St. Valentine's Day (quiz)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме

This is a game. It consists of five categories which are connected with St. Valentine's Day: legends, dates/history, in other countries, gods, and traditions. Each category is devided into three levels. The first level is the easiest, the last one is the most difficult. 


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Puzzle A game

Слайд 3


Слайд 4


Слайд 5


Слайд 6

100 1 00 100 100 100 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 Names Information

Слайд 7

According to a legend Valentine was… a. Monk b. Caesar c. Emperor d. Priest 100 Back

Слайд 8

Valentine was put into prison and then sentenced to death because he… d. …tried to blow the Parliament. b. …refused to marry the emperor. c. …got married without emperor’s permission. a . …married people secretly without emperor’s permission. 200 Back

Слайд 9

According to one of the legends St. Valentine’s day began in… d. Chine b. Spain c. France a . Italy 300 Back

Слайд 10

The 14 th of February is a day of… d. Valentine’s lover’s birthday b. Valentine’s birth c. Valentine’s marriage a . Valentine’s death 100 Back

Слайд 11

When do people in Brazil celebrate the holiday? a. The 14 th of February b. The 31 st of December d . The 1 st of September c. The 12 th of June 200 Back

Слайд 12

Who introduced valentine’s cards ? a. Americans b. Romans c. The Japanese d. The French 300 Back

Слайд 13

How do people in Spain call St. Valentine’s Day? c. A sweet holiday a. Sweet weekends b. Sweet February d. A sweet day 100 Back

Слайд 14

In what country St. Valentine’s day is like the 8 th of March, but for men only? a. The UK b. The USA c. Holland d. Japan 200 Back

Слайд 15

In German St. Valentine is considered to be the saint patron of… d. Married b. Divorced a. Beloved c . Insane people 300 Back

Слайд 16

Cupid is considered to be a son of… c . Guinevere b. J uno a. Venus 100 Back

Слайд 17

What was the name of a Roman goddess of love, marriage and motherhood? b . Hera a. Venus c. J uno 200 Back

Слайд 18

Valentine was executed on the day when Romans honored… a. Hera c . Venus b. J uno 300 Back

Слайд 19


Слайд 20


Слайд 21

In this country St. Valentine’s Day is a day when a woman can ask a man to marry her. d. Japan a. The UK b. The USA c. Holland 100 Back

Слайд 22

In one of the countries there is a tradition to present so-called “spoons of love”. What does it mean? c. I want you to invite me to a café. d. Marry me. b. You find a way to my stomach. a. You find a way to my heart. 200 Back

Слайд 23

There is a tradition to present so-called “spoons of love” on St. Valentine’s Day in… HELP 300 Back

Слайд 24


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