Задания для подготовки к контрольным работам по английскому языку ( по темам)
тест по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) по теме

Никулкина Светлана Олеговна

Задания для подготовки к контрольным работам по английскому языку по темам


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Предварительный просмотр:

Проверочная работа № 1 . Приветствие, прощание.  Описание внешности

1. Complete the conversation.

A. Hello. My ______  ___ Thomas.

     What's _______ name?

B. Johann.

A. ________ are you from, Johann?

B. ________ from Berlin.

     Where ________ you from?

A. _______  ________ Oxford.

2. Put am, is or are into the gaps.

1. I ___ from  Italy.

2. Christina ______ twenty-nine years old.

3. Mike and Rosie _____ from London.

4. Clara _____ married.

5. He ____ a doctor.

3. Fill in the gaps.









4. Write the numbers in words. Example: 13 thirteen.

17; 30; 51; 12; 26; 99; 8; 15; 11; 100; 3000; 1/2; 1/4; 2/5; 5 3/6; 1.234; 54.67; 32.998; 0.5.

5. Put the words in the right order.

1. brother, got, blue, has, your eyes.

2.brother, tall, is, my, very.

3. blue, got, we, fair, eyes, and, have, hair.

4. glasses, wear, we, both.

5. have, mouth, I, nose, got, big, long, and.

6. Choose the correct word.

1. My sister is/has  got very long hair.

2. What colour are/have your eyes?

3. I am/have  very tall.

Проверочная работа №2Семья

1. Guess which words are missing
















2. Try to guess who they are.

•        She is the daughter of my mother. She is my...

•        She is the sister of my mother. She is my...

•        He is the son of my mother. He is my...

•        He is the brother of my mother. He is my...

•        She is the sister of my father. She is my...

•        He is the father of my father. He is my...

•        She is the mother of my mother. She is my...

•        She is the mother of my sister. She is my...

•        He is the father of my brother. He is my....

3. Choose do or does.

1.        I ... not study at the university. 2. ... he live in London? 3. ...you understand the rule? 4. What ... you like best, mathematics or physics? 5. What books ... he like to read? 6. They ... not live in Kyiv. 7. ... your grandfather live in the country? 8. Where ... he live?

4. Choose the right answer:

1.        Mice ... in holes.

a – live; b – lives

2.        Kate ... to drink coffee in the morning.

a – like; b – likes

3.        Tom and Jim ... to drink coffee in the morning.

a – like; b – likes

4.        Many pupils of our class ... English books.

a – read; b – reads

5.        He usually ...to the radio in the evening.

a – listen; b – listens

6.        This girl ... French and I learn English.

a – learn; b – learns

7.        Men usually ... to play football.

a – like; b – likes

8.        Women usually ... to go shopping.

a – like; b - likes

Проверочная работа №3 Описание жилища и учебного заведения

Задание 1. Найдите соответствия:

  1. sports ground
  2. swimming pool
  3. first-year student
  4. workshop
  5. tool
  6. library
  7. canteen
  8. gym
  9.  board
  1. спортзал
  2. первокурсник
  3. доска
  4. бассейн
  5. столовая
  6. мастерская
  7. библиотека
  8. инструмент
  9. спортивная площадка

Задание 2. Напишите числа словами:

21; 100; 32; 125;98; 1000;87; 54; 76; 65.

Задание 3: Образуйте множественное число  существительных:

blub; file; vice; box; car; house; bench; roof; tyre; battery; man;knife.

Задание 4. Являются ли данные утверждение правдой (true) или неправдой?

Задание 5. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги:

  1. Alexander goes __college five days a week.
  2. We have a beautiful vase __ table with a lot of flowers __ it.
  3. The seminar starts __ 12 o’clock.

Проверочная работа№4 Распорядок дня студента колледжа:

1. Write the time. Example: 1. 2:40 – twenty minutes to three.

D:\время 1.jpg

2. Put the words in the plural. Example: laptop – laptops.

laptop, college, student, workshop, tool, man, bush, hobby, woman, leaf, box, classroom, child, bus, chief, roof, wall, potato, wolf, deer, photo, lesson, subject,  crisis, curriculum.

3. Put the words in the right order to make sentences.

1. are , there, three cushions, the sofa, on.

2. opposite the door, a round table, there is.

3. on, a lot of, there are, pictures, the walls.

4. no, the bedroom, there are, bedside tables, in.

