Тексты для чтения для специальности Страховое дело (по отраслям)
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Аймурзина Валентина Викторовна

Подобраны тексты с заданиями для студентов специальности Страховое дело (по отраслям)


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Unit 1. Read and discuss the text:

What Is Social Insurance?

Two Points of View. We know that poverty is found in every country in the world. Each year millions of people starve to death. Many millions more die at an early age because they do not have proper food, shelter or medical care. One-third, and perhaps more, of the world's people go lo bed hungry each night. In country after country the same question is raised: Shouldn't a nation try to help all of its people living better and longer lives?

Until about one hundred years ago, the answer was the same in every part of the world. Nobody should have to depend upon others for help! Each person should he strong enough and amhitious enough to provide for his own needs! True, a government might do something to help its poorest and least able citizens stay alive. It might set up a few poorhouses. It might give away some food from time to time. Private persons might form charities to add to ihe little help a government offered. But little or nothing was done to give all people the medical care they needed.

Social Insurance. People often need help in facing an emergency. This help can come from their own savings, if these are very large. It can also come from an insurance plan. This plan can be private (paid for through membership in some large insurance plan to which many people contribute), or government (provided by the government as one of its services to its people, and paid for by tax moneys.) The word social describes activities affecting people and the way they live within society. Social insurance includes those plans that help people meet four kinds of problems:

1)  Medical Insurance. This kind of insurance pays the costs of medical and dental eare. Such costs rise and rise. Few families can afford the costs of serious illness. Medical insurance plans pay all or a large part of the expense of helping people recover from illness. Some plans may pay for all or part of your regular medical care as well.

2)   Life insurance.  All life insurance plans pay money to some person or persons (The beneficiary or beneficiaries) when the insured person dies. The chief reason for life insurance is to provide money for the remaining members of a family when its chief wage-earner dies. However. the person who pays for the policy can decide who is to receive the payment. It can be a husband or wife, children, creditors or any

3)  Income insurance. Some insurance plans give (he insured person some income during an emergency. The insured person may lose his job and then need money. He may become ill and be unable to work. An injury may make it impossible for him to continue his usual work. He may grow too old to work, or may decide to retire when he grows older. Finally, he may still be working, but be unable to earn enough.

4)  Services insurance.  Some insurance plans provide help, guidance, equipment or other services a person may need to solve a problem. A blind man may need a Seeing Eye dog or training in a new kind of work. A man or woman who has lost a job because of changes in industry may need training for a different kind of job. The parents of a child with a handicap may need help to pay for a special school for that child. A crippled person may need braces or a wheelchair to permit better movement.

insurance – гарантия, защита, страхование

        compulsory insurance – обязательное страхование

        group insurance – групповое (коллективное) страхование

health insurance – страхование на случай болезни

        hospital insurance – основное страхование на случай госпитализации

        life insurance – страхование жизни

major medical expenses insurance – страхование чрезвычайных медицинских расходов

        national insurance – государственное страхование

private insurance – личное (индивидуальное) страхование

retirement insurance – страхование пенсии по старости

        social insurance – социальное страхование

        voluntary insurance – добровольное страхование

voluntary medical insurance – дополнительное страхование (считается добровольным, включает компенсацию за лабораторное лечение и визиты к врачу

        unemployment insurance – страхование по безработице

insurance company – страховая компания        

insure – страховать(ся), застраховать(ся), гарантировать

Ex. 1. 1 Translate the text, using your dictionary.

A great variety of risks can nowadays be covered by insurance. Some of the commoner risks which are usual for businesses and private individuals are as follows:

  •  the destruction of property by fire
  •  losses arising from burglary or other causes
  •  goods in transit
  •  motor vehicles
  • third party claims arising out of accidents.

From past experience the probability of many risks can be calculated with great accuracy.

In Great Britain insurance business is conducted by insurance companies. The client or the prospective insured first approaches the insurance broker who then puts the client in touch with the insurer.

The insurer issues an insurance policy for the insured. It is a document setting out the exact terms and conditions of the insurance transaction. It states the precise risk covered, the period of cover and any exception there may be. The insured is to pay a premium the size of which is stated in the policy.

In many countries insurance against sickness, unemployment and old age is undertaken by the state. In Great Britain this insurance is undertaken by the state through the National Health Service. The employees’ contributions are deducted from their wages and salaries.

The main benefits of this insurance include:

  •  retirement pensions
  •  unemployment benefits, or relief’s
  •  sickness benefits
  •  maternity  grants
  •  funeral grants

  •  industrial injuries
  •  family allowances    


1. insurance  


2. variety  


3. to cover  



общий, простой


торговое предприятие, фирма


частное лицо


разрушение, уничтожение




убыток, ущерб, урон

10. burglary  


11. cause  


12. in transit





требование, претензия


несчастный случай


третья сторона, свидетель




вычислять, подсчитывать


точность, правильность


вести, руководить, проводить




предполагаемый, ожидаемый

23. to approach  


24. insurance broker  


25. to put... in touch with

связывать кого-либо с кем-либо


выдавать, издавать




дело, сделка


определять, формулировать

30. precise

четкий, ясный, точный


возражение, отвод

32. premium

страховая премия




брать на себя


налог, взнос


вычитать, удерживать


заработная плата


жалованье, оклад


выгода, польза, пособие


отставка, уход на пенсию




дотация, субсидия





45.family allowance

пособие на семью

Ex 1.2 Match the equivalents:

