Контрольная работа к учебнику Spotlight 11, модуль 7 Conditionals
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Колупаева Мария Александровна

Контрольная работа к учебнику Spotlight 11, модуль 7


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Контрольная работа к учебнику Spotlight 11, модуль 7

1.Fill in: longed, applying for, graduating, dropping out, overcome.

1. She had to … many obstacles before she was able to open up her own business.

2. Anna’s thinking of travelling around the world after  … from university.

3. My brother had always… to do a postgraduate degree, but had never found the time.

4. If you’re having problems at university, you should talk to your professors;

 … is not the answer.

5. Why don’t you try…a scholarship? With your high grades, I’m sure they’ll give it to you.

2.Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense.

  1. The teacher said, “I’ll begin the lesson as soon as Jack …. (stop) talking.”
  2. The old gentleman doesn’t go out in winter. He ….(go) out if the weather gets warmer.
  3. If Felix (to be) ___________ here I would have seen him.
  4. Would they come if we (to invite) __________them?
  5. If they hadn’t walked 40 km, they …(not / be) exhausted now.
  6. A:  I wish you ………………………. (try) harder with your Maths homework.

   B: Sorry. I find it very difficult.

  1. A:  If only we ………………………… (go) to France last summer.

 B: We could go this year if you like.

  1.     A:  I wish I ………………………… ( can afford) some new CDs

   B: Would you like to borrow some of mine?

  1.   A:  If only it ………………………………. (stop) raining.

 B: Yes. Then we could go for a walk.

  1.   A: Are you going to Joanne's party on Saturday?

  B: No. I wish I ……………………….. (go), because I'm sure it will be fun.6. If I visit London, I …(see) the Tower of London.

3.Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particle.

1. The actress does not dance professionally, but she carried it … well in the movie.

2. Pam got the loan from the bank and was able to carry … his plan to open up a restaurant.

3. Her advice carried me … a very difficult period in my life.

4. Although she felt really nervous, she carried the speech …very well.

5. If you carry … driving so fast, you’ll have an accident.

4.Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition or particle “to”

1. She finally succeeded …making her dreams come true.

2. He graduated … university last year.

3. Thea are doing research … biology.

4. If you cheat … an exam, you will drop out .

5. I long … become a dentist.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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