4. Translate into Russian

1. I know that good health is better than wealth.

2. I have a shower, get dressed and brush my hair. It takes me 40 minutes.

3. Our classes start at half past eight.

4. We have a large break in the middle of the day which lasts 45 minutes.

5. Answer the questions

1. How many lessons a day do you have?

2. What are your favorite subjects?

3. What lessons drag slowly?

4. When do your classes finish?

Проверочная работа №5. Хобби , досуг

  1. Fill the table. Put the wrds under the following headings.

Words: watercolous, spoon, exhibition, wool, salt, album, frying pan, pencil, needle, food processor, sewing machine, cutting board, brush, scissors, knife, fabric, fork, mannequin, cotton, pepper, thread.

Knitting and sewing

Drawing and painting



2.        Write sentences using love/like/enjoy+ Ving.

1.        I love ___________ (to watch) films at night.

2.        He likes __________ (to play) football.

3.        She hates _____________ (to wash) the dishes

     3. Make sentences

1.        he/ does not/ jazz/ enjoy.

2.        interests/ have/ I/ many.

3.        David/ fond of/ is/ coins/ collecting.

4.        time/ spend/ much/ They/ don’t/ at/ home.

     4. Put the verbs in the correct form.

1.        A hobby is what a person  (like; likes) to do in his or her spare time.

2.        Hobbies (differ; differs) like tastes.

3.        Hobby (make; makes) your life more interesting.

4.        Both grown-ups and children (am fond of; is fond of; are fond of) playing different computer games.

5.        Answer the following questions.

1.        What is your favourite hobby?

2.        Are there any hobbies you would  like to try? What are they?

Проверочная работа №6. Как попасть туда?

Задание. Дополните специальные вопросы вопросительным словом.

  1. ____(кто) is that tall man?
  2. ____(кого) do you see there?
  3. ______(какого) colour are your eyes?
  4. ________(чья) pen is this?
  5. _______(кому) do you phone all the time?
  6. __________(которая) stop is yours?
  7. ________(когда) does your train arrive?
  8. ________(где) do you live?
  9. _________(куда) are you going to?
  10. _______(как) do I get there?
  11. ______(почему) do you always take a tram, not the metro?
  12. _______(сколько) time do you spend it the fitness centre?
  13. __________(сколько) times a week do you go to the fitness centre?
  14. _____________(как долго) does it take you to get to the fitness centre?
  15. ___________(как часто) do you go to the fitness centre?
  16. ________(какой) subject do you like best?
  17. _________(какой) is you favourite subject?
  18. ________(что) do you know about this picture?

Задание №2 Ответьте на вопрос:

How do you get to your college?

Проверочная работа№7. Магазины, товары, совершение покупок.

1. Put these nouns under the two headings: Countable nouns and Uncountable nouns.

Tea, cup, bread, butter, paper, man, ham, tomato, salad, sausage, fruit, orange, pear, tin, apricot, pineapple, cream, cake.

2. Fill in the gaps with much, many, little and few.

1. You look fit! Do you exercise ....?

2. Don't talk too .... at the lesson.

3. There are .... boys in our group and .... girls.

4. There is .... food in the kitchen. We can't feed our guests.

5. The disc has only .... good songs. I don't want to buy it.

3. Answer the questions.

1. What does the usual British breakfast consist of?

2. When do English people usually have lunch?

3. Is dinner the biggest meal of the day?

4. What kinds of shops do you know?

5. Where do you prefer to do your shopping?

6. Is it convenient to do shopping at big department stores and supermarkets?

4. Continue the sentences.

I do my food shopping at …

I usually buy … there

My usual meals are ......

My favourite dish is....

My usual breakfast consists of...

I generally have lunch at ...

For festive dinners we cook .....

Our special dish is ...

Проверочная работа №8. Физкультура и спорт

Задание. Образуйте превосходную степень сравнения прилагательных.

  1. long – longer  – _____________
  2. wide – wider – _____________
  3. hot – hotter – _____________
  4. happy – happier – _____________
  5. interesting – more interesting – _______________________
  6. good – better – _____________
  7. bad – worse – _____________
  8. little – less – _____________
  9. far – farther – _____________
  10. polite – politer – _____________
  11. polite – more polite – _____________
  12. simple – more simple  – _____________
  13. clever – cleverer – _____________

Give general information about the Olympic Games using the following prompts.

