Контрольные работы 5 класс
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Огородникова Наталья Петровна

Контрольные работы к УМК "Spotlight" 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Form 5                                          Test 3

1. Cross the odd word out.

1)bathroom-kitchen-mirror-living room






2.Fill in :     is/are.

1)There……two chairs in my room.

2) There……a picture on the wall.

3) There……a desk, two armchairs in the room.

4) There……many books on the shelf.

5) There……children in the garden.

6) There……one window in the room.

3. Fill in :       us,you,  it, her, them,your, him, my.

1) This is my sister. Look  at … .                             5) …   granny is very kind.

2) This is my pet. I love … .                                     6) Tell … about your family.

3) Sasha is my best friend. I see … every day.    7) What’s ……favourite food?

4) Lena, can I ask … something?                           8)They are my pets. Look at …. .

4.Match the questions and the answers.

1) What’s his name?

a) He is twelve.

2) Where is he from?

b) He is tall with fair hair.

3) How old is he?

c) Yes, he has two sisters.

4) What’s he like?

d) The 3rd.

5) What does he look like?

e) Stepan

6) Has he got a sister?

f) This one here.

7) Which floor is his flat on?

g) He is very friendly.

8) Which is his house?

h) He is from Russia.

5. Answer the questions.

1) What’s your name?                                7) Can you speak English?

2) How old are you?                         8) Do you live in the house or in the flat?

3) Where are you from?

4) Have you got a sister or a brother?

5) What do you look like?

6) What are you like?

Form 5                                          Test 3

1. Cross the odd word out.

1)bathroom-kitchen-mirror-living room






2.Fill in :     is/are.

1)There……two chairs in my room.

2) There……a picture on the wall.

3) There……a desk, two armchairs in the room.

4) There……many books on the shelf.

5) There……children in the garden.

6) There……one window in the room.

3. Fill in :       us,you,  it, her, them,your, him, my.

1) This is my sister. Look  at … .                             5) …   granny is very kind.

2) This is my pet. I love … .                                     6) Tell … about your family.

3) Sasha is my best friend. I see … every day.    7) What’s ……favourite food?

4) Lena, can I ask … something?                       8)They are my pets. Look at …. .

4.Match the questions and the answers.

1) What’s his name?

a) He is twelve.

2) Where is he from?

b) He is tall with fair hair.

3) How old is he?

c) Yes, he has two sisters.

4) What’s he like?

d) The 3rd.

5) What does he look like?

e) Stepan

6) Has he got a sister?

f) This one here.

7) Which floor is his flat on?

g) He is very friendly.

8) Which is his house?

h) He is from Russia.

5. Answer the questions.

1) What’s your name?                                7) Can you speak English?

2) How old are you?                         8) Do you live in the house or in the flat?

3) Where are you from?

4) Have you got a sister or a brother?

5) What do you look like?

6) What are you like?


1. Cross the odd word out.

1)bathroom-kitchen-mirror-living room






2.Fill in      is/are.

1) are         2)  is           3)  is          4) are          5)  are            6) is

3. Fill in :    

1) her   2)  it   3)  him    4) you    5) My  6) us  7)your  8)them

4.Match the questions and the answers.

1) What’s his name?

e) Stepan

2) Where is he from?

h) He is from Russia.

3) How old is he?

a) He is twelve.

4) What’s he like?

g) He is very friendly.

5) What does he look like?

b) He is tall with fair hair.

6) Has he got a sister?

c) Yes, he has two sisters.

7) Which floor is his flat on?

d) The 3rd.

8) Which is his house?

f) This one here.

Form 5                                          Test 3

1. Cross the odd word out.

1)bathroom-kitchen-mirror-living room






2.Fill in :     is/are.

1)There……two chairs in my room.

2) There……a picture on the wall.

3) There……a desk, two armchairs in the room.

4) There……many books on the shelf.

5) There……children in the garden.

6) There……one window in the room.

3. Fill in :       us,you,  it, her, them,your, him, my.

1) This is my sister. Look  at … .                             5) …   granny is very kind.

2) This is my pet. I love … .                                     6) Tell … about your family.

3) Sasha is my best friend. I see … every day.    7) What’s ……favourite food?

4) Lena, can I ask … something?                           8)They are my pets. Look at …. .

4.Match the questions and the answers.

1) What’s his name?

a) He is twelve.

2) Where is he from?

b) He is tall with fair hair.

3) How old is he?

c) Yes, he has two sisters.

4) What’s he like?

d) The 3rd.

5) What does he look like?

e) Stepan

6) Has he got a sister?

f) This one here.

7) Which floor is his flat on?

g) He is very friendly.

8) Which is his house?

h) He is from Russia.

