проверочная работа Past meaning
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Галсанова Арюна Аюшеевна

Расположить слова в правильной последовательности в предложении.

Распределить глаголы в нужную таблицу 


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Предварительный просмотр:

1. Have, songs, you, ever, English, heard?

2. We, a film, Henry VIII, week, about, watched, last.

3. When, you, go, did, there?

4. We, travelling, bus, were, by, yesterday, at 5 pm.

5. Tom, two, written, this, has, letters, week.

6. I , a trip, to, made, York, last, month.

7. Ann, visiting, the library, from 2 to 4 pm, was, yesterday.

Begin, leave, see, have, come, make, lose, visit, travel, stay, start, buy, take, drive, paint, write, do, enjoy, speak, meet.



1. Have, songs, you, ever, English, heard?

2. We, a film, Henry VIII, week, about, watched, last.

3. When, you, go, did, there?

4. We, travelling, bus, were, by, yesterday, at 5 pm.

5. Tom, two, written, this, has, letters, week.

6. I , a trip, to, made, York, last, month.

7. Ann, visiting, the library, from 2 to 4 pm, was, yesterday.

Begin, leave, see, have, come, make, lose, visit, travel, stay, start, buy, take, drive, paint, write, do, enjoy, speak, meet.



1. Have, songs, you, ever, English, heard?

2. We, a film, Henry VIII, week, about, watched, last.

3. When, you, go, did, there?

4. We, travelling, bus, were, by, yesterday, at 5 pm.

5. Tom, two, written, this, has, letters, week.

6. I , a trip, to, made, York, last, month.

7. Ann, visiting, the library, from 2 to 4 pm, was, yesterday.

Begin, leave, see, have, come, make, lose, visit, travel, stay, start, buy, take, drive, paint, write, do, enjoy, speak, meet.



1. Have, songs, you, ever, English, heard?

2. We, a film, Henry VIII, week, about, watched, last.

3. When, you, go, did, there?

4. We, travelling, bus, were, by, yesterday, at 5 pm.

5. Tom, two, written, this, has, letters, week.

6. I , a trip, to, made, York, last, month.

7. Ann, visiting, the library, from 2 to 4 pm, was, yesterday.

Begin, leave, see, have, come, make, lose, visit, travel, stay, start, buy, take, drive, paint, write, do, enjoy, speak, meet.



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