Контрольные работы 8 класс
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Огородникова Наталья Петровна

Контрольные работы к УМК "Spotlight"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Form 8                                                Test 1.

1.Match the adjectives to their opposites.


a) insensitive


b) unsociable


c) pessimistic


d)  irritable


e) confident

6. sociable

f) generous


g) flexible

2.Match to form exchanges.

1. Excuse me!

a) I’ve bought it last week.

2.Make yourself at home!

b)Sparkling or still?

3.Is this seat taken?

c) That’s very kind!

4.How would you like to pay?

d) Don’t mention it.

5.I’d like some water, please!

e)  No, please sit down!

6.What a nice dress!

f) Yes, can I help you?

7.Thank you very much!

g) By cash.

3.Fill n: stubborn, thoughts, chocolate, recovery, proud, reliable, up

1)Get well soon! Wishing your speedy …… .

2) I’m sorry! Please know you are in my…… .

3) Congratulations on your success! I’m ……  of you.

4)Listen to me! Don’t be so ….  .

5)My friend is very….  .

6)I prefer dark …… to the milk or white varieties.

4.Fill in: over, along, down, up, without, over with, with, down with.

1) The rainy weather gets me …. .

2) Do you get ….. with your parents?

3)The sooner I start writing the report , the sooner I get it ….. .

4) It has taken me a long time to get … the flu.

5)Camels can go ….. water longer than other animals.

6) The price of petrol has gone ……  again.

7)This white blouse goes ….. my black trousers.

8)My friend went …. the flu yesterday so he didn’t go to school.

Form 8                                                Test 1.

1.Match the adjectives to their opposites.


a) insensitive


b) unsociable


c) pessimistic


d)  irritable


e) confident

6. sociable

f) generous


g) flexible

2.Match to form exchanges.

1. Excuse me!

a) I’ve bought it last week.

2.Make yourself at home!

b)Sparkling or still?

3.Is this seat taken?

c) That’s very kind!

4.How would you like to pay?

d) Don’t mention it.

5.I’d like some water, please!

e)  No, please sit down!

6.What a nice dress!

f) Yes, can I help you?

7.Thank you very much!

g) By cash.

3.Fill n: stubborn, thoughts, chocolate, recovery, proud, reliable, up

1)Get well soon! Wishing your speedy …… .

2) I’m sorry! Please know you are in my…… .

3) Congratulations on your success! I’m ……  of you.

4)Listen to me! Don’t be so ….  .

5)My friend is very….  .

6)I prefer dark …… to the milk or white varieties.

4.Fill in: over, along, down, up, without, over with, with, down with.

1) The rainy weather gets me …. .

2) Do you get ….. with your parents?

3)The sooner I start writing the report , the sooner I get it ….. .

4) It has taken me a long time to get … the flu.

5)Camels can go ….. water longer than other animals.

6) The price of petrol has gone ……  again.

7)This white blouse goes ….. my black trousers.

8)My friend went …. the flu yesterday so he didn’t go to school.

Form 8                                                Test 1.

1.Match the adjectives to their opposites.


d) irritable









6. sociable




2.Match to form exchanges.

1. Excuse me!

f)Yes, can I help you?

2.Make yourself at home!

c)That’s very kind!

3.Is this seat taken?

e)No, please sit down!

4.How would you like to pay?

g)By cash.

5.I’d like some water, please!

b)Sparkling or still?

6.What a nice dress!

a)I’ve bought it last week.

7.Thank you very much!

d)Don’t mention it.

3. Fill n:

1) recovery           4) stubborn

2) thoughts           5) reliable

3)proud                 6) chocolate

4.Fill in:

1) down                     4)over                 7) with

2) along,                    5) without           8)down with

3) over with,             6)up                      

Критерии оценок:

«5»- 28-26




Предварительный просмотр:

Form 8                                                    Test 2

1. Match.

1) traffic

a) tamer

2) lion

b) designer

3) bank

c)delivery boy

4) computer

d) assistant

5) graphic

e) teller

6) pizza

f) salesman

7) car

g) warden

8) sales

h) programmer

2.Fill in: back, on,  up, out(x2), round , in, off

1) This singer is bringing …a new album.

2) My brother’s job bring … 20 000 rubles a month.

3) The firefighter managed to put … the fire.

4) This cartoon brings … happy memories from my childhood.

5) Put … your new dress, please!

6) This town is an ideal place to bring … your children.

7) Put …   your books,  please!

8) He passed out and the nurse brought him… .

