Входная К.Р. для 6 класса
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Богданович Наталия Васильевна

Входная К.Р. по английскому языку для 6 класса, УМК " Rainbow English"


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Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку

6 класс
1 вариант

  1. Choose the correct answer!
  1. She … to jump.
    a) like  b) likes   c) to like
  2. You … many pens.
    a) have   b) to have    c) has
  3. They  … pupils.
    a) are      b) am    c) is
  4. It is Betty. … brother is a student.
    a) her     b) his    c) she
  5. It is Ed. … bag is black.

 a) he  b) her  c) his

  1. Green – зеленый. Red - …
    a) красный  b) коричневый c) синий
  2. First – ____________. Fifth - _____________
    a) первый   b) второй  c) третий d) четвертый  e) пятый
  3. Cold – colder – the coldest. Little   - … - …?
    a) less – the least   b) littler – the littlest  c) more little  – the most little
  4. Is there … in the box?
    a) anything     b) something     c) nothing
  5. There is … in the classroom.
    a) somebody   b) anybody   c) nobody
  6. I don`t know … here.
    a) nobody   b) somebody  c) anybody

  1. Choose the right tense for each sentence!
  1. She was listening to music the whole evening.
  1. Present Continuous
  1. They often go to the cinema.
  1. Future Simple
  1. You will write a test tomorrow.
  1. Present Simple
  1. We met our teacher yesterday.
  1. Past Simple
  1. They are reading a story at the moment.
  1. Past Continuous






  1. Put down the second and the third forms of following verbs!
  1. see  - ……………….. - …………………………
  2. take - ………………. - …………………………
  3. run - ………………… - …………………………
  4. come - ……………….. - ………………………..
  5. make - ……………….. - …………………………
  6. eat - ………………….. - ………………………….

  1. Put different questions to the sentence!

Our friends often visit the theater.

  1. Tag-question
  2. General question
  3. Alternative question
  4. Special questions

1a) ____________________________________________________


2b) ____________________________________________________


3c) _____________________________________________________


4d) ____________________________________________________


Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку

6 класс 

2 вариант

  1. Choose the correct answer!
  1. He … to swim.
    a) likes  b) like   c) to like
  2. I … many books.
    a) has   b) have    c) to have
  3. Wendy and Peggy … friends.
    a) am      b) is    c) are
  4. It is Nelly. … copybook is green.
    a) his     b) her    c) she
  5. It is Ben. … pen is black.

 a) his   b) her  c) he

  1. Grey – серый. Brown - …
    a) красный  b) коричневый c) синий
  2. Third – ____________. First - _____________…
    a) первый   b) второй  c) третий d) четвертый  e) пятый
  3. Big – bigger – the biggest. Good  - … - …?
    a) gooder – the goodest   b) better – the best  c) more good – the most good
  4. Is there … in the classroom?
    a) nobody     b) anybody     c) somebody
  5. There is … in the box for you.
    a) something   b) anything   c) anybody
  6. I didn`t meet … in the street.
    a) nobody   b) somebody  c) anybody

  1. Choose the right tense for each sentence!
  1. Yesterday I was fishing from 4 till 6 o`clock.

a) Present Continuous

  1. We usually ride a bike in the evening.

b) Future Simple

  1. You will visit the museum tomorrow.
  1. Present Simple
  1. She went to her grandmother last week.
  1. Past Simple
  1. We are talking about our school now.
  1. Past Continuous






  1. Put down the second and the third forms of following verbs!
  1. speak  - …………………. - …………………………….
  2. understand - ……………….. - ………………………..
  3. go - …………………. - ………………………
  4. meet - ……………….. - ………………………..
  5. write - ………………… - ………………………
  6. do - …………………. - …………………………..

  1. Put different questions to the sentence!

Every week Jill and Meggy read new poems.

  1. Tag-question
  2. General question
  3. Alternative question
  4. Special questions

1a) ____________________________________________________


2b) ____________________________________________________


3c) _____________________________________________________


4d) _____________________________________________________


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