входящая контрольная работа для 9 классов
материал по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Контрольная работа составлена по учебнику Английский в фокусе 8 для проверки знаний, усвоеных учащимися


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Предварительный просмотр:

5  Write a letter to your English-speaking pen friend Mark

In your letter write about: summer vacation, plans for a new school term, new activities, choosing subjects for exams, the university you want to enter. Sign the letter.

Dear ................,




Best wishes,


Entry TEST.

1 Fill in the missing word/phrase.

Colleages, home-cooked, piece of cake, stubborn, sound, bushy, suits, flood, local cuisine, breaking

1. When Mel told his ………… that he was leaving the company, they decided to buy him a present.

2.  Nadia is so …………! She never listens to anyone, and does whatever she wants.

3. Joe eats out so often that he always welcomes the chance to have a nice ………... meal whenever he visits his mother.

4. Don’t worry, I’ll show you how to set the table for a formal dinner; it’s a …………… .

5. The missing explorers returned home safe and ………. After a search team found their whereabouts in the desert.

2 Choose the correct item.

1. This dish is delicious and doesn’t take much/many time to prepare.

2. Doctors say that it’s not a good idea to eat red meat more than once or twice a/the week.

3. Mary was under/in charge of presenting our project to the class yesterday.

4. This is the worse/worst team in the championship league.

5. Logan was/has told the good news by his sister.

6. Little Suzie thinks that her granddad’s ........... eyebrows look really funny!

7. Why don’t you wear your red shirt tonight? It really ……… you.

8. A terrible ………… caused by three days of rain has destroyed many houses in the small fishing village.

9. Whenever I travel abroad, I always visit the most popular museums and taste the …....... .  

10. The TV station interrupted its regular programme to give the …………. news of a hurricane approaching the country.

6. What are you thinking/do you think of this painting? Do you like it?

7. This salad was made with/by steamed vegetables.

8. Nathan is too/enough selfish to care about what others think of him.

9. Don’t be late. The film will start/starts at 8 pm.

10. This picture was painted/painted at the beginning of the century.


1. Colleages, home-cooked, piece of cake, stubborn, sound, bushy, suits, flood, local cuisine, breaking

2. much, a, in, worst, was, do you think, with, too, starts, was painted.

3. Thank goodness!

    It was fantastic.

    Good for you!

    What a shame!

    Sounds good!


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