Тест 3 для 10 класса, Spotlight
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Чижова Людмила Геннадиевна

Авторский тест для контроля усвоения лексико-грамматического материала модуля 3


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Предварительный просмотр:

Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку

для 10 класса, Spotlight

Тема: Будущее время, инфинитив и –ing формы глагола, степени сравнения прилагательных, лексика модуля 3

Вариант 1

  1.  Underline the correct alternative in each sentence.

0 Many people believe that in the future television will /is going to disappear.

1 I think you will/are going to be very happy if you marry Leslie.

2 You are learning German at the Goethe Institute. Will you/Are you going to work for a German company in the future?

3 There are no clouds in the sky; it will not/ is not going to rain.

4 I don’t think Mary will/is going to make a good decision if she decides to leave school now.

5 Don’t call me in the morning. Since it’s Sunday tomorrow I will/am going to stay in bed till

10 o’clock.

6 We are not sure yet but we think we will/are going to emigrate to Canada next year.

  1.  Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple, the Future Continuous, the Future Perfect, Present Continuous or the structure to be going to to express future events.

0 I can’t come tomorrow, I __am meeting___ (meet) Mr Smith after work.

1 I _______________ (leave) Budapest at 5.15 p.m. tomorrow.

2 Have you heard the news? Beth and Steven _______________ (get) married in June.

3 I________(call) you as soon as I return from Berlin.

4 I think, she _______________ (not do) anything this evening.

5 OK, Dad. I _______________ (answer) the phone this time.

6 I ________ (take) the dog for a walk at 13.00 tomorrow.

7 I _______________ (help) you with your homework by 3.pm tomorrow.

8 He _______________ (not give) up smoking next year. That’s not his intention at all.

  1.  Underline the correct alternative in each sentence.

0 I feel /am feeling that I understand the process very well.

1 I’d prefer to make/making an appointment now.

2 I don’t think/am not thinking you should invite him to your wedding.

3 She’d love to help/helping you but she is very busy at the moment.

4 I can’t stand to wait/waiting for latecomers.

5 My brother hates to wear/wearing formal clothes.

6 You look/are looking absolutely terrific today!

7 I don’t want to listen/listening to you any more!

8 I refused to pay/paying my sister’s telephone bills again.

9 I think we should consider to go/going to Spain instead of Brazil. It will be much cheaper.

10 If you decide to go on strike, you may risk to lose/losing your job.

11 I don’t mind to wait/waiting a bit longer, but my wife is getting impatient.

12 He offered to meet/meeting me at the station.

13 I suggested to warm/warming up before the game, but they wanted to start right away.

14 He promised to confirm/confirming our appointment by Monday.

15They expanded their business and planned to provide/providing services to our local community.

  1.  Complete the text with the adjectives given in brackets in the correct form.

I have a lot of friends and three of them are even (0) __closer_______ (close) to me than my brothers. Tom is a very good student, certainly (1)_______________ (good) than all the other boys in my class. He also plays basketball very well because he is (2) _______________  (tall) boy in our school team. Mark doesn’t do any sports at all but I like him because he is (3) _______________  (intelligent) person I know. He can tell you a lot about insects and other animals. He is not so good at numbers because for him maths is just (4) _______________ (interesting) than zoology. George, my third friend, is (5) _______________  (bad) pupil in our school. He fails all tests and exams and our teacher says he is (6)_______________ (lazy) student she has ever had. But I think George is (7)_______________ (clever) than my other classmates, he just doesn’t have time to study. He helps his mother a lot with the housework and takes care of his two (8)_______________ (young) sisters. He is also (9)_______________ (kind) of all my friends. I think life is much (10)_______________ (easy) if you have some good friends around.

  1. Fill in: experience, resign, freelance, applied, responsibility, shifts.

1.I haven’t found a new job yet, but I have ________to several companies.

2.He doesn’t like night_______ at the car factory – it’s exhausting.

3.She does not like working for this company at all, she’s going to_______ and find a new job.

4.My friend was thinking about being a__________ artist, he didn’t want to work for someone.

5.Mr Smith has been working as a doctor for many years, he has years of _______.

6.If you are interested in managing a business so you are ready for that much_______.

Total 45

(Тест составлен по материалам О.В. Афанасьева, Дж. Дули, И.В. Михеева, Б. Оби, В. Эванс,  Spotlight 10, М.,«Просвещение», 2014, модуль 3)

Критерии оценивания:

42-45= «5»

34-41= «4»

23-33= «3»

Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку

для 10 класса, Spotlight

Тема: Будущее время, инфинитив и –ing формы глагола, степени сравнения прилагательных, лексика модуля 3

Вариант 2

  1.  Underline the correct alternative in each sentence.
  1. Many people believe that in the future television will/is going to disappear.

1 They have worked hard, so they will/are going to pass all the exams.

2 I don’t think you will/are going to make a good decision if you resign from this job.

3 Mary is six months pregnant. She will/is going to have a baby in May.

4 I hope every child in Poland will/is going to have a computer at home soon.

5How can you be so sure Carlos will/is going to be a doctor? He is still a child.

6 He looks pale. I’m afraid he will/is going to faint.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple, the Future Continuous, the Future Perfect, Present Continuous or the structure to be going to to express future events.
  1. I can’t come tomorrow, I __am meeting___ (meet) Mr Smith after work.