1. to cover the risk

a) страховой бизнес

2. insurance business

b) страховой полис

3. insurance company

c) страховой риск

4. insurance broker

d) страховая компания

5. insurance policy

e) страховой брокер

6. insurance transaction

f) страхование

7. insurer

g) сделка по страхованию

8. the insured

h) страхователь

9. insurance cover

i) покрывать риск

Ex. 1.3 Match the terms and their interpretations:

1. it is a document setting out the exact terms and conditions of the insurance transaction

a) an insurer

2. the company issuing insurance policies

b) an insurance policy  

3. the person putting the client in touch with the insurer

c) an insurance broker

4. the person or some business

d) the insured  

Unit 2 Life and industrial assurance

1. Lexicalwork

Ex. 1. 1 Translatethetext, usingyourdictionary.

One of the main branches of insurance is life assurance. It is a comparatively recent type of insurance.

Life assurance is different from all other branches of insurance. In case of insurance there is no certainty that the insured may face the risk against which he has been insured. The risk may never occur. But in case of life assurance the risk is certain to occur sooner or later. The only uncertainty is the time of occurrence.

There are two types of life assurance:

  • endowment
  • whole life assurance

Endowment assurance is provided for a specified number of years or until the attainment of a certain age. The sum assured is paid either at the agreed time or on the death   of the assured.

Whole life assurance is less popular. The premiums must be paid to the assured until the deals of the insured.

Premiums for endowment and whole life assurance are paid quarterly or annually.

Industrial assurance is a branch of life assurance. Industrial assurance policies are usually for small amounts. The premiums are collected weekly by the companies` agents.

The largest life assurance company in Great Britain is Prudential Assurance Co., established in 1845. Besides all kinds of life assurance Prudential Assurance Company undertakes many types of insurance.  


1. comparatively  


2. resent  

новый, современный, недавний

3. certainty  

уверенность, определенность

4. insured  


5. to face  


6. to occur  

случаться, происходить

7. certain  

уверенный, несомненный


неуверенность, неопределенность

9. occurrence  

случай, происшествие

10. endowment  

вклад, дар

11. endowment assurance  

страхование на срок

12. to provide  

обеспечивать, предоставлять, предусматривать

13. specified  

точно определенное, установленное

14. attainment  



установленное, согласованное время

16. prudential  


Ex. 1.2 Write the Russian equivalents:

            life assurance

            industrial assurance

            endowment assurance

            whole life assurance

            the risk may occur

            to attain a central age


            the assured

            the sum assured

Ex. 1.3Write the English equivalents:

1. Главные ветви страхования

2. В случае страхования жизни

3. Время происшествия

4. Определенное количество лет

5. Менее популярно

6. Должны быть выплачены

7. Полисы промышленного страхования

8. На маленькие суммы

Unit 3: Principles of insurance

1. Lexicalwork

Ex. 1. 1 Translate the text, using your dictionary.

For insurance to function properly, the insurer and insured have to make sure that certain basic requirements are fulfilled when the insurance policy is drawn up.

Utmost good faith

When someone fills out a form applying to take out insurance, he is obliged to tell the truth about the value and condition of the goods to be insured, and also to mention anything which might increase the risk of the goods being stolen or damaged. The insurer accepts the application in “utmost good faith” that all the details supplied by the insured are correct, and fixes the level of the premium accordingly.

For his part, the insurer is obliged to deal fairly with the insured, for example by making all the conditions of the insurance policy clear to him.

Insurable interest

It is essential that the insured has an insurable interest in the goods to be insured: this means he has to suffer a financial loss if the goods are stolen or damaged. Generally this means that you can take out insurance for your own property, but not for someone else’s.


The idea of indemnity is that if the insured suffers a loss, he has to be paid sufficient compensation to bring him back to the same financial condition as he was in before the loss – not more and not less (this doesn’t apply to life or personal accident insurance). This prevents people over-insuring their goods in the hope of making a profit.


Once the insurer has compensated the insured for his loss, he has the right to recover the amount in question from the party responsible for the loss (for example, if the insurer can prove that the ship was not seaworthy, he can take legal steps against the ship owner).


  1. properly

должным образом

  1. requirement


  1. to fulfit

выполнять, удовлетворять (требованиям условиям)

  1. utmost good faith

полное доверие

  1. to mention

упоминать, ссылаться на

  1. to increase

усиливать, возрастать

  1. to accept


  1. application

заявление, прошение

  1. accordingly


  1. to deal

иметь дело, рассматривать вопрос

  1. fairly


  1. insurable interest

страховой интерес

  1. essential

необходимый, существенный

  1. indemnity

гарантия от убытков

  1. to prevent

препятствовать, предупреждать

  1. to recover

возвращать себе, получать обратно

  1. seaworthy

годный для плавания

Ex. 1.2 Write the Russian equivalents:

fill out a form

to tell the truth

the level of the premium

the insurance policy

an insurable interest

financial condition

in the hope of making a profit.

to recover the amount

Ex. 1.3 What is wrong here?

