Тауэр Лондона
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Ирина Гладышева

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Слайд 1

The Tower of London

Слайд 2

The plan of the Tower

Слайд 3

The Tower of London, that formidable symbol of England's national heritage, served as a royal residence as well as a prison in the medieval period. The monarch traditionally spent the night at the Tower prior to his or her coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey. It has been the stage on which much of England's dramatic but often sad and bloody saga of royal history has been played out.

Слайд 4

AD 40. The Tower before the Roman

Слайд 5

AD 200. The Roman fortress

Слайд 6

AD 1080. The castle of the Conqueror

Слайд 7

William the Conqueror

Слайд 8

AD 1200. Development of the Tower

Слайд 9

AD 1300. The Tower

Слайд 10

AD 1700. The Tower

Слайд 11

AD 1940. The Tower

Слайд 12

AD 2000. The Tower

Слайд 13

The Tower was a fortress, a palace, a prison…

Слайд 14

Today The Tower is Britain’s most famous museum.

Слайд 15

The Tower consists of several towers a nd the Jewel House

Слайд 16

The White Tower

Слайд 17

The White Tower, a massive building inside the walls, was the place where Kings of England held their Court.

Слайд 18

The Bloody Tower The Princes in the Tower One of the most long debated mysteries associated with the Tower of London is that of the tragic disappearance of the so called Princes in the Tower within its walls. At his death, Edward IV left his brother Richard, Duke of Gloucester, as Lord Protector to his young son, the new king. In what is perhaps the most pathos evoking event ever encompassed within the walls of the fortress, Richard imprisoned his nephews Edward V and Richard, Duke of York there in 1483 and seized the throne for himself. The two boys were reported to have been seen playing in the garden, but after Richard's coronation began to be seen less and less behind the bars and windows of the Tower, rumour was rife at the time that they had been done away with and they were never again seen alive. The children were housed in what was then known as the Garden Tower, it obtained sinister connotations and was re-named the Bloody Tower only after the two boys disappearance and likely murder.

Слайд 19

The Bloody Tower, where Edward V and his brother 'The Princes in the Tower' were imprisoned

Слайд 20

The Cradle Tower

Слайд 21

The Bell Tower

Слайд 22

The Jewel House .

Слайд 23

The Jewel House .

Слайд 24

A Coldstream Guards sentry outside the Jewel House.

Слайд 25

Crown Jewels

Слайд 26

The Ceremony of the Keys It takes place every night at 10 p. m.

Слайд 27

The Ceremony of the Keys - Halt, who comes there? - The Keys. - Whose Keys? - Queen Elizabeth’s keys. - Advance Queen Elizabeth’s keys. All is right.

Слайд 28

Ceremony of the Keys - Tower of London January 1976.

Слайд 29

The Tower Ravens One of the many legends that have grown around and cling to the Tower of London like the damp, grey London fog that lapped around its walls, is that of the Tower ravens. The legend, of unknown antiquity, states that if the ravens present at the Tower should leave, the Tower itself would fall, along with the entire kingdom. Long before the conquest, ravens had been a familiar sight in the streets of London, where they were welcomed as natural scavengers who picked up bones and edible refuse from the gutters. The legend of the ravens, of unknown antiquity, has become of such importance that royal decrees have been issued protecting the birds for hundreds of years. The decree requires that at least six birds be kept at the Tower at any given time. There is at present an official Yeoman Warder termed the Raven Master, who tends to the birds. The ravens are lodged by the Wakefield Tower .

Слайд 30

The ravens and Yeomen Warders (Beefeaters)

Слайд 31

The ravens and Yeomen Warders (Beefeaters)

Слайд 32


Слайд 33

Welcome to the Tower

Слайд 34

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