Проверочная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 7 класса.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

       Проверочная работа по английскому языку составлена на основе изученного грамматического и лексического материала и предназначена для учащихся 7 класса.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Check  your  grammar & vocabulary, for the 7th grade

Exercise 1a. Listen and choose the right answer: 

When did dinosaurs first appear on Earth? 

a) 230 thousand years ago

b) 230 million years ago

c) 240 million years ago

Exercise 1b. Listen again and write true (T) or false (F).

  1. People and dinosaurs lived at the same time.
  2. Scientists can't explain why the dinosaurs disappeared
  3. The dinosaurs lived on all continents.
  4. Dinosaur skeletons were first found in England.
  5. Richard's friend thinks that dinosaurs are real.

Exercise 2

Choose the correct answer.

1 If I were you, I _________ a drama club.

a) join  b) joined  c) would join

2 If she joined a club, she _____ more friends.

a) would make  b) will make  c) has made

3 If Jenny ______ a lot of sweets, she would be thinner

a) doesn't eat  b) didn't eat c) ate

4 If I _____ you, I would do sport.

a) am  b) was c) were

Exercise 3

 Make the questions more polite. Start with Do you know.../Can you tell me...

1 How did they solve it? (Do..)

2Why does Alex suspect them? (Can..)

3 What exploded in the air? (Do..)

4 Who stole the gold bracelet? (Can..)

5 When did you see the explosion? (Can..)

6 Why did it disappear? (Do..)

7 What have the scientists found in the sea? (Can..)

Exercise 4

Read and choose the right answer.


The Incas in Peru were the strangest civilization on Earth. They had no written language, they had few machines, did not use the wheel and had no iron. Inca technology was simple but the Incas built fortresses of huge stones. They put the stones together so that you cannot put a ruler between them.

How did the Incas make and put together 100-ton blocks of stone without any iron instruments? It is a mystery.

1. The Incas

a) knew mathematics and wrote books

b) didn't use the wheel, had no iron and couldn't write

c) couldn't write but had metal machines and used the wheel

2. The Incas

a) could build stone fortresses

b) could not build fortresses

c) could build iron fortresses

3. The Incas

a) put together 100-ton blocks of stone using iron instruments

b) put together 100-ton blocks using rulers between the stones

c) put stones together without any iron instruments

4. It is a mystery

a) who put the stones together

b) what the Incas made of stone

c) how the Incas built their fortresses

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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