The first official Olympic Games took place in the year… in…

They were held in honour of …

The important sports in the original Olympic Games were …

The first morden Olympiad took place in the year … in …

The Olympic Games are held in every …

They may be …

The five Olympic circles represent …

They are connected to symbolize …

Russia hosted the Games …

In 2014 …

I’d like to go to the Olympic Games because …

Проверочная работа №9. Экскурсии и путешествия

Задание. Поставьте глагол в форму «настоящее продолженное» (the Present Continuous) по схеме am/is/are+ing.

  1. I (to sit) ________ at my desk and (to listen)________ to my teacher.
  2. It (to snow) ____________________.
  3. They (to play) ____________________ now.

Прочитайте текст

At the customs house.

Passport control officer: How do you do, miss. Your passport, please.

Mary: Hello, here it is.

P.C.O.: Where are you going to? What is the purpose of your trip?

M.: I intend to visit Oxford. I am invited to Oxford University, I am to take part in the conference.

P.C.O.: Have a nice time!

M.: Thank you.

The customs officer is checking Mary's luggage

Customs officer: Have you anything to declare?

Marry: I have a bottle of wisky, a tin of cavier and a box of chocolates. Are they liablw to duty?

C.O.: They are not. Tobacco is also duty-free.

M.: Thank you.

Answer the questions:

1. Where is Mary going?

2. What is the purpose of her visit?

3. Has she anything to declare?

4. Has anything liable to duty?

5. What is duty-free?

Translate into russian:

1. I'll pay in cash.

2. Fill in a registration form.

3. Have you anything to declare?

4. Tobacco is duty-free.

5. They are not liable to duty.

Translate into english:

1. Какова цель вашего визита?

2. Могу ли я взглянуть на ваш паспорт?

3. Я не знаю, что разрешается провозить беспошлинно.

4. У меня нет предметов подлежащих декларирование.

5. Заполните бланк декларации, пожалуйста.

Проверочная работа №10 Россия

Выберите правильный вариант:

1.Russia is … country in the world

a. the strongest

b. the most large

c. the largest

d. larger

2. Russia … a vast territory.

a. occupies

b. occupy

c. is occupied

d. occupied

3. Arbat is … street of Moscow.

a.the longest

b. the most famous

c. famousest

d. the most long

4. Moscow is … city in Russia.

a. the largest

b. large

c. the larger

d. vast

5. Moscow was founded … Yury Dolgoruky.

a. by

b. –

c. at

d. with

6. What is the highest mountain in Russia?

a. Elbrus                              

b. Ben Nevis                  

c. McKinley

7. What is the symbol of Russia?

a. one-headed eagle        

b. two-headed eagle      

c. double-headed eagle

8. What is the name of the  Russian flag?

a. the Russian flag              

b. the Imperial flag        

c. the National flag

Проверочная работа №11 Англоговорящие страны

  1. The national language of Canada is:
  1. French
  2. English
  3. German
  1. The capital of Canada is:
  1. Montreal
  2. Toronto
  3. Ottawa
  1. The national currency of Canada is:
  1. the Canadian pound
  2. the Canadian dollar
  3. the Canadian franc
  1. What is the symbol of New Zeland?
  1. fox
  2. kiwi
  3. dingo
  1. What is the capital of New Zeland?
  1. Wellington
  2. Auckland
  3. Dunedin
  1. Australia is
  1. the largest country in the world
  2. the second largest country in the world
  3. the third largest country in the world
  1. Australia was discovered by
  1. James Cook
  2. Christopher Columbus
  3. Queen Victoria
  1. The capital of Australia is
  1. Melbourn
  2. Sydney
  3. Canberra
  1. Are there any industrial plants in Canberra?
  1. yes, there are.
  2. no, there are not
  3. yes, there is
  1. One of Australia’s wild animals is
  1. dingo
  2. dog
  3. chicken
  1. What is the nickname of New Zealanders?
  1. kiwi
  2. Maori
  3. Islanders

Проверочная работа №12Научно технический прогресс

1. Are these statements true or false?

1. The internet was started in 1990.

2. The internet links computers.

3. To visit a web site you simply enter the telephone number.

4. The main use of internet is to find mistakes.

5. Using the internet is getting more expencive.

2. Match the words/phrases to the definitions.

1. The internet

2. The web

3. Surfing the net

4. A web site

5. E-mail

6. Downloading        

A) moving from one document or web site to another to find information.

B) copying information from a web site to your own computer.

C) a network of computers all over the world, joined by phone lines, satelite or cable.

D) a system linking millions of documents stored on internet computers around the world.

E) the place on the internet where a company/organisation/etc stores its documents.