5. Answer the questions.

1) What’s your name?                                7) Can you speak English?

2) How old are you?                         8) Do you live in the house or in the flat?

3) Where are you from?

4) Have you got a sister or a brother?

5) What do you look like?

6) What are you like?

Предварительный просмотр:

Form 5

Test 2.

1. Match the words.

1) Physical                                                a) Technology

2) pencil                                                   b) Education

3)  secondary                                           c) subject

4) lunch                                                    d) break

5)  school                                                 e)school

6)   Information                                       f)case

2. Complete with  a/an.

… letter, … book, … apple, … pen, … picture, … desk, … eraser, … room,

… cake, … cup, … atlas, …fox, … song, … flower.

3. Fill in:  is, am, are .

1) I … 10 years old.

2)……. you and  Rita at school?

3) My sisters ….. in the garden.

4) Her mother …. a doctor.

5) She …. in year 5.

6) They ….. at primary school.

7) My dog …… funny.

8) Lena and Katya …  my friends.

9) I … a student.

4) Choose the correct response.

1. Good morning, Sally!

a)Bye, Bob! See you later!

2.Goodbye, Liz!

b) Math and English.

3.What class is he in?

c) No, he isn’t. He is 12.

4.What subject does he choose?

d) Good morning, Bob!

5.Is Mark 13?

e)Yes, I’m.

6. Are you new to the school?

f) He is in class 6.

Form 5

Test 2.

1. Match the words.

1) Physical                                                a) Technology

2) pencil                                                   b) Education

3)  secondary                                           c) subject

4) lunch                                                    d) break

5)  school                                                 e)school

6)   Information                                       f)case

2. Complete with  a/an.

… letter, … book, … apple, … pen, … picture, … desk, … eraser, … room,

… cake, … cup, … atlas, …fox, … song, … flower.

3. Fill in:  is, am, are .

1) I … 10 years old.

2)……. you and  Rita at school?

3) My sisters ….. in the garden.

4) Her mother …. a doctor.

5) She …. in year 5.

6) They ….. at primary school.

7) My dog …… funny.

8) Lena and Katya …  my friends.

9) I … a student.

4) Choose the correct response.

1. Good morning, Sally!

a)Bye, Bob! See you later!

2.Goodbye, Liz!

b) Math and English.

3.What class is he in?

c) No, he isn’t. He is 12.

4.What subject does he choose?

d) Good morning, Bob!

5.Is Mark 13?

e)Yes, I’m.

6. Are you new to the school?

f) He is in class 6.

Form 5                                       Keys

                                                   Test 2

1. 1-b, 2-f, 3-e, 4-d,5-c, 6-a

2. a letter, a book, an apple, a pen, a  picture, a  desk, an  eraser,  a room,

A  cake,  a cup,  an atlas,  a fox,  a song,  a flower.

3. 1) am 2) are 3)are 4) is   5)is  6) are 7)is 8) are 9)am








Form 6                                       Keys

                                                   Test 1

1. Choose the odd word.

1) winter-spring-October-summer.

2) bank-library-museum-desk.

3) my-mine-your-her.

4) café-toy shop- sports shop- pet shop.

5) sofa- table- chair- armchair.

6) window-computer- beds- table.

2. Match the countries and nationalities.




a) Russian

3. Germany

f) German



5. Poland




 3. Match the countries and their capitals.


d) London



3.Northern Ireland



c) Edinburgh

4.Match the questions with the correct answers.

1. When is your birthday?

e)It’s on the 2nd 0f March.

2. What time is it?

f)It’s half past 7.

3. Where are you from?

a)From England.

4. What nationality are you?

b)I’m Russian.

5. Where do you want the sofa?

c)Put it in front of the table.

6. Where can I buy stamps?

d) At the post office.

5. Fill in:  at, in, on.

1)in March                                                     4) in 2018

2) in the evening                                          5) at the weekend

3)at 9:25 am                                                  6) on  the 1st of September

Form 7                                             Keys

                                                          Test 1.

1. Match the words.

1. alarm


2. heavy

b) traffic

3. beautiful

c) landscape

4. fresh

d) air

5. door

e) chain



2. Write the past simple forms.

1. write-                                   5.put-                              9.play-

2. read-                                    6. go-                              10. bring-

3. open-                                   7. come-                         11. leave-

4. catch-                                   8. decide-                       12. watch-

3. Fill in: until, after, as soon as possible, when.

1) He was in the kitchen when the phone rang.

2) She waited at the station until the bus arrived.

3) Bob called his father  as soon as  he got home.

4) He played computer games  after he had dinner.

4.Match the words.


e) a story


b) a hat


c) criminals behind bars


d) a magnifying glass


a) a role


f) an area

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