тест на знание предлогов
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Смолина Ольга Николаевна

Афанасьева, Михеева 9 класс(угл)


Microsoft Office document icon fill_the_gaps_with_the_necessary_preposition.doc35 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Fill the gaps with the necessary preposition (for, during, in, on, at, after or afterwards)

1. They met ... the war and have been together ever since.

 2. We have been living here ... three years.
3. Oh good! You're just ... time for tea!

4. I nearly lost my way but asked a passerby about the way and arrived ... time.

5. Do you see the tall tower ... the end of the street?

6. I know it took a long for you to make up your mind. What did you decide ... the end ?
7. They argued a lot about the project but ... the end he won.

8. The most exiting events began ... the end of the novel.

9. I found the key only … you had left the house.

10. I didn't see her again until a few days ...

Fill the gaps with the necessary preposition (for, during, in, on, at, after or afterwards)

1. They met ... the war and have been together ever since.

 2. We have been living here ... three years.
3. Oh good! You're just ... time for tea!

4. I nearly lost my way but asked a passerby about the way and arrived ... time.

5. Do you see the tall tower ... the end of the street?

6. I know it took a long for you to make up your mind. What did you decide ... the end ?
7. They argued a lot about the project but ... the end he won.

8. The most exiting events began ... the end of the novel.

9. I found the key only … you had left the house.

10. I didn't see her again until a few days ...

Fill the gaps with the necessary preposition (for, during, in, on, at, after or afterwards)

1. They met ... the war and have been together ever since.

 2. We have been living here ... three years.
3. Oh good! You're just ... time for tea!

4. I nearly lost my way but asked a passerby about the way and arrived ... time.

5. Do you see the tall tower ... the end of the street?

6. I know it took a long for you to make up your mind. What did you decide ... the end ?
7. They argued a lot about the project but ... the end he won.

8. The most exiting events began ... the end of the novel.

9. I found the key only … you had left the house.

10. I didn't see her again until a few days ...

Fill the gaps with the necessary preposition (for, during, in, on, at, after or afterwards)

1. They met ... the war and have been together ever since.

 2. We have been living here ... three years.
3. Oh good! You're just ... time for tea!

4. I nearly lost my way but asked a passerby about the way and arrived ... time.

5. Do you see the tall tower ... the end of the street?

6. I know it took a long for you to make up your mind. What did you decide ... the end ?
7. They argued a lot about the project but ... the end he won.

8. The most exiting events began ... the end of the novel.

9. I found the key only … you had left the house.

10. I didn't see her again until a few days ...

Fill the gaps with the necessary preposition (for, during, in, on, at, after or afterwards)

1. They met ... the war and have been together ever since.

 2. We have been living here ... three years.
3. Oh good! You're just ... time for tea!

4. I nearly lost my way but asked a passerby about the way and arrived ... time.

5. Do you see the tall tower ... the end of the street?

6. I know it took a long for you to make up your mind. What did you decide ... the end ?
7. They argued a lot about the project but ... the end he won.

8. The most exiting events began ... the end of the novel.

9. I found the key only … you had left the house.

10. I didn't see her again until a few days ...

Fill the gaps with the necessary preposition (for, during, in, on, at, after or afterwards)

1. They met ... the war and have been together ever since.

 2. We have been living here ... three years.
3. Oh good! You're just ... time for tea!

4. I nearly lost my way but asked a passerby about the way and arrived ... time.

5. Do you see the tall tower ... the end of the street?

6. I know it took a long for you to make up your mind. What did you decide ... the end ?
7. They argued a lot about the project but ... the end he won.

8. The most exiting events began ... the end of the novel.

9. I found the key only … you had left the house.

10. I didn't see her again until a few days ...

Fill the gaps with the necessary preposition (for, during, in, on, at, after or afterwards)

1. They met ... the war and have been together ever since.

 2. We have been living here ... three years.
3. Oh good! You're just ... time for tea!

4. I nearly lost my way but asked a passerby about the way and arrived ... time.

5. Do you see the tall tower ... the end of the street?

6. I know it took a long for you to make up your mind. What did you decide ... the end ?
7. They argued a lot about the project but ... the end he won.

8. The most exiting events began ... the end of the novel.

9. I found the key only … you had left the house.

10. I didn't see her again until a few days ...

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