  1. Mr. Smith’s insurance company refused to pay him when his house was broken into, as they found out from police records that it had already been broken into twice before he took out insurance. Why?
  2. Mary’s mother lent Mary some expensive jewellery. However, when Mary applied to have it covered by her house-hold insurance policy, the insurance company refused. Why?
  3. Mr. Adams wanted to insure the goods in his warehouse for $200,000, which was the price at which he could sell them. However, the insurance company told him that they could only insure the goods for $120,000. Why?

Unit 4:Types of insurance policy

1. Lexical work

Ex. 1. 1 Translate the text, using your dictionary.

Written evidence of the insurance contract is provided in the insurance policy. If insurance is needed at short notice, the insurer can provide the insured with a cover note to fulfit this function until the insurance policy is ready. The following types of cover are available:

  • Hull policies cover the ship itself, but not the goods being carried.
  • Cargo policy cover the goods carried on board the ship, but not the ship itself.

Voyage policy

This type of policy covers the ship and/or cargo for one voyage only.  This kind of policy may specify a date limit within which the ship is expected to have arrived at the port of destination. It is used by people or companies who only have to ship goods occasionally.

Time policy

This is type of policy used most often. It covers all shipments made within a certain period of time. The premium is paid in advance and then adjusted at the end of the period of insurance, depending on the number and value of shipments made. The insured has the responsibility of filling out an insurance certificate for each shipment, so that an accurate record can be presented at the end of the period of insurance.

Floating policy

With a floating policy, the insured and insurer agree in advance on a certain sum at which the goods are to be insured. The insured can then make as many shipments as he wants until this value has been reached, at which point the policy expires.

Mixed policy

This is the combination of the voyage and time policies. The ship and/or cargo is covered for all voyages between two named ports for a certain period of time (for example for all voyages from Liverpool to New York over a period of one year).


1. evidence

основание; данные

2. cover note

временное страховое свидетельство

3. hull policy

полис страхования судна

4. cargo policy

полис страхования груза

5. voyage policy

полис страхования на перевозку

6. to specify

точно определять, устанавливать

7. within

в пределах

8. occasionally

изредка, время от времени

9. time policy

полис на срок

10. in advance


11. certificate

свидетельство, удостоверение

12. accurate

точный, правильный

13. record

запись, отчет, протокол

14. floating policy

генеральный полис

15. to agree


16. to expire

кончаться, истекать (о сроке)

17. mixed policy

смешанный полис

Ex. 1.2Write the English equivalents:

Страховой контракт

Следующие типы покрытия

Товары, перевозимые на борту корабля

Покрывает корабль и /или груз только на одну поездку

Этот вид полиса может точно определять

Порт назначения

В конце периода страхования

Ответственность за заполнение страхового сертификата

Заранее на определенную сумму

На все поездки между двумя названными портами

Ex1.3 What type of insurance policy would you use in each situation? Justify your answer!

1. A customer in Sri Lanka placed a trial order.

2. A company in Canada received a standing order from a company in Boston.

3. A carpet importer in Italy often places orders with a company in Morocco. However, as sales fluctuate, the size and value of the orders tends to vary and is not always predictable.

4. An exporter in Japan was offered a one-year contract to supply goods to various branches of an American corporation.

5. A family emigration from England to Australia sent most of their household goods by ship.

Unit5: Types of loss

1. Lexical work

Ex. 1. 1 Translate the text, using your dictionary.

As far as marine insurance is concerned, insurers distinguish between total loss and partial loss.


  1. Actual Total Loss (ATL)

An actual total loss is said to have occurred when the ship and cargo have sunk and cannot be recovered.

If the ship disappears after leaving the port or if it is long overdue, this is also considered to be an actual total loss. If the ship then turns up after a claim for ATL has been settled, it automatically becomes the property of the insurers.

  1. Constructive Total Loss (CTL)

A constructive total loss occurs when the ship or goods are so badly damaged that the cost of repairing them would be greater than their market value. It also occurs when a ship sinks and is left because the cost of recovery would be too high or the risk to human life too great.


  1. Particular average

Particular average occurs when the object insured is loss or damaged because of an accident, such as a fire or flood on board the ship. The loss is born by the person to whom the object belonged.

  1. General average

General average occurs when the object insured is sacrificed in order to prevent a total loss for example, goods may be thrown overboard in order to stop a ship sinking. The loss is borne by all parties – both the ship owner and the cargo owners.


  1. distinguish


  1. actual total loss

действительная полная гибель

  1. overdue


  1. to consider


  1. constructive total loss

конструктивная полная гибель

  1. particular average

частная авария

  1. to sacrifice


  1. to prevent

препятствовать, предотвращать

  1. to throw


Ex.1.2 Give English equivalents for Russian words and expressions.

1. As far as marine insurance is concerned, insurers (различают между) total loss and partial loss.

2. An actual total loss is said to have occurred (когда корабль и груз затонули) and cannot be recovered.

3. If the ship then turns up after a claim for ATL has been settled, it (автоматическистановитсясобственностью) of the insurers.

