Викторина по английскому языку "Что ты знаешь о Республике Тыва?"
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Базыр Долаана Алексеевна

Викторина по английскому языку "Что ты знаешь о Республике Тыва?"


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Викторина по английскому языку «Do you know about the Republic of Tuva?» для 9-11 классов

Викторина «Ты знаешь Республику Тыва?» предназначена для учащихся старших классов для проверки знаний, уровня развития по различным предметам. В викторине могут принять участие две команды. На доске 4 таблицы. В каждой по 9 клеток с цифрами. Цифре соответствует  номер вопроса. Одна из цифр содержит 2 вопроса. Если выбор падает на нее, то учащиеся отвечают на все вопросы. Количество правильных ответов соответствует количеству баллов. Выигрывает команда набравшее наибольшее количество баллов. Викторину можно провести  как итоговое мероприятие во время проведения недели английского языка.  

Форма проведения: викторина.


--воспитание уважительного отношения к своей малой родине

-расширение кругозора

-стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.


-развивать умение воспринимать информацию на слух;

-совершенствовать умение отвечать на вопросы.


Иллюстрации по теме «Республика Тыва», компьютерная презентация

Ход мероприятия:

Викторина начинается с гимна Республики Тыва

Good afternoon! I am glad to see you at “Who? What? When? Where? ”. You’ve got already much information about the Republic of Tuva: its people, customs, traditions, way of life, sights. We’ve read books, watched films. Before we start our game let’s watch a presentation. And now it’s time to know who learnt more than others about the Republic of Tuva.

At the blackboard you can see 4 tables “Who?”, “What?”, “When?”, “Where?” with 9 squares in it. They are numbered. Each number means a question. Your team chooses a number and answers a question. Remember that you should give a full answer. Besides in each table there is one square which contains not one but two questions! This square is called “Surprise!” If you can’t answer the question you opponent can give the answer and get additional point. Let’s start our game.


  1. Who is Head of the Republic of Tuva? (Sholban Valerievich Kara-ool is Head of the Republic of Tuva)
  2. Who was became the first president of Tuva? (Sherig-ool Oorzhak became the first president of Tuva in March 1992.)
  3. Who was in charge of choosing the place of the Kyzyl? (A Russian engineer called V. Gabaev was in charge of choosing the place of the town.)
  4. Who wrote “Aldyn-kys”? (Stepan Saryg-ool)
  5. Who was Sir Sergey Burbu? (A writer) Who is the main character at Shagaa? (Ak-Sal Irei)
  6. Who are Old Believers? (Old Believers are those adherents of the Russian Orthodox Church who rejected the new religious reforms and stuck to the old rites)
  7. Who was leader of the Supreme Khural in August 16, 1944? (Salchak Toka was leader of the Supreme Khural in  August 16, 1944)
  8. Who was Sambazhyk? (Sambazhyk was leader or the herder of the Revolt 60 Heroes)
  9. Whose monument is on the top of the town? (Lenin’s monument is on the top of the town )


  1. What was the first name of the capital the Republic of Tuva? (Belotsarsk)
  2. What city is the capital of the Republic of Tuva? (Kyzyl is the capital of the Republic of Tuva.)
  3. What is the population in Kyzyl nowadays? (The population of the city is over 100 thousand people.)
  4. What is the highest point in Tuva? (The highest point is Silver Mountain in Tuva.)
  5. What do we celebrate on the 9th of May? (We are celebrate the Victory Day on the 9th of May)
  6. What is the capital of the District Ulug-Khem? {Shagonar }
  7. What kinds of sports are popular in Tuva?
  8. What places of interest in Kyzyl do know?
  9. What language is spoken in Tuva? What regions and countries does Tuva border on?


  1. When did Tuva enter Russia?
  2. When Old Believers came to Tuva? (the 18th century)
  3. When the town was called Khem-Beldiri? (The period between 1918 and 1926 the town was called Khem-Beldiri})
  4. When the town was became the center of revolutionary struggle? (the Great October and the Civil War)
  5. When the houses began built in Kyzyl? (The houses began built in Kyzyl in May 1914.)
  6. When the city was founded? (The city was founded in 1914 when Tuva entered the Russian Empire as a protectorate)
  7. When was given the name Kyzyl?
  8. When was Rebellion of 60 Heroes? (In 1883)


  1. Where is situated the Republic of Tuva? (in the center of Asia)
  2. Where is the biggest lake Sut-Khol? ( in the district Sut-Khol)
  3. Where can the agalomatolite find in Tuva? (the Bai-Taiga region)
  4. Where is the obelisk “The centre of Asia”? Where do the hosts usually sit when they have guests? (in dor place)
  5. Where is the city situated? (The city is situated on the left bank on the river Ulug-Khem )
  6. Where was S. Saryg-ool born? (S. Saryg-ool was born in distrist Ovur)
  7. Where can you see historical, natural, cultural life about republic? (The national museum of 60 Heroes)
  8. Where is Old Beleivers live? (Old Believers are live in Sizim)
  9. Where did the nomads usually stay in spring time? (The nomads usually stay surrounded by mountains to avoid strong winds.)

III. Подведение итогов. Награждение.

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