Веб-квест "Кусково"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8, 9, 10 класс) на тему

Разработка веб-квеста, который можно использовать в урочной и внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку


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Предварительный просмотр:

Методическая разработка

в рамках регионального творческого конкурса

«О Москве на английском языке для МЭШ»

Тема:   «WebQuest: Kuskovo is a pearl of Moscow»

Учитель английского языка:

Шевченко Екатерина Ивановна

Школа: 2026

Город: Москва


Webquest "Kuskovo is a pearl of Moscow"

prepared by Shevchenko E.I., school 2026

Moscow, 2018

1. Introduction

You are a team of an advertising agency and you have been ordered to prepare a poster about one of the most beautiful sights in Moscow, Kuskovo.

2. Task

The task is to make a poster advertising Kuskovo.

3. Resources


https://designshack.net/articles/inspiration/50-creative-and-clever-examples-of-outdoor-advertising/ -gives the examples of creative advertisement

http://smallbusiness.chron.com/5-common-advertising-techniques-15273.html -describes advertising techniques

https://englishfull.ru/english/dostoprimechatelnost.html -deals with the vocabulary necessary for describing a sight, gives the exaples

https://englandlearn.com/blog/dostoprimechatelnosti-moskvy-na-anglijskom – has texts about places of interest in Moscow

http://www.interactive-english.ru/topiki/592-places-of-interest-russia/ - offers texts about Moscow sights

https://nsportal.ru/ap/library/drugoe/2017/01/23/izuchenie-dostoprimechatelnostey-londona-cherez-reklamnye-prospekty – the project which analyzes the language used in prospects

http://kuskovo.ru/ - gives information about the places-of-interest-russia

http://kuskovo.mospriroda.ru/ -


https://turisticum.ru/2016/kuskovo.html-interesting information about Kuskovo

4. Process

1. For copy-writers: study the information about the place and write a slogan

http://kuskovo.ru/ - gives information about the place-of-interest

http://kuskovo.mospriroda.ru/ -


https://turisticum.ru/2016/kuskovo.html-interesting information about Kuskovo

http://smallbusiness.chron.com/5-common-advertising-techniques-15273.html -describes advertising techniques

2. For designers: study the information about how to make an effective advertisement


https://designshack.net/articles/inspiration/50-creative-and-clever-examples-of-outdoor-advertising/ -gives the examples of creative advertisement

http://kuskovo.ru/ - gives information about the place

https://englishfull.ru/english/dostoprimechatelnost.html -deals with the vocabulary necessary for describing a sight, gives the exaples

3. For editors: study different prospects about places of interest, edit the suggested text

4. For the whole team: discuss the ideas, create the draft

5. For designers: create the poster

6. For the whole team: present the poster

5. Evaluation of the results.

The approximate criteria for evaluation. Teams can decide on the criteria after getting the task or a teacher can give a ready-made set of criteria

Team №

 The layout


 Relative information


6. Conclusion

This quest will give students the opportunity to develop their communicative skills, creative abilities. It will draw the students` attention to the importance of popularising the places of interest of their native city.