F) electronic messages sent to someone over the internet

2. Fill in the words from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrases.

Web, surf, exchange, computer, change, get, electronic, enter, current, phone, important.

1. ______ inventions.

2. To _______ the world

3. _________ lines

4. To ______ information

5. _________ documents

6. _________ site

7. To _______ the address

8. A _______ screen

9. To ______ the net.

10. _______ events.

11. To _______ started

3. answer the questions.

1. Who is Bill Gates?

2. What have he and Paul Allen done together?

3. Why has Gates been so successful?

4. What does he do in his free time?

5. What does he plan to do with all his money?

Проверочная работа № 13 Человек и природа

Задание 1. Употребите герундий с помощью окончания –ing. Ответы на

  1. (smoke)___ is prohibited here.
  2. (read)___ improves your knowledge.
  3. Go on (read)___ this text.
  4. They prefer (buy)___ online.
  5. My neighbour is good at (breed)___ horses.
  6. Before (enter)___ the room please remove your footwear.
  7. His hobby is (collect)___ coins.
  8. Her job was (register)___ documents.
  9. I know a way of (solve)___this problem.
  10. There is a chance of (catch)___ the train.
  11. (wash)___ machine, (drive)___ licence
  12. After (finish)___ their work they went home.
  13. Before (leave)___ I always turn off the computer.

Задание 2. Расскажите о том, как мы можем спасти нашу планету, используя следующий шаблон:

People depend on …

At present … are in danger.

To save our planet we must …

To save natural resources I …

I would like/wouldn’t like to take part in … because…

Проверочная работа №14. Образование и карьера.

1. Напишите ответы на вопросы, которые Вам могут задать во время собеседования

  1. What type of position are you interested in?
  1. What kind of training have you had?
  1. Why do you want to work for this company?
  1. What do you know about our company?
  1. Do you prefer working by yourself or in team?

Задание2. Перевести неопределенные местоимения.

  1.  I have some questions. _________
  2.  Do you have any questions? _________
  3. Yes, I have some. _________
  4.  Where can I buy some discs? _________
  5. Would you like some coffee? _________
  6. You may ask any questions. _________
  7. Which pen do you need? – Any will do.  _________
  8. Do you want some water? _________
  9.  I don’t want any water. _________
  10. Somebody calls me every night. _________
  11.  You need someone like my mother. ________
  12.  I want to tell something. _________
  13. Does anybody know the answer? _________
  14.  I don’t want to see anyone. _________
  15. Do you want anything to read? _________
  16. One never knows what may happen. ________

Проверочная работа по теме Традиции:

1.        Fill in the gaps with following words and word combinations.

chimney sweeps, Thanksgiving Day, politeness,February, trick-or-treating

1.        On Hallowing children go ..... to neighbours.

2.        Though there are few ...... working today, a Sweeps Festival is celebrated in Rochester on the first weekend in May, in honour of this old profession.

3.        St Valentine’s Day is celebrated on ...... 14.

4.        ...... is characteristic feature of English people.

5.        The people can spend .... with their families, as it is a four-day holiday.

2.        Put the nouns under two headings: Countable Nouns and Uncountable Nouns.

cucumbers, soup, apples, cup, cheese, knives, fish, cakes, meat, potatoes, chicken, strawberries, cans, bread, cherries.

3.        Fill in the gaps with much, a little,little, many, a few, few.

1.        There are .... girls in our group.

2.        There isn’t .... snow in the yard.

3.        There is ..... food in the kitchen. We can’t feed our guests.

4.        I like my coffee with... milk and sugar.

5.        Don’t talk too ... at the lesson.

6.        In our country we don’t eat ... seafood.

4.        Answer the questions:

1.        When do Englishmen generally have their lunch?

2.        What does continental breakfast consist of?

3.        What do English people have for breakfast?

4.        Do Englishmen eat out? Where do they go for lunch?

5.        What is the favorite Englishmen’s fast food?

Проверочная работа к теме общее устройство судна:











Navigational equipment





Навигационное оборудование






Answer the questions:

1 What is the draft of the ship?

2 what is the colour of the hull of the ship?

3 How many decks are there on the ship?

4 Is there a radar on the bridge?

5 What navigational equipment do you know?

Write a crew members list

Translate into English

1 Матрос моет палубу каждый день.

2 Сейчас матрос моет палубу.

3 Завтра матрос будет мыть палубу.

4 Матрос должен нести вахту.

Write composition “Sailors working day. Work on deck”

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