4. It also (случается) when a ship sinks and is left because (стоимостьвосстановления) would be too high or the risk to human life too great.

5. General average occurs when the object insured is sacrificed (длятогочтобыпредотвратить) a total loss.

Ex.1.3 What type of loss was this?

1. A ship disappeared while sailing through the Bermuda Triangle.

2. A ship carrying cheap general cargo sank close to the coast of France.

3. Two boxes of goods were lost overboard as a result of bad weather.

4. In 1912, the supposedly unsinkable Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in the Atlantic.

5. A ship carrying oil barrels caught fire, and the crew threw the barrels into the sea to prevent an explosion.

6. Pirates boarded a ship and stole part of the cargo.

Unit6: Insurance documents

1. Lexical work

Ex. 1. 1 Translate the text, using your dictionary.

Among insurance documents there are insurance policies and insurance certificates. There is a certain difference between the two but it is very subtle and sometimes, besides, they are used interchangeably. These documents state what goods are insured, in whose name they are insured, against what risks, for what amount, at what premium and so on.

Here is a part of a specimen insurance policy:



Insurance Policy No 338

This is to certify the insurance cover to the order of Chemico, Moscow, of: Chemicals ST, gross weight packed 5100 kgs, net weight 5000 kgs in 100 plastic bags in favour of: Petro Co Ltd. Liverpool for the amount of: 875,000.00 English pounds sterling (eight hundred and seventy five thousand English pounds sterling)

Shipped from:

Riga to Liverpool

on board vessel:

Alexander Pushkin


20 November, 1998


war, fire and marine risks


as agreed

Besides insurance documents, transport documents, commercial invoices some other documents may be involved in business transactions in accordance with contracts. They are:

  • import/export licences
  • customs declarations
  • consular invoices
  • veterinary certificates
  • phytosanitary certificate and others.


  1. subtle

едва различимый

  1. interchangeable


  1. to insure


  1. favour


  1. gross

большой, брутто, грубый

  1. license (licence)


  1. customs


  1. consul


  1. phytosanitary certificate

санитарный сертификат на растения

  1. in favour of

в пользу кого-либо

  1. weight

вес, груз

  1. board vessel

правление судном

  1. invoice


  1. accordance


Ex. 1.2 Open the brackets by using the verbs in the correct forms:

  1. A lot of various documents (to involve) in business transactions.
  2. Among insurance documents there (to be) insurance policies and certificates.
  3. There (to be) a certain difference between these two terms.
  4. The difference (to be) very subtle.
  5. Sometimes these two terms (to use) interchangeably.
  6. These two documents state what goods (to insure).
  7. They also (to state) in whose name the goods (to insure).

Ex. 1.3 Write down the English terms:

импортная лицензия ________________________________________

таможенная декларация _____________________________________

консульский счет  __________________________________________

санитарный сертификат на растения  __________________________

ветеринарный сертификат __________________________________


1.Translate into Russian:
Life insurance
Industrial insurance
Endowment insurance
Unemployment benefits
Sickness benefits
Maternity grants
Family allowances
To cover the risk
2. Translate into English:
Страхование жизни, автострахование , страховая компания, страхование домашнего имущества, страховщик ,страховой полис, пособие на рождение ребенка, пособие на семью, страхование на срок
3. Choose the right word:
…is a document setting out the exact terms and conditions of the insurance transactions.a.insurance broker b.insurance policy c. insurance company
…insurance in case you die suddenly.
Household insurance b. car insurance c. life insurance
…insurance in case you have an accident when you are travelling.
a.travel insurance b. medical insurance c. car insurance
4. Answer the questions:
1.Is insurance business very popular in your country?
2.What insurance companies do you know?
3.What types of insurance are practiced in company you work?



FOCUS 1 Pre-Reading Discussion

  • Why do companies insure their cargoes?
  • What do companies insure their cargoes against?
  • What is the major aim of any insurance pool?
  • What does average stand for?

Insurance has become more and more important as commerce has developed. The idea of insurance is to obtain indemnity in the event of any happening that may cause loss of money; insurance is against risks.

Insurance is the way of spreading, or distributing, risks. If a large number of people pay premiums to a large central “pool”, then the risks of damage or total destruction on the proportionately few occasions when it happens can be covered.

The usual procedure is to insure against all risks. This involves a WA clause (with average clause). The word average as used in insurance means damage. With average means that the insurers pay claims for partial losses, whereas free of particular average (FPA) means that partial losses are not covered by the insurance.

Particular average means partial loss or damage accidentally caused to the ship or to a particular lot of goods. General average means any extraordinary loss, damage or expenditure incurred for the purpose of preventing all the interest imperilled – the ship, the cargo and the freight.

The three main principles of insurance are:

  1. Utmost good faith. All the facts concerning quality and value must be truthfully stated. All relevant information must be included.
  2. Indemnity. Nobody should be able to make a profit out of the insurance companies. Therefore, insurance company valuers, surveyors and assessors try to place the insured person or institution in the same financial position after the loss as he/ it was before it. Nobody should be encouraged to destroy goods for the insurance money: therefore the insured value must be realistic. So insurance companies “indemnify” clients.
  3. Insurable interest. The insured must have a legal connection with the goods he insures. That is, he must be the person who loses if the goods are destroyed or damaged. Nobody should be allowed to insure goods which don’t belong to them.



