Промежуточный тест для 6 класса
тест (6 класс)

Чирипова Сыжидма Сангаевна

Тест предназначен для определения уровня обученности учащихся между четвертями.


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Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Choose the odd word out.
  1. Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, Red Square, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey
  2. The Volga, the Neva, the Thames, the West, the Don
  3. Politician, musician, scientist, banker, novel
  4. Famous, proud, die, special, wonderful
  5. Cathedral, century, palace, building, gallery
  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
  1. We want to help ……animals. What can we do?
  2. Look! The little bears are …… .
  3. English is a world language – it is spoken …… .
  4. The vet helped the cat and ….. its life.
  5. She was in the university scientific …… .
  6. Ostankinskaya Tower is … visiting.
  7. The … family includes the Queen, her husband,

their children and their grandchildren.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions of,  in,  for,  to,  out,  - .
  1. London is rich … parks and gardens.
  2. A. Christie is famous … her detective stories.
  3. The man is tired … hard work.
  4. Listen  … your teacher!
  5. Let’s join … our local football team.
  6. Watch … ! There is a car coming.
  7. Our visit was full … fun.
  1. Fill in the article (a, an, the,-) where it’s necessary.
  • My brother is ..1.. lawyer.
  • I bought ..2.. newspaper and ..3.. magazine. ..4.. newspaper is in my bag and

 ..5.. magazine is on the table.

  • Is Hyde Park ..6.. most beautiful park in ..7.. London?
  • We live in ..8.. Russia. ..9.. Russian Federation is a large country.
  • We are in ..10.. sixth form.
  1. Choose the correct verb.
  1. We (finished/ have finished) our work. It’s time to have a rest.
  2. Tom (arrived/has arrived) last week.
  3. I (didn’t play/haven’t played) tennis yesterday afternoon.
  4. Kathy loves travelling. How many countries (did she visit/has she already visited)?
  5. The famous singer (gave/ has given) three concerts lately.
  6. Where (did you go/have you gone) a year ago?
  1. Put the words in the correct order.
  1. London, I, never, Zoo, to, been, have.
  2. the letter, has, Mike, already, read.
  3. have, my grandparents, a watchdog, bought, just.
  4. Westminster Abbey, you, ever, visited, have?
  5. finished, Alice, yet, not, her project, has.


  1. Choose the odd word out.
  1. Buckingham Palace, The Tower of London, MOMI, Madame Tussaud’s,

The Kremlin

  1. The Rocky Mountains, The Urals, The Caucasus, The Black Sea, The Alps
  2. Opera-singer, actor, architect, lawyer, poem
  3. Museum, bridge, tower, park, special
  4. Beautiful, wonderful, royal, famous, believe
  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
  1. In London Zoo there are 12,000 animals from … .
  2. Look! The baby lions are …… for their meat.
  3. Tom cleans his pet’s … every week.
  4. The African elephant, the blue whale, the black                                                     rhino are …animals.
  5. The … family celebrated Prince Charles’ birthday
  6.  The music is … listening.
  7. The story is about real … of a sailor.
  1. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions of,  in,  for,  to,  - .
  1. Oxford and Cambridge are famous … their universities.
  2. I am proud … my good relatives.
  3. She’s never been … The Tretyakov gallery.
  4. Any capital is rich … monuments and museums.
  5. As usual the monkeys were full … fun.
  6. She likes to listen … pop music.
  7. Would you like to join … the “Adopt an Animal” programme?
  1. Fill in the article (a,  an,  the, - ) where it’s necessary.
  1. Ann’s mother is ..1.. housewife.
  2. She’s got .2.. son and ..3.. daughter. ..4.. son is learning English.  ..5… daughter is studying Maths.
  3. ..6. New York is in ..7.. USA.
  4. That was ..8.. first visit to ..9.. Germany. 
  5. Kilimanjaro (вершина) is ..10.. highest mountain in Africa.
  1. Choose the correct verb.
  1. They (read/ have read) the magazine. You may take it.
  2. George (went/has gone) to Paris yesterday.
  3. We (didn’t have/haven’t had) holidays last year.
  4. Kathy is a writer. How many books (did she write/has she written)?
  5. Eight Russian sportsmen (became/ have become) world champions lately.
  6. Why (did she go/have she gone) to Paris two years ago?
  1. Put the words in the correct order.
  1. Disney Land, she, never, to, been, has.
  2. my pet, have, I, already, fed.
  3. cleaned, my classmates, have, just, cage, the parrot’s.
  4. a film star, you, ever, met, have?
  5. washed, Paul, yet, not, his car, has.

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