму глагола.

We …. a dictation at the lesson tomorrow.

  1. will write
  2. write
  3. have written
  4. has written

  1. Выбери правильную форму глагола.

My elder brother ….. English words now.

  1. is learning
  2. learns
  3. will learn
  1. Выберите нужное сопутствующее слово, чтобы закончить предложение .

I saw this man two days … .

a) tomorrow

b) already

c) ago

d) usually

  1.  Поставь глагол в правильную форму пассивного залога.

Two trees ___________.

  1. have been broken
  2. has been broken
  3.       have broke
  1. Закончите предложение, употребив инфинитив или герундий.

I enjoy ______ in a peaceful and quiet atmosphere.

  1. being
  2. to be

   13. Выберите подходящие глаголы для III типа условно- придаточного предложения, когда условие полностью нереальное.

I  ____________  Jack about the party, if I _________ him yesterday. But I didn`t see him.

  1. will talk, see
  2. would have told, had seen
  3. had seen, would have told

    14. Выберите правильный глагол :

I`ll wait until she ______ us this encyclopedia.

  1. will bring
  2. brings
  3. would bring

      15. Выберитеправильнуюформуглагола.

I____the guitar since my childhood.

  1. Have  played
  2. Have  been playing
  3.       play

  1. Напиши предложение, расставив слова в правильном порядке.

Has/he/already/this work/done


  1. Употреби правильную конструкцию:

She will be _____ a surgeon _____ a teacher, because she cannot work under pressure.

  1. neither, nor
  2. neither, or
  3.       either, or

      either, nor

  1. Выбери необходимую по смыслу часть речи .

I have recently read a very …. book about adventures.

  1. interesting
  2. interested

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