May 3, 20…

Dear Sirs

Please quote us a rate for the insurance against all risks, warehouse to warehouse, of a shipment of 10 (ten) cases of cycles, London to Valetta, by M.V. Star of the Blue Sea Line. The value of the shipment in question is $ 18,000. The insurance is needed as from June 15, 20… .

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Andrew Wine

Andrew Wine


December 15, 20…

Dear Sirs

Our order No. 235246/FTD

We received your consignment of filing cabinets and folders (Order No. 235246/FTD) on Dec.12, 20… .

Our Agent noticed that cases 9, 10 and 11 were broken. It looks as if some heavy object was dropped on these cases. We opened the cases and contacted the Lloyd’s surveyor in Barcelona. He is examining the damage at the moment and no doubt will send a detailed report as soon as possible. He is also investigating crates 20 and 21.

The following items are broken:

  •  7/seven/ TWA35 Filing Cabinets (severely dented);
  • 63 /sixty three/ Cuefile looseleaf folders (destroyed by seawater).

This was a CIF shipment and you hold the insurance policy. We should be obliged if you would take up the matter with the insurers. The Insurance Certificate number is AS/298475. Should you so desire, we will send it to you without delay.

We enclose a report by our agent that the damage was noticed on Dec. 12, 20… in the port of Barcelona.

We would like you to send replacements for the damaged articles as soon as possible. On our part we will arrange credit in a day or two. Please, acknowledge receipt.

Sincerely yours

James Brown


April 23, 20…

Dear Sirs

Policy No. 26534

We forward two declaration forms, duly completed, for shipments to Bombay and Melbourne respectively. As this will nearly exhaust the amount of the cover under our policy No. 26534 we shall be glad if you renew this for a further $ 10,000. At the same time please let us have a supply of declaration forms as we are sending you our last two copies enclosed herewith.

We wish to renew our floating policy No.26534 on the same terms as before, to cover consignments of textile machinery to Bombay and Melbourne.

Yours faithfully

George Wilson

George Wilson


March 5, 20…

Dear Sirs

Confirming our telephone conversation we have to inform you that the M.V. Anna had an accident on March 3, 20… .

In heavy weather off the coast of France the vessel’s rudder was damaged and she was rendered helpless, having in consequence to be towed to Bordeaux, where repairs are now being undertaken. The expenditure thus incurred will be payable by the ship, freight and cargo in proportion to their respective value, and we, as average adjusters, have been appointed to prepare the necessary adjustment.

Faithfully yours

D. Larson

Daniel Larson


May 16, 20…

Dear Mr Simpson,

Thank you for your letter of May 12, in which you asked about cover for a shipment of computers from Tisbury to Wellington.

I note from the details attached to your letter that the net amount of the invoice is £22,000, and payment is by letter of credit. I would therefore suggest a valued policy against all risks for which we can quote £4.35p%.

We will issue a cover note as soon as you complete and return the enclosed declaration form.

Yours sincerely,





October 28, 20…

Dear Mr. Shane,

Policy No. RG3087567

I have now received our assessor’s report with reference to your claim CF5646 in which you asked for compensation for the damage to two turbine engines shipped ex-Liverpool by MV Freemont on October 11 for delivery to your customer, D.V. Industries, Hamburg.

The report states that B/L. No.3459 was claused by the master of the vessel with a comment on cracks in the casing of the machinery. Our assessor believes that these cracks were responsible for the casing weakening during the voyage and splitting, which eventually caused damage to the turbines themselves.

I am sorry that we cannot help you further, but the company cannot accept liability for the goods unless they are shipped clean. See Clause 23A of the Policy.

Sincerely yours,





“Insurance”, “assurance”, “cover”, “reinsurance” и “underwriting” могут в различных контекстах переводиться как “страхование”, хотя при этом коннотации этих терминов несколько отличаются друг от друга.

Insurance” – общий термин, то есть “страхование” как бизнес, как вид услуг.

Assurance” – страхование от событий, которые рано или поздно обязательно произойдут (например, смерть). Следовательно, “страхование жизни” – “life assurance”.

Cover” – страхование, объем страхового покрытия.

Reinsurance” – перестрахование, то есть полное или частичное размещение среди других страховщиков риска, покрываемого данным страховщиком, в обмен на страховую премию.

Underwriting” имеет значение “принятие рисков на страхование”; “процесс анализа рисков”.



страх. возмещение; соглашение о покрытии всех возможных убытков (за исключением страхования жизни и личного страхования от несчастных случаев)


страх. премия (сумма, уплачиваемая страхователем страховщику за принятие последним на себя обязательств выплатить соответствующую сумму при наступлении страхового случая, обусловленного в условиях договора страхования)


страх. авария (убытки и ущерб, причиненные транспортному средству, грузу и фрахту в процессе перевозки); сумма убытков по аварии

with average

мор. страх. «с ответственностью за аварию» (формулировка в полисе морского страхования, страхующем от всех убытков по частной аварии)


general average

страх. общая авария (расходы и убытки, понесенные вследствие произведенных намеренно и разумно чрезвычайных расходов в целях спасения судна, фрахта или перевозимого на судне груза от общей для них опасности)

ABBR: GA; G.A.; g.a.