1 In the New Year I _______________ (learn) how to play the piano.

2 When he finds a better job, they___________(rent) a bigger flat.

3 Fine, I _______________ (clean) the windows today. But it’s the last time!

4 She _______________ (fly) to Paris tomorrow for two weeks.

5 We ________(celebrate) after you  pass all your exams.

6 Her plane _______________ (fly) over the Atlantic ocean at midnight tomorrow.

7 I _______________ (come) home from work by that time tomorrow.

8We _______________ (not do) anything after 5 p.m. Let’s go to the cinema!

  1. Underline the correct alternative in each sentence.

0 I feel /am feeling that I understand the process very well.

1 He enjoys to listen/listening to classical music.

2 I’d quite like to take part/taking part in a motor race.

3 I’ll talk to you later, I have/am having breakfast now.

4 I’d prefer to stay/staying at home tonight.

5 All candidates for this job have/are having more than five years’ experience in teaching biology.

6 I hate to get up/getting up very early on Mondays.

7 I don’t want to listen/listening to you any more!

8 I refused to pay/paying my sister’s telephone bills again.

9 I think we should consider to go/going to Spain instead of Brazil. It will be much cheaper.

10 If you decide to go on strike, you may risk to lose/losing your job.

11 I don’t mind to wait/waiting a bit longer, but my wife is getting impatient.

12 He offered to meet/meeting me at the station.

13 I suggested to warm/warming up before the game, but they wanted to start right away.

14 He promised to confirm/confirming our appointment by Monday.

15They expanded their business and planned to provide/providing services to our local community.

  1.  Complete the text with the adjectives given in brackets in the correct form.

There are five people in my family: my parents, Robert, Ana - my (0)____younger____ (young) sister - and me. Robert is (1) _______________ (old). He is also (2) _______________ (tall) and (3) _______________ (intelligent) of us three. My sister Ana is very smart as well, but certainly (4) _______________ (clever) than Robert. Her grades at school are always (5) _______________ (bad) than his. Perhaps you will ask about my grades. Well, they are not bad, it’s just that I am a bit (6) _______________ (lazy) than my brother and sister. For me many other things and activities are (7) _______________ (attractive) than learning. Robert is different. He always does his homework, even if it is (8) _______________ (boring) thing in the world! But (9) _______________ (good) thing about my brother is that he is always ready to help me and Ana with French and German. In fact, he is often (10) _______________ (helpful) than our language teachers.

  1. Fill in: attend, rules, private, strict, motivated, activities.

1.It is important for everyone to follow the_________.

2.This school is known for its discipline and__________teachers.

3.Students are very ___________to do well at this school.

4.He has to ___________extra classes at the weekend.

5.She goes to a very expensive _________school abroad.

6.The students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular______________.

Total 45

(Тест составлен по материалам О.В. Афанасьева, Дж. Дули, И.В. Михеева, Б. Оби, В. Эванс,  Spotlight 10, М.,«Просвещение», 2014, модуль 3)

Критерии оценивания:

42-45= «5»

34-41= «4»

23-33= «3»

Ключи к административной работе для 10 класса

Вариант 1

  1. 1-will

2-Are you going to

3-is not going to


5-am going to


  1. 1-am leaving

2-are getting

3-will call

4-won’t do

5-will answer

6- will be taking

7- will have helped

8-is not going to

  1. 1-to make

2-don’t think

3-to help




7-to listen

8-to pay

9-to go

10-to lose


12-to meet


14-to confirm

15-to provide

  1. 1-better

2-the tallest

3-the most intelligent

4-more interesting

5-the worst

6-the laziest



9-the kindest


  1. 1-applied






Вариант 2

  1. 1-are going to

2- will

3-is going to


5-is going to

6- is going to

  1. 1-am going to learn

2-will rent

3-will clean

4-is flying

5-will celebrate

6- will be flying

7- will have come

8-are not doing

  1. 1-listening

2-to take part

3-am having

4-to stay


6-getting up

7-to listen

8-to pay

9-to go

10-to lose


12-to meet


14-to confirm

15-to provide

  1. 1-the oldest

2-the tallest

3-the most intelligent

4-less clever

5- worse

6- lazier

7-more attractive

8-the most boring

9-the best

10-more helpful

  1. 1-rules







B Complete the sentences with the –ing form or to+ infinitive of the verbs in brackets.

(4 points)

0 If the television still doesn’t work properly, try __moving__ (move) the aerial.

1 I regret __________ (tell) Mary the whole truth about her son’s accident. It was too much for her.

2 The sightseeing tour was so tiring that we stopped __________ (take) a rest at the nearest café.

3 Did you remember __________ (buy) milk and cornflakes for the children?

4 She knows your telephone number. Have you forgotten __________ (give) it to her?  

B Complete the sentences with the –ing form or to+ infinitive of the verbs in brackets.

(4 points)

0 If the television still doesn’t work properly, try ___moving___ (move) the aerial.

1 If I were you, I would cut down on sweets and stop ____________ (eat) meat altogether.

2 I will never forget ____________ (visit) San Francisco for the first time.

3 Please remember ____________ (fill) in the evaluation form after the workshop.

4 We regret ____________ (inform) you that the concert has been cancelled.  

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