Презентация St Paul's Cathedral (Викторина по страноведению)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Стерхова Ирина Васильевна

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Слайд 1

St Paul's Cathedral . In the western part of London is one of London's most famous landmarks, St Paul's Cathedral (architect Christopher Wren).

Слайд 2

The official date of opening of the Council by 20 October 1708, but the actual service at the church began Dec. 2, 1697. In the design of Wren Three times I project. parry project involves the construction of a fairly large church on the foundation of the burned fourth cathedral. This project was rejected almost immediately.

Слайд 3

History Project The second project, which has in the plan view of a Greek cross, was worked out in detail. However, this project was also rejected as too radical. The third project involves the construction of very large Wren church with a dome and two towers, bell towers

Слайд 4

This project was approved in June 1675 construction work began, but soon after King Charles II re-claimed by the project and ordered to make changes to it,

Слайд 5

which he himself described as decorative. It is in this decorative changes and was adjoined to the main project of the dome of St. Paul's . so it remained to the present day .

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