SYN: gross average

particular average

страх. частная авария (убытки, не подпадающие под признаки общей аварии (См. выше) или не приравниваемые к ней, например, непредвиденный ущерб, причиненный судну, грузу, или ущерб, связанный с их повреждением); расходы по частной аварии

ABBR: PA; P.A.; p.a.

to imperil

подвергать опасности

SYN: to endanger; to jeopardize

utmost good faith



оценщик (лицо, определяющее величину потерь, как правило, независимый эксперт)

VARIANT: valuator

SYN: assessor (AmEn)


мор. страх. сюрвейер (эксперт, осуществляющий по просьбе страхователя или страховщика осмотр застрахованных или подлежащих страхованию судов и грузов; дает заключение о состоянии осматриваемого имущества, определяет характер и размер его повреждения и пр.)

ABBR: Surv.


AmEn оценщик (лицо, определяющее величину потерь, как правило, независимый эксперт)

SYN: BrEn valuator; valuer

to indemnify

возмещать; возмещать убытки; компенсировать; застраховать, обезопасить (от – against)


to hold a policy

являться держателем полиса

to take up the matter with sb.

обсуждать вопрос с кем-либо

insurance certificate

страх. страховое свидетельство (документ, выдаваемый страхователю в подтверждение того, что договор страхования заключен и полис выписан)

VARIANT: certificate of insurance


declaration form

страховая декларация (заявление страхователя об объекте страхования и о характере риска)

to exhaust the amount of the cover

исчерпать сумму страхового покрытия

to renew a policy

продлевать срок действия полиса; возобновлять полис

floating policy

страх. генеральный полис; флоатер (договор страхования, согласно которому страхователь обязуется застраховать у страховщика все определенного рода риски на сходных условиях)




мор. руль

to be rendered helpless

быть неуправляемым

SYN: to be disabled

to undertake repairs

осуществлять ремонтные работы

to be payable

подлежать оплате

average adjuster

мор. страх. диспашер (лицо, которое проводит расследование и обговаривает порядок урегулирования требования о выплате возмещения)


мор. страх. диспаша (специальный документ, устанавливающий наличие общей аварии судна, а также расчет и распределение убытков между организаторами рейса)

VARIANT: average adjustment

SYN: average statement



страх. страховое покрытие

SYN: coverage

valued policy

валютированный полис, таксированный полис (полис, в котором точно указана согласованная стоимость объекта страхования)


страхование из расчета 435 пенсов за сотню фунтов

cover note

страх. ковернот (высылаемое агентом, брокером или страховой компанией уведомление страхователю о том, что полис вступил в силу; ковернот служит временным страховым документом)

VARIANT: covering note



assessor’s report

отчет о величине потерь

to ship sth ex-Liverpool

отгружать что-либо из Ливерпуля

claused (bill of lading)

(коносамент), содержащий оговорку (например, о повреждении груза и пр.)


трещина; щель


обшивка; оболочка; тех. картер; рама; оправа

to be shipped clean (of goods)

быть отгруженным в неповрежденном состоянии (о товарах)



Please quote us a rate for the insurance…

Просим Вас сообщить нам стоимость страхования…


The insurance is needed as from June 15, 200… .

Страховка нужна с 15 июня 200…г.


Ex.1. Find the English equivalents:

генеральный полис; диспашер; ковернот; соглашение о покрытии убытков; подлежать уплате; общая авария; являться держателем полиса; сюрвейер; возмещать убытки; подвергать опасности; частная авария; диспаша; страховая премия; добросовестность; аварийная оговорка; оценщик; страховой сертификат; возобновлять страховой полис; объем страхового покрытия; коносамент, содержащий оговорки

Ex.2. Fill in the blanks with one of the following words. Mind your grammar. 

assessor’s report; cover; to be towed;

average adjusters; declaration form;

particular average; expenditure; rudder; casing; valued policy; indemnity; cover note;

claused; surveyor; claim

  1. The report states that B/L. No.3459 was _____ by the captain of the vessel with a comment on cracks in the _____ of the machinery.
  2. In their letter of May 12 they asked us about _____ for a shipment of computers.
  3. The _____ thus incurred will be payable by the ship, freight and cargo in proportion to their respective value, and we, as _____, have been appointed to prepare the necessary adjustment.
  4. We will issue a _____ as soon as you complete and return the enclosed _____.
  5. The idea of insurance is to obtain _____ in the event of any happening that may cause loss of money; insurance is against risk.
  6. We opened the cases and contacted the Lloyd’s _____ in Barcelona.
  7. _____ means partial loss or damage accidentally caused to the ship or to a particular lot of goods.
  8. I would therefore suggest a _____ against all risks.
  9. In heavy weather off the coast of France the vessel’s _____ was damaged and she was rendered helpless, having in consequence _____ to Bordeaux.
  10. I have now received our _____ with reference to your _____ CF5646 in which you asked for compensation for the damage to two turbine engines which were shipped ex-Liverpool on the MV Freemont on October 11 for delivery to your customer, D.V. Industries, Hamburg.