3. Match to form exchanges.

1) She got a scholarship.

a) She works as a nurse.

2) What’s the pay like?

b) That’s fantastic!

3) What does your mum do for a living?

c) No, it’s too bright!

4) How do you like my new haircut?

d)It doesn’t go with your skirt.

5) Does this colour suit me?

e) Not very good.

6)What do you think of this blouse?

f) Fine! It really suits you.

4. Turn the sentences into  the Passive Voice.

1) Lena sent this invitation last week.

2) They decorate their classroom every year.

3) He will buy New Year presents next week.

4) We wrote many letters last year.

5) My mother will make a cake tomorrow.

6) I water plants every week.

7) My father doesn’t repair his car.

8) People in Canada speak English.

9) We won’t draw new pictures.

10) My parents visited Finland two year ago.


1. Match. (упр.1 стр.44)

1) traffic

g) warden

2) lion

a) tamer

3) bank

e) teller

4) computer

h) programmer

5) graphic

b) designer

6) pizza

c)delivery boy

7) car

f) salesman

8) sales

d) assistant

2.Fill in:

1)out                                                  5) on

2) in                                                    6)up

3) out                                                  7)off

4)back                                                8)round

3. Match to form exchanges.

1) She got a scholarship.

b) That’s fantastic!

2) What’s the pay like?

e) Not very good.

3) What does your mum do for a living?

a) She works as a nurse.

4) How do you like my new haircut?

f)Fine! It really suits you.

5) ) Does this colour suit me?

c) No, it’s too bright!

6) What do you think of this blouse?

d)It doesn’t go with your skirt.

Form 8                                                    Test 2

1. Match.

1) traffic

a) tamer

2) lion

b) designer

3) bank

c)delivery boy

4) computer

d) assistant

5) graphic

e) teller

6) pizza

f) salesman

7) car

g) warden

8) sales

h) programmer

2.Fill in: back, on,  up, out(x2), round , in, off

1) This singer is bringing …a new album.

2) My brother’s job bring … 20 000 rubles a month.

3) The firefighter managed to put … the fire.

4) This cartoon brings … happy memories from my childhood.

5) Put … your new dress, please!

6) This town is an ideal place to bring … your children.

7) Put …   your books,  please!

8) He passed out and the nurse brought him… .

3. Match to form exchanges.

1) She got a scholarship.

a) She works as a nurse.

2) What’s the pay like?

b) That’s fantastic!

3) What does your mum do for a living?

c) No, it’s too bright!

4) How do you like my new haircut?

d)It doesn’t go with your skirt.

5) Does this colour suit me?

e) Not very good.

6)What do you think of this blouse?

f) Fine! It really suits you.

4. Turn the sentences into  the Passive Voice.

1) Lena sent this invitation last week.

2) They decorate their classroom every year.

3) He will buy New Year presents next week.

4) We wrote many letters last year.

5) My mother will make a cake tomorrow.

6) I water plants every week.

7) My father doesn’t repair his car.

8) People in Canada speak English.

9) We won’t draw new pictures.

10) My parents visited Finland two year ago.

Form 8                                                    Test 2

1. Match.

1) traffic

a) tamer

2) lion

b) designer

3) bank

c)delivery boy

4) computer

d) assistant

5) graphic

e) teller

6) pizza

f) salesman

7) car

g) warden

8) sales

h) programmer

2.Fill in: back, on,  up, out(x2), round , in, off

1) This singer is bringing …a new album.

2) My brother’s job bring … 20 000 rubles a month.

3) The firefighter managed to put … the fire.

4) This cartoon brings … happy memories from my childhood.

5) Put … your new dress, please!

6) This town is an ideal place to bring … your children.

7) Put …   your books,  please!

8) He passed out and the nurse brought him… .

3. Match to form exchanges.

1) She got a scholarship.

a) She works as a nurse.

2) What’s the pay like?

b) That’s fantastic!

3) What does your mum do for a living?

c) No, it’s too bright!

4) How do you like my new haircut?

d)It doesn’t go with your skirt.

5) Does this colour suit me?

e) Not very good.

6)What do you think of this blouse?

f) Fine! It really suits you.

4. Turn the sentences into  the Passive Voice.

1) Lena sent this invitation last week.

2) They decorate their classroom every year.

3) He will buy New Year presents next week.

4) We wrote many letters last year.

5) My mother will make a cake tomorrow.

6) I water plants every week.

7) My father doesn’t repair his car.

8) People in Canada speak English.

9) We won’t draw new pictures.

10) My parents visited Finland two year ago.

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