Проверочная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 6 класса.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

       Проверочная работа по английскому языку составлена на основе изученного грамматического и лексического материала и предназначена для учащихся 6 класса.


Предварительный просмотр:

Check your grammar and vocabulary. For the 6th grade.

I. Solve the crossword with the antonyms and find the key word.

1. dishonest. 2. unfair. 3. stupid. 4. sad. 5. closed. 6. calm. 7. unfriendly. 8. angry. 9. What are you?

1                                                                9








II. Which parts of the body do these words describe? Complete the table.

blonde,  small, big, dark, slim, short, tall, brown, curly, fat, green, red, blue, long, thin




III. Find the synonyms.

  1. sad             a. awful
  2. ugly            b. boring
  3. clever         c. silly
  4. stupid          d. intelligent

 IV. Find the antonyms

  1. pretty        a. dishonest
  2. sad             b. active
  3. calm           c. cheerful
  4. honest        d. ugly

V. Read the text and answer the questions.

Iren is tall, pretty girl. She has dark hair of middle length. Her frank big brown eyes are always full of energy. She has beautiful figure and always wears clothes that underline her figure. Iren is open-hearted and there is so many simplicity and freedom in her that she easily attracts people. I like her because she is friendly, kind. Iren is always ready to help her friend, that’s why friends love her. Iren likes to tell funny stories and jokes with me.

Match true or false

1. Iren is dishonest and unfair.

2. She has got fair hair.

3. Iren is slim and always wears clothes that underline her figure.

4. She is kind and helpful.

5. Iren is cheerful.

VI. Make 5 sentences with as…as.

  1. As brown as a berry
  2. As black as coal
  3. As sly as a fox
  4. As good as gold
  5. As red as a beetroot

VII. Make the words with  dis-/un-

Honest, fair, friendly, comfortable, like, agree, respect

Check your grammar and vocabulary. For the 6th grade.

I. Solve the crossword with the antonyms and find the key word.

 1. dishonest. 2. unfair. 3. stupid. 4. sad. 5. closed. 6. calm. 7. unfriendly. 8. angry. 9. What are you?

1                                                                9








II. Which parts of the body do these words describe? Complete the table.

blonde,  small, big, dark, slim, short, tall, brown, curly, fat, green, red, blue, long, thin




III. Find the synonyms.

  1. sad             a. awful
  2. ugly            b. boring
  3. clever         c. silly
  4. stupid          d. intelligent

 IV. Find the antonyms

  1. pretty        a. dishonest
  2. sad             b. active
  3. calm           c. cheerful
  4. honest        d. ugly

V. Read the text and answer the questions.

Iren is tall, pretty girl. She has dark hair of middle length. Her frank big brown eyes are always full of energy. She has beautiful figure and always wears clothes that underline her figure. Iren is open-hearted and there is so many simplicity and freedom in her that she easily attracts people. I like her because she is friendly, kind. Iren is always ready to help her friend, that’s why friends love her. Iren likes to tell funny stories and jokes with me.

Match true or false

1. Iren is dishonest and unfair.

2. She has got fair hair.

3. Iren is slim and always wears clothes that underline her figure.

4. She is kind and helpful.

5. Iren is cheerful.

VI. Make 5 sentences with as…as.

  1. As brown as a berry
  2. As black as coal
  3. As sly as a fox
  4. As good as gold
  5. As red as a beetroot

VII. Make the words with  dis-/un-

Honest, fair, friendly, comfortable, like, agree, respect

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