Ex.3. Complete the sentences:

  1. Therefore, insurance company (оценщики), (сюрвейеры) and assessors try to place the insured person or institution in the same financial position after the loss as he/ it was before it.
  2. (Общая авария) means any extraordinary loss, damage or expenditure (понесенные) for the purpose of preventing all the interest imperilled – the ship, the (груз) and the freight.
  3. The (сюрвейер) is examining the damage at the moment and no doubt will send a detailed report as soon as possible. He is also investigating (ящики) 20 and 21.
  4. This was a CIF shipment and you (являетесь держателем) the insurance policy.
  5. We would like you to send (замену) for the (поврежденным наименованиям) as soon as possible.
  6. As this will nearly (исчерпает) the amount of the (страхового покрытия) under our policy No. 26534 we shall be glad if you (возобновить) this for a further €10,000.
  7. I would therefore suggest a (таксированный) policy (против всех рисков) for which we can quote £4.35p%.
  8. I note from the details attached to your letter that the net amount of the (счета-фактуры) is £22,000, and payment is by (аккредитивом).
  9. We wish to renew our (генеральный полис) No.26534 on the same terms as before, to cover consignments of (текстильного оборудования) to Bombay and Melbourne.
  10. The expenditure thus incurred will (подлежать оплате) by the ship, freight and cargo in proportion to their respective value, and we, as (диспашеры), have been appointed to prepare the necessary adjustment.

Ex.4. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary:

  1. It looks as if some heavy object was dropped on these cases. We opened ____ cases and contacted ____ Lloyd’s surveyor in ____ Barcelona.
  2. Our assessor believes that ____ cracks were responsible for ____ casing weakening during ____ voyage and ____ splitting, which eventually caused ____ damage to ____ turbines themselves.
  3. ____insurance is ____ way of ____ spreading, or ____ distributing, risks.
  4. At ____ same time please let us have ____ supply of ____ declaration forms as we are sending you our last two copies enclosed herewith.
  5. If ____ large number of ____ people pay ____ premiums to ____ large central “pool”, then ____ risks of ____ damage or ____ total destruction on ____ proportionately few occasions when it happens can be covered.
  6. ____ expenditure thus incurred will be payable by ____ ship, ____ freight and ____ cargo in ____ proportion to their respective value, and we, as ____ average adjusters, have been appointed to prepare ____ necessary adjustment.
  7. I am sorry that we cannot help you further, but ____ company cannot accept ____ liability for ____ goods unless they are shipped clean.
  8. ____ report states that ____ B/L. No.3459 was claused by ____ captain of ____ vessel with ____ comment on ____ cracks in ____ casing of ____ machinery.
  9. This was ____ cif shipment and you hold ____ insurance policy.
  10. As this will nearly exhaust ____ amount of ____ cover under ____ policy No. 26534 we shall be glad if you renew this for ____ further $ 10,000.

Ex.5. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary:

  1. ____ heavy weather ____ the coast ____ France the vessel’s rudder was damaged and she was rendered helpless.
  2. We wish to renew our floating policy No.26534 ____ the same terms as before, to cover consignments ____ textile machinery ____ Bombay and Melbourne.
  3. Please quote ____ us a rate ____ the insurance ____ all risks, warehouse ____ warehouse, ____ a shipment ____ 10 (ten) cases ____ cycles, London ____ Valetta, ____ M.V. Star ____ the Blue Sea Line.
  4. We enclose a report ____ our agent that the damage ____ the cases was noticed ____ Dec. 12, 200… ____ the port ____ Barcelona.
  5. ____ our part we will arrange ____ credit ____ a day or two.
  6. Should you so desire, we will send it ____ you ____ delay.
  7. ____ heavy weather ____ the coast ____ France the vessel’s rudder was damaged and she was rendered helpless, having ____ consequence to be towed ____ Bordeaux.
  8. We forward two declaration forms, duly completed, ____ shipments ____ Bombay and Melbourne respectively.
  9. I note ____ the details attached ____ your letter that the net amount ____ the invoice is £ 22,000, and payment is ____ letter ____ credit.
  10. I have now received our assessor’s report ____ reference ____ your claim CF5646 ____ which you asked ____ compensation ____ the damage ____ two turbine engines which were shipped ex-Liverpool ____ the MV Freemont ____ October 11 ____ delivery ____ your customer, D.V. Industries, Hamburg.

Ex.6. Translate into English:


  1. В случае аварии страховая компания обязана выплатить страхователю компенсацию.
  2. Мы бы хотели знать, кто является держателем полиса.
  3. Наши экспедиторы заметили, что ящик № 5 вскрыт.
  4. Страхование помогает распределять риски при транспортировке товаров.
  5. Стоимость вышеназванной партии товаров составляет 18 тыс. долларов США.
  6. Сюрвейер в настоящее время изучает ущерб и без сомнения вышлет подробный отчет, как только закончит работу в порту.
  7. «Браун энд Ко» хотела бы застраховать свои товары от всех рисков.
  8. Поскольку это почти полностью исчерпает сумму страхового покрытия по полису № 34637, мы будем рады возобновить его на сумму в 10 тыс. долларов США.
  9. Частная авария предполагает частичную потерю или ущерб, непреднамеренно нанесенные судну или какой-либо части груза.
  10. Просим Вас сообщить нам стоимость страховки партии товаров от всех рисков при перевозке со склада в порту погрузки до склада в порту назначения.
  11. Просим Вас предоставить нам бланки страховых деклараций, поскольку с этим письмом мы высылаем Вам заполненные должным образом последние два экземпляра в отношении наших отгрузок в Бомбей и Мельбурн.
  12. Вероятно, на ящик упало что-то тяжелое.
  13. Мы были бы признательны, если бы Вы обсудили этот вопрос со страховщиком.
  14. Мы связались с сюрвейером «Ллойда» в Барселоне.
  15. Со своей стороны, мы организуем открытие аккредитива в самые кратчайшие сроки.
  16. Просим Вас выслать замену поврежденным наименованиям товаров как можно быстрее.
  17. Судно было отбуксировано в Барселону, где сейчас проводятся ремонтные работы.
  18. Мы хотим продлить наш генеральный полис № 90845 на тех же условиях, что и раньше.
  19. Наш оценщик считает, что щели стали причиной ослабления обшивки оборудования во время перевозки и ее повреждения, что, в конечном счете, нанесло ущерб непосредственно турбинам.
  20. Диспашеры, назначенные для подготовки документов, определяют в настоящее время размеры ущерба и понесенных потерь.
  21. Таким образом, я предлагаю таксированный полис от всех рисков.
  22. В плохих погодных условиях у побережья Франции было повреждено рулевое управление судна, и оно стало неуправляемым.
  23. Благодарим Вас за письмо от 4 июля, где Вы спрашиваете о страховании партии компьютеров, отгружаемых из Веллингтона.
  24. Мы выдадим ковернот, как только Вы пришлете нам заполненную должным образом страховую декларацию.
  25. В отчете говорится, что коносамент № 36398 содержал оговорку, сделанную капитаном судна, о том, что в обшивке оборудования были щели.


Письмо 1

Уважаемый г-н Смит!

Благодарим Вас за письмо от 6 мая, в котором Вы спрашивали о страховании в нашей компании. Посылаю Вам буклеты, в которых даются разъяснения в отношении наших полисов, которые обеспечат Вам тот вид страхования, в котором Вы заинтересованы. Я думаю, что полис № А356 подойдет Вам лучше всего, поскольку по нему Вы получите самое большое покрытие при 65 пенсах за 100 ф.ст.

Если Вы хотите, я могу договориться с одним из наших агентов, чтобы он встретился с Вами лично и обсудил все детали, а также все условия. Прошу Вас заполнить прилагаемую форму декларации и вернуть нам ее вместе с чеком на 195 ф.ст. В этом случае страховка вступит в силу с 1 июня этого года.

С нетерпением жду Вашего ответа.

С уважением                                              

Менеджер                                                           А.Бейкер


  10 мая 20… .г.

Письмо 2

Уважаемые господа!

Мы бы хотели сообщить Вам о том, что вчера в подвале (basement) нашего склада вспыхнул (to break out) пожар. Хотя удалось быстро справиться с огнем (the blaze was brought under control), по нашим оценкам был поврежден товар общей стоимостью в 8 тыс. долларов США.

        Представитель пожарной бригады сообщил нам, что пожар, вероятно, был вызван коротким замыканием в электропроводке (by an electrical short). По его расчетам это случилось около полуночи. К счастью, действия пожарных позволили ограничить ущерб.

Прошу Вас выслать в адрес нашей компании необходимые бланки претензий.

С уважением                                  

Менеджер  «Юнайтед Вэахаус»                         Дж.Дрейк                                                 



Ex.7. Make up letters according to the situations below:

Assignment 1

Вы хотите застраховать партию компьютеров, которая будет отгружена из Ливерпуля в Барселону. Вы хотите застраховать груз от всех рисков. Выясните, какую страховку Вы можете получить и попросите прислать Вам экземпляр страховой декларации.

Assignment 2

Вы направляете в адрес страховой компании письмо с заполненным бланком страховой декларации для того, чтобы продлить генеральный полис на сумму 10 тыс. долларов США. Попросите, чтобы Вам прислали еще несколько экземпляров деклараций, поскольку они у Вас закончились.

Ex.8. Roleplay

Card 1. Вы – представитель страховой компании. Вы должны ответить на вопросы клиента Вашей компании о порядке страхования грузов, о стоимости страховки, документах.

Card 2. Вы хотите застраховать товары. Вас интересует, в какую сумму обойдется страховка. Вы бы хотели знать, как оформить страховой полис и получить

Электронные ресурсы:

  1. http://www.twirpx.com/file/817129/
  2. http://studopedia.net/14_8404_INSURANCE-AND-RISKS.html
  3. http://universal_en_ru.academic.ru
  4. http://ebookandpdf.com/other/19945-principles-of-risk-management-and-insurance-12th.htm
  5. http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2015/05/22/5-life-insurance-types-to-know.aspx
  6. http://philologam.com/textes/1803-insurance-health-insurance-etc-strahovanie-medicinskoe-strahovanie-i-td.html

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