Презентация на тему "Places of Interest in London"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Карпова Ольга Сергеевна

Данная презентация позволяет эффективно закрепить проеденный материал по теме "Достопримечательности Лондона". Файл содержит фотографии памятников архитектуры, вопросы и небольшие тексты на английском языке. 


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Слайд 1

Презентация по теме “ Places of I nterest in London” для 4х- 6 х классов учителя Карповой О.С. ГБОУ СОШ № 349

Слайд 3

1) What is it? 2) Where is it? 3) When was it built? 4) Who built it?

Слайд 4

5) What was the Tower of London? 6) What is it now? 7) What birds can you see in the Tower? 8) Why do people look after them?

Слайд 5

Tower of London It is the Tower of London, an ancient fortress. It is in the City, the oldest part of London. The Tower was built in the 11 th century (in 1078) by William the Conqueror. It was a fortress, a royal palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it is a museum. The Crown Jewels are kept in the Jewel House at the Tower. There is the great collection of the medieval armour in the White Tower. The Beefeaters in their Tudor uniforms guard the Tower. The ravens are another famous sight. People look after them very well as they believe that London will be rich while ravens live there.

Слайд 7

1) What is it? 2) Where is it? 3) When was it built? 4) Who was the architect? 5) How long did it take the architect to build this church?

Слайд 8

St Paul’s Cathedral St Paul’s Cathedral is one of the greatest English churches. It is situated not far from the Tower of London. It was built in the 17 th century (between 1675 and 1710) by the famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren. The Cathedral is the final resting place of numerous statesmen, soldiers, painters and poets. There is the famous Whispering Gallery here.

Слайд 11

1) What is it? 2) Where is it? 3) What is there in the middle of the square? 4) What is there at the base of the monument? 5) What else can you see in the square?

Слайд 12

Trafalgar Square Trafalgar Square is a beautiful square in the centre of London. There is a tall column with a monument to Admiral Nelson on its top in the middle of it. It was built to commemorate the Battle of Trafalgar fought by Admiral Nelson in 1805. Four bronze lions are at the base of this column. There are two beautiful fountains in the square.

Слайд 14

1) What building is it? 2) Where is it?

Слайд 15

3) What do you know about Big Ben? 4) Why is it called so?

Слайд 16

The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben The Houses of Parliament is in Parliament Square. It is the home of Britain’s government. It sits in Westminster Palace. It was built in 1840, the style is rich Gothic. Big Ben is the clock and the large bell in the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. The clock and the bell got their name after Sir Benjamin Hall. He was a tall man whose nickname was Big Ben. He was the first Commissioner of Works and rebuilt the tower.

Слайд 18

1) What is it? 2) Where is it? 3) When was it built? 4 ) What is it famous for?

Слайд 19

Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey is one of the famous and beautiful churches in London. It is situated in Parliament Square. It was built in the 11 th century. It is more than 900 years old. English queens and kings have been crowned here (since William the Conqueror in 1066) and many of them are buried with its walls. It is also famous for its Poets’ Corner where the notable writers are buried. You can see here the grave of the Unknown Warrior

Слайд 21

1) What is it? 2) What is this building famous for? 3) What can you see in front of it?

Слайд 22

Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is a residence of the Queen of England. It is a wonderful building. It was built in 1703 and rebuilt it 1825. We can watch here the colourful ceremony of the Changing of the Guard. The Queen’s Gallery houses paintings, drawings and furniture from the royal collections. It has 600 rooms. There is the Queen Victoria Memorial in front of it.

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