презентация на тему "Челябинский регион"
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Лукавская Татьяна Александровна

презентация "Челябинский регион" на английском языке


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Слайд 1

Chelyabinsk region

Слайд 2

Chelyabinsk region - the subject of the Russian Federation, is a part of the Urals Federal District. Administrative center: town of Chelyabinsk. Chelyabinsk region - agro-industrial region of the Russian Federation, located on the border of Europe and Asia, in the southern part of the Ural Mountains (at the intersection of Middle and South Urals) and the adjacent plains. Established January 17, 1934 from southern Ural region abolished. It has borders with the Sverdlovsk region, in the east - with Kurgan, in the south - with the Orenburg to the west - with Bashkortostan, in the south-east - with Kazakhstan.

Слайд 3

Chelyabinsk region of Russia on the map

Слайд 4

Chelyabinsk region is located in the Middle and Southern Urals, near Kurgan and Sverdlovsk regions. Conditional border between Europe and Asia is carried out mainly on the ridges of the watershed of the Ural Mountains. Not far from the station Urzhumka JUUZHD (8 km from the Chrysostom), on the pass Uraltau , stands a stone pillar. On one of its sides is written: "Europe", on the other: "Asia". City Zlatoust, Katav-Ivanovsk , Satka are in Europe. Chelyabinsk, Troitsk , Miass - in Asia, Magnitogorsk - in both parts of the world. Also, Chelyabinsk Oblast is located on the border of Central and Southern Urals.

Слайд 5

Economy In the structure of the industry of the Chelyabinsk region stands out iron and steel industry (about half of the output). The scale iron and steel area is unmatched in the country, represented by some of the largest metallurgical plants (Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk), conversion plants (Chrysostom), enterprises for the production of ferroalloys and steel pipes (Chelyabinsk). In non-ferrous metallurgy has copper production ( Karabash , Kyshtym ), zinc (Chelyabinsk) and nickel ( Verkhny Ufaley ). Metallurgy is accompanied by the production of refractory magnesite ( Satka ). Engineering relies on its own metallurgical base, which accounts for its metal consumption. Here produce tractors and cranes (Chelyabinsk), trucks ( Miass ), trams ( Ust-Katav ), technological equipment, rocket and space technology ( Miass , Zlatoust), electrical products, mining equipment ( Kopeisk ).

Слайд 6

Here, the most in Russia atomogradov , that is, cities that belong to the complex of the nuclear industry: Snezhinsk (formerly Chelyabinsk-70), Ozersk (formerly Chelyabinsk-40 (up to 1966), Chelyabinsk-65 (1966-1994)) and Trekhgorny (former Chrysostom -36). The region produced: research and testing of materials, structures and devices required for the nuclear industry; processing and recycling of irradiated nuclear fuel; production of radioactive isotopes used in medicine and including; production equipment for the nuclear industry. Part of the region in the 50-ies of XX century was subjected to radioactive contamination as a result of the accident at the waste treatment plant " Mayak ".

Слайд 7

Т hus Chelyabinsk region is the most important subject for both Russia and for the whole world . Н ere there are the monuments of world importance of culture endangered animals and plants from the Red Book . А lso supplier of metal and heavy machinery .

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