презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

THE COUNTRY AND THE CITY. 4 класс Презентация к уроку


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Слайд 1

THE COUNTRY AND THE CITY урок английского языка в 4 классе по УМК М.З. Биболетовой « Enjoy English – 2 » Презентацию разработала учитель английского языка Шевелева Ю.А.

Слайд 2

At the lesson we shall Practice new words Remember the rhyme “Country and city” Read and discuss a text Describe some pictures

Слайд 3

Let’s practice the sounds [ α :] car, farm, garden, dark, farmer, large, cart [ а υ ] down, brown, how, owl, cow, town, now [ л ] jump, some, up, London, butter, funny, country [ ı ] big, live, hill, windy, bridge, windmill, city

Слайд 4

Do you know these words? a windmill a bridge a road

Слайд 5

Do you know these words? a wood Lake Baikal a field

Слайд 6

Do you know these words? river Mysovka flowers cows

Слайд 7

Do you know these words?? a horse a farmhouse a church

Слайд 8

Let’ s read the rhyme Some people live in the city Where the houses are very tall. Some people live in the country Where the houses are very small . But in the country where the houses are very small, the gardens are very big. And in the cities where the houses are very tall There are no gardens at all.

Слайд 9

Now let’s read the text and answer the questions Are there many farmers in the country in Russia? Are there small woods in the country? Are there many cars and people in forests? Can you see small churches in the country? Are there big and tall houses in the country?

Слайд 11

Try to describe this picture using following words: new nice small green dirty clean large beautiful English Russian wide old dark

Слайд 12

Now let’s work in groups

Слайд 14

Home work Стр. 29 упр. 4 (рабочая тетрадь) Стр. 28 упр. 3 (рабочая тетрадь ) – по желанию Проект «Мой маленький городок» (нарисовать, описать, защитить) Кто не готовит проект, тот выполняет упр.8 стр.23 (Простоквашино)

Слайд 15

The lesson is over Thank you for your work!