Christmas Fairy Tale
план-конспект по английскому языку на тему

Степанова Виктория Алексеевна

План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия


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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

«Christmas Fairy Tale»


учитель английского языка

Степанова Виктория Алексеевна

г. Волоколамск

2016 г.


I.Орг. момент

Teacher: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you,

            This cold winter morning: how are you?

Pupils: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you,

         This cold winter morning: we are well, and you?

II.Вводная часть

Look at the blackboard and try to read this poem. What is this poem about?

        Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

        What is there under the tree?

        Presents, candles, colored lights,

Always make the children smile.

Pupils: This poem is about Christmas.

Teacher: So, today we’ll speak about Christmas and the New Year in Russia and English-speaking countries.  

III.Основной этап

Teacher: First, look at these words on the blackboard.

The 25th of December, Christmas tree, greeting card, presents, Stocking.

English and American people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. They buy a     Christmas tree; send greeting cards to their relatives and friends. At night Santa Claus comes. He put the presents for children in their stockings and under the tree. The traditional English dinner on Christmas is turkey and pudding.

Christmas tree, Garland, Golden balls, Candles, Christmas cracker, Bell, Snowflake, Star

Russian people celebrate Christmas and New Year, too. But we celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January. People in Russia buy a New Year Tree, decorate it with coloured balls and lights. Children have presents on New Year. At night Ded Moroz with Snegurochka come and put presents for children under the tree.

Put the missing words in the text:

Boxing Day, a lot of, mince pie, religious, to share, are held, Santa Claus, are crowded, the birth of Jesus Christ, reindeer, turkey and pudding, Christians, exchange, bright lights, decorations, ornaments


Christmas is a … holiday. It is the day on which … celebrate … … … … …. It is a happy holiday. Families come together … their happiness, attend church, and … presents. In the days before Christmas, parties … … in schools, offices and clubs; homes and stores … … with shoppers.

Cities and towns in Great Britain sparkle with … … and … . Churches, homes, schools, shops, and streets are decorated with Christmas trees, coloured lights, … … and his … , and nativity scenes showing the stable where Jesus Christ was born.

Families prepare for this holiday weeks before. They make special foods. Traditional Christmas food is … and Christmas … . Another traditional food is … … . There is a Christmas tree in every house and children and their parents decorate it together. They usually decorate it with … and lights .

In Britain, the day after Christmas is called … … and is also a public holiday. … sports take place on Boxing Day.

Teacher: Now let’s decorate our Christmas tree with balls. Мы разделимся на команды.

1.You must read the words on them.

Pr_se_t – present, so_v_nir – souvenir, de_or_ti_n - decoration, s_rp_ise– surprise, ch_is_m_s- christmas, c_ndl_s- candles, tr__-tree, st_c_in_s- stockings, s_owf_ak_e- snowflake, s_a_-star.

2. Christmas Traditions in England

1What is another name of father Christmas? ( Santa Claus)

2 We decorate the tree with pretty ...... ( lights)

3 What do Englishmen eat for lunch on Christmas day? ( turkey)

4 What do we usually give each other on Christmas day? (presents)

5 What does Santa Claus fill with presents? (Stocking)

6 In what month do we celebrate Christmas? ( December)

7 What do you usually put on the top of the Christmas tree? ( star )

8 What do Englishmen usually send to the friends at Christmas? ( cards)
9 They wish “... Christmas and Happy New Year!” (Merry)

3.“Christmas poems”

There are a lot of poems about Christmas.

Let’s remind Christmas poems.


I love Christmas for most of all.
I look forward to a neighbour’s call
A friendly chat, cup of tea
Love in the home means
Christmas to me.


I love Christmas for many things
Trees, candles, angel wings,
Stars in the heavens
Snow covered hills.

4. December Word-A-Gram

Merry / Christmas / bell / carols / stars / cookies / toy / manger / pinata / Santa / Claus / tree / decorate / candy cane / package / chimney / wreath / angel / elf / nuts / cold / gifts / sled

Teacher: Do children like to get presents from Father Frost? You know that British children write letter to Father Frost and ask him to bring them the presents they want. Let’s read the letter Jane wants to send to Father Christmas.

Teacher: Nowadays Russian children write letter to our FATHER FROST too.

IV.Заключительный этап

Teacher: So, we have decorated our Christmas Tree. Today we have revised and summarized much about Christmas. I think it was very interesting and useful